Anything to say, Yea Forums??

Anything to say, Yea Forums??

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i'm so sorry


>Dances with reddit

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Thank you for shutting down the colossal faggots called wimbledon crowd.

All hail the GOAT

As usual, the man with more hair comes out on top. I hope you are on dutasteride, lads.


what a boring player

tennis truly is finished

Stop bullying that pensioner.


No, fuck..

I hate him

For me Federer won


unironically this
>bounces ball 11 times
>never aces
>rallies for eternity
>bores the opponent to sleep for the point

Who honestly watches tennis?

I love NATO now


To be fair, getting your shit pushed by a senior citizen should not count as a win.

absolutely based

this man is too based

>implying your opinions or feelings matter

get fukt german

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Incredibly based

He is all time Top 3, undoubtedly.
Incredible how they all spawned around the same time.

IMAGINE zoomers playing the finals ....

All Serbs except Roki are faggots

TOP 2 you genocidal scum


Federer: Honest, outplays his opponent, good sport.
Jokevic: Deceitful, plays for attrition, wins sets on tiebreaker, bad sport.

Absolutely based and most definitely Croatian.

He plays like a Jew


No, Nadal still is above Djokovic, though Djokovic looks like he will overtake him.

never doubted you based nole

don't hate the player, hate the game, nigga

Good match but I wanted Federer to win.

Against literally the whole fucking world.
Still wins.
What a guy.



But is he a Good Boy?

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This final left me emotionally exhausted. I was really rooting for Roger. Any suggestion to cheer myself up Yea Forums?

He's a magnificent player. I just wish the match wasn't spoiled with the tiebreak, they should be forced to slug it out in the finals.


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>cant break his opponent
>need to win on tiebreaks
>literally cannot pull ahead unless it's a tiebreak

Nadal has like 13/18 GS on RG. He is one-dimensional

*breaks two championship points*

never doubted.

I dont think the GOAT would have less games than a 38 old boomer

Yeah Federar is over the hill.

go back to plebbit germ cuck

>longest match in history

The game went on for almost 5 hours. You wanna watch them play until the sun goes down and their arms fall off?

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>seething westerners


Nadal has a good H2H because he has the good fortune of having an uncle that forced him to play left-handed. He could return wide serves much easier from right-handed players and was able to abuse Federer's back-hand over and overe again because it was the only weak part of his game. On a slow surface like clay he dismantled serve and volley players because the pace was slowed down significantly. A prime Djokovic has more power and a better backhand than Nadal, and he would have ripped 2008 Nadal a new ass-hole if they met in that Wimbledon final.

wtf i was cheering for federer why did he lost..


I think in the end it will end up Nadal >Djoko>Fed in the slam count

>never aces
>he likes servebots

>Implying roidal’s knees won’t explode first

37 20
33 18
32 16


Literally yes

You would be, if you weren't unironically salivating over niggers playing APEBALL like the pathetic modern white american you are. Only really american whites appreciate Tennis, Golf, Hockey, & of course Baseball.

imagine being smug about beating a 40 year old at a sport

he is not stupid, this is the last year where he plays a non-clay Grand Slam at US Open.
From 2020 to 2026 he will only play clay season and Roland Garros, he still has no opponents there, as seen by the massacres he delivers to Thiem


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>Implying anyone will take him seriously if he surpasses Fed that way

I don't care about it, just want him to finish above Federer in slams, to see the seethe

please don't get the representation of brits as the fags in center court, those people don't even know what tennis is


100% based. I like them both though.

Jokerbitch is the least favourite in every tournament, not just Wimbledon you bitter mong
No matter how much he wins he will never be as liked. Deal with it

supporting nadal over federer is cringe

He finishes with 22-23

genuinely makes me embarrased to listen to our crowd.

nah, Federer and his wife are just super unlikeable to me, they have this attitude that all should bow to them.
I prefer Nadal of the three, but like Djokovic too, as long as one of them surpasses Fed I'm good.

shut up mutt

You can hate him that's all you can, but you can't beat him and you can't stop him from being THE GOAT. Keep seething cunts, you (britcucks), americans, germans don't have 1 good player so you adopted Fedcuck as one of yours and you fuckin failed ahaha!


Djoko may be good but he will never be better than Federer, cope.

also people say Djokovic is fake, but his heart is in the good place, he just wants to be liked and respected for what he achieved.
But Federer is even faker, and in a nasty way, he is a freaking nazi on the inside I just know it, and he lets it slips sometimes too, but pretends to be a classy gentleman.

