yeah I'm thinking we're back edition
Other urls found in this thread:
whatcha thingken bout grug
Finally a rumor of Haller to BVB.
Haller? Is'n Knaller!
>150m net invest
so where are they getting all their money from?
it's Knallèe
>we’re not buying the league at all guys
>FC Arsenal bietet Rekordsumme für Lilles Pépé
another one bites the dust
Just saving him from getting poached by Westham
>forgot to do my shopping yesterday
>literally starving rn
remind me why we have this rule again
Diallo 40m
Toprak 8m
Rode 4m
Schürrle 8m
Guerreiro 20m
Kagawa 8m
Phillip 20m
>no city supermarket
eat shit (literally) dorftrottel
because people don't want to work on sundays
>going into the season with 2 and a half CBs
Akanji, Dummels, Zagadou, Balerdi, (Weigl)
seems good enough to me. I'd rather keep Diallo and not buy Haller though.
Obviously it would have been better to not buy Hummels and keep Diallo. But if they splashed out €15m for Balerdi he better be good and there's no need to keep all CBs now.
>switch on telly
>ZDF Fernsehngarten
>tfw wichsvorlage for 70 years old coots
and >we all have to pay zwangsgebühren for this crap
I'd say there is because Schulz and Hakimi are made for a Dr0erkette
and better not forget to pay or it's 8€ Säumniszuschlag
Pulisic, Aubameyang, Dembele... They still had some cash over from those transfers. Now they essentially ran out. Haller would only be possible, if BVB sells Guerreiro, Rode, Toprak...
>get shat on constantly by Buyern buying up the league
>decide to go the same way, since thats a guarantee of success within the league
post yfw
yeah because now Buyern are literally left without any players to buy. if Brandt, Hazard and Schulz were still on the market now you better believe that Ulrich would have sent them the Geldkoffer by now.
>„Marca“: James vor Wechsel zu Atlético – Real-Profi bevorzugt Madrid statt Neapel
wait a second! did they just assume the foxes gender?
oh shit, now they triggered the tranny furry crowd.
>normies don't know about furries
Martin Harnik confirmed for joining Bayern
>15 weibliche Abgeordnete von CDU, SPD, FDP und Grünen
AfD undefeated
>there is no altparteienkartell
>it's just a crazy conspiracy theory, göy
>he thinks Bayern won't sign a granate and that someone else will win the league
Really guise
geh halt zum döner haha
this isn’t sports
Waf if pafirt
>Ich finde nicht, dass man da jetzt irgendwas reininterpretieren kann, dass Sané ein Bild vom Training gepostet hat und er mit nach Asien fliegt, es ist ja nun mal gerade noch sein aktueller Verein wo er einen Vertrag hat.
>Und Rumenigge klang so optimistisch dass ich mir schon sehr gut vorstellen kann, dass wir gerade über einen Transfer mit City verhandeln und Sané sich für uns entschieden hat.
>Er wäre ja niemals so optimistisch, wenn er uns abgesagt hätte und genauso wenig, wenn Sané noch nichts signalisiert hätte. Das wäre ja ziemlich dumm zu sagen wir sind bereit und einen Tag später sagt er uns ab.
why are transfermarkt forum bauern so absoultely retarded lads. the hubris of these guys...
some breweries has pic related as new advertisement. apparently that’s SEXISM so 15 female politicians from 4 partie wrote a sternly worded letter to the brewery. ceo said wtf is wrong with you. the end. it’s a typical silly season story, because it’s summer and nothing to report. but /deutsch/virgins and crossposting /pol/erinas here think it’s le ebin story
This. Fucking poltards talking bad about based left wing politicians.
nice bait /deutsch/baby
have sex
Nice reddit post, redditor.
have sex tho
>/pol/hartzer posting off topic garbage again
fuck off
let’s talk about BAYERN und GRANATEN
apparently bayern is willing improve their offer for Odoi, now 35 mio.
wtf for an injured 18 yo with torn achilles
You have to go back.
nah, you have to have sex tho.
at least once.
it’s embarassing, really.
i will never understand how you get so triggered by "offtopic" posts. its not like such posts make the rest invisible.
Sex. Have it.
le ebin trump comeback!
awoooooo and maga to you, fellow centipede! let’s own these libs! xD
based AND redpilled
fuck obviously meant for sorry
lose weight
You can delete posts and correct your mistake in a new post
Imagine being this dumb and new.
Lose height.
Oh shi— Dutch will literally never recover
imagine not having sex
Any news on the Granaten yet?
sané plus pepe for 135 mio
are there really 2 amis here?
no he's samefagging using his phone
Lose height. Have sex.
>muh epic new meme
When does your summer break end?
I mean, at least Dortmund pays something for their players, even if it’s not much. This transfer window has confirmed my impression that Bayern just wait for contracts to run out.
Do you ever meet someone irl and wonder whether they've talked to you on the internet before?
have sex
>going outside and meeting people
lmao nice bait
Yeah. I mean with Goretzka last season it was already pretty obvious. Werner next.
and that doesn’t really help in persuading talented prospects to come. bayerns a shit show atm
Uli is based
And Nubel too.
ricenigger here
Why are kraut managers so stupid?
Forgot about him.
Its just bad business.
why did anyone hire him? He has failed everywhere he was.
hello matt from ohio teaching english for scraps.
how’s you’re japan experience? underwhelming and not like your mangas, am i right?
No, it's pretty good
You sound jealous.
you forgot your vpn
(i know your just pretending to be that guy, lmao)
Nice Dubs
Ferret caca
have you heard of Jacob Italiano?
wasn't there a Japanese guy 3 weeks ago that told us how great Fink was doing?
Let's face it, the guy is a fraud who hasn’t lastingly improved a single club he's managed
7th place with hsv 2012/13 is pretty good.
Its just mass delusion. They simply dont get that the only reason a player like Lewy is at Bayern is because he gets paid ALOT and he gets treated like the star player. They dont understand that any elite player would much rather play for a top 6 English team than for Bayern. Players like Süle join Bayern, because undoubtedly it gives them a callup to the N11, since Löw doesnt nominate non-Bayern players. Sané got rejected by Löw for the WC and now hes arguably the most important player for German football in the next 10 years. Despite not playing for Bayern.
At the end of the day, club reputation/prestige/salary aside, why would any smart player (or well advised) go to a club, where 2 club legends just retired and the entire pressure to perform is on your shoulders, if you are playing under Pep regularly?
>Mirror: Sané bleibt bei City
13.55 Uhr: Schlechte Nachrichten für alle Bayern-Fans. Wie der englische "Mirror" berichtet, soll Leroy Sané seinem Verein Manchester City bereits mitgeteilt haben, dass er keine Absichten habe, zum FC Bayern München wechseln zu wollen.
Die Citizens möchten den Vertrag des 23 Jahre alten Flügelstürmers nun verlängern - und sein Gehalt mehr als verdoppeln.
>Uli: ey Sané, do you like Bratwurst?
>Uli: they are small and black, my son makes them in Nuremberg
>Sané: You are a sick old man Uli!
>Sané: never call me again
Ich bin froh wenn es so kommt, finde Sane nicht schlecht, aber er hat auch nicht dieses gewisse extra, wäre er nicht Deutsch, deine ich eher weniger das wir darüber reden würden, für solche Summen vor allem.
t. Dr_Fuego
Beiträge: 737
Gute Beiträge: 15 / 12
Mitglied seit: 26.11.2018
I'm convinced most Bayern fans are delusional retards. They still think they are getting Hudson-Odoi ffs.
transfermarkt forum original quote:
they must have bought CHO because if no he would have already extended his contract with chelsea, i’m counting on a reveal next week.