The funny thing is, he will never be remembered as the GOAT though
People just love federer too much. Joker Bitch also won't be playing at a high level till 38
Deal with it

lol shut the fuck up serbshit. you're a shit country and shit at sports. jokerbitch will never be the GOAT

he still has a long way to go

absolute cope

cope harder britcuck

absolutely S E E T H I N G

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In many ways, Federer won that match.

Based and serbpilled

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many ways....except the only real way

face the fact you're unlikeable slav cunts and your doped up tennis player with no finesse will never be considered the GOAT except by you subhumans

>dances in spite of reddit

>being this mad over someone losing that isn't even from your country

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why did you stop posting in the cricket thread? because you exposed yourself as a retard and got BTFO lmao. get fucked ABE cunt

face that fact that you're ugly as sin abominations and that your sports """"culture""""" means collectively S E E T H I N G and not even having an ounce of respect, also a Brit talking about being unlikable lel

keep typing in english cuck. you have no sporting culture except being literal shit at everything. meanwhile we just won a world cup.

We are champions in almost every sport there is, while you just one the sport only poos play


we invented and have success in almost every sport. meanwhile you're a non-country with no history living off the glory of a flash in the pan doped up tennis player taking advantage of a weak era.

This. Glad those faggots got serbed

Cope harder tard, you regularly lose water polo, volleyball and basketball matches against us lel, a third world country of 7 million

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ah yes, non-sports only 5 people care about. trying to pretend these are relevant or at all popular here. talk about cope LMAO.

The seething and butthurt both for the sore winner and looser is magnificent. Kek

Do you think Federer beats his wife when he loses? She was kinda too desperate out there.

You lost against croatia, third world country with 4 million people

i aim to please. i don't even watch tennis lmao

I think she peggs him as punishment



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r u on the right board????

I was rooting for Pederer until I've heard British crowd acting like monkeys when Đoković was serving
t. casual

>white british natives are now a minority in london
>crowd is made up entirely of white british natives

confirmation that tennis is the ultimate pleb filter

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Where the FUCK are the young players? How can Federer get weak era taunts when NO ONE has appeared to supersede djokovic and Nadal?

zoommers = weakmind

there's actually a rumor in Switzerland that he has massive gay orgies in his glass mansion

>Anything to say, Yea Forums??

the next GOAT almost had the tournament in his bag, but he lost to the current GOAT

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I'm sorry but what sport is England actually any good at other then your absurd colonial era games like cricket, polo and netball. You're shit at footy, shit at rugby, shit at volleyball, basketball, tennis and every other sport with any actual global popularity.

Can't wait for him to overtake Roidal but then keep choking slams on 19.

England aren’t shit at football.


Looks like another zoomer soi faggot to me desu senpai


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they're good at getting raped by muslims, if that counts as a sport

Except cricket,the snorefest of a sport played by you and a couole of nations that,despite their numbers have almost no presence in other sports?
What did you mongrels actualy win lately?

serbs make every1 seethe whats new

look at this doood lmao

>Comes from a country created by two paki infested shitholes
>Is slowly becoming a paki infested shithole
>Is getting a bunch of commieshitter millenials and zoomers from the US too
>thinks he has any right to talk about the state of other countries.

Good one, leafcuck.

>loses to western catholic serbs in the semifinals

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You are an absolute wall, may the Djoker of """peace""" be with you

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As a serb,I enjoyed that thoroughly.
If only they could've dunked on france.

Ah, the tears of seethers

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no matter how many slams you win you fucking asshole federer will always be considered the goat.
ps. nobody likes you

I like both of them and I enjoyed watching a great match.

*insults the crowd in serbian*

>gluten free diet
>suddenly starts winning
so what kind of ped is he on?

>beating an 37yo almost retired player
wow that's almost like hamilton beating schumacher in a gran prix


Unfortunately this is true. You mountain Jews have concocted some sort of PR magic around Frauderror

i don't care about either, but the state off the sport is pretty sad when there is no good under 25 player that can compete, and it's not because federer is plaing better than he was 10 years ago

Did you watch the game? Fed looked like in his prime. He played really well, that dumb stereotype of an old player does not apply to Fed.

Stop posting Roger

>non-sports only 5 people care about
Why are you talking about cricket

Let's be honest, people who still cling to Federer still being the GOAT are Yea Forums's equivalent of retro nostalgiafags. They miss their good ol' days rivalry of Federer-Nadal, and can't admit the new boy in town is better than both..