Kek, Germans really are so funny
daaaaaamn, where the fucks my nigger schürrle??
How do they not see he's using Bayern's interest to get a huge contract from Chelsea?
He might have been ready to leave in January but, now him and his family are using Bayern for leverage.
From what I saw last season he's not even worth that much, performed against Europa league fodder teams and Championship level teams, didn't really show up in the PL.
very true.
i think sané is doing the same.
bayern are absolute delusional cucks this transfer window.
>From what I saw last season he's not even worth that much
ey, look at this vid my dude he’s great! look at those 2 completed dribbles and disregard the 95% other dribbles where the vid cuts off before he fails.
this was posted on tm to prove how good cho is and that he is at least worth 45 mio
You were warned
Why hire a man who managed to get Grasshoppers relegated?
should have gone for Jacob Italiano
>be Schwaben
>can't handle money
>be rich Southerners/Wessis literally drowning in cash bc BaWü is unironically the richest Bundesland that always gets every bonus the DFB-Mafia can think of
>hurr durr huge net loss
wait for them to crash and burn in /2ndbundes/ and walk along the road of Kaiserslautern
Goals against
>Dynamo Kiev
>Sheffield Wednesday
Of which I remember a couple being because of weak wristed GK's.
I'm a Chelsea fan but, the hype around him is too crazy, I fear he'll wind up being another Musonda.
the mangler of malmo
the destroyer of dynamo
the puncher of PAOK
the sexoffender of sheffield
>Gosens down to 43
Still, I have a feeling, that this might just be our year.
do you rate him?
post realistic, REALISTIC, bayern transfers this season
schürrle (not a joke)
Realistic in terms of "what Bayern should and can get"?
Realistic in terms of "what Bayern will get":
very based and realismpilled post
>This is what retarded shareholders actually believe
Pic related: you
>Finde es ganz interessant, dass jetzt wieder neue Gerüchte zu einem CHO-Angebot aufkommen. Vielleicht hat man auch eine Zusage von Sané bekommen und jetzt macht man sich an den zweiten Transfer für die Offensive.
>i find it pretty interesting that new rumours regarding a CHO ofer are bubbling up. Perhaps they have got the confirmation from Sané and they are getting to work on the second transfer for the offense
why the FUCK are tm bauern this delusional?
it’s way more realistic that sané said fuck you and they are now in full blown panic mode throwing 50 mio at an 18 yo with torn achilles
wtf?? dortmund snubbed bayern and got Sané??
enlighten us! what will bayern have at the end of the transfer window?
Reus and Sancho
here’s your (you)
I think CHO is about ego. They want to get him, because they want to show the world they can get any player they want (as Uli claimed many times).
Sané would actually be the dream solution for Bayern, which why if it doesnt work out it will be hilarious.
watch them praising Gnabry as the hottest shit next week kek
Ziyech and some other player none of the big clubs want.
Draxler #Weltmeister
but what good s CHO for bayern?
he has a torn achilles since april, he will be out for the whole Hinrunde at least. probably longer. Then he has t find his place in the team etc.
bayern needs new players now, stante pede. if i was a bauern fan i wouldn’t stand there and clap for a cho transfer, i would be furious over the sheer incompetence of rolexrumme, unterschlagungsulli and that praktikant playing big boi sportchef
should get großkreutz at well! #weltmeisterbuddies
Vor allem gratuliere ich dann Sané zu einem weiteren verschenkten Jahr. Guardiola setzt nicht auf ihn und das wird sich mit neuen Leuten bei City die sicher noch kommen nicht ändern.
based tm bauern
Giga butthurt
>Wenn Sane abgesagt hätte warum sollte man das nicht kommunizieren? Macht für mich nicht so viel Sinn.Es weiß doch eh jeder das wir neue Winger verpflichten wollen,da nutzt ein Schweigen nicht viel. Glaube dann doch eher das wir das Ok bekommen haben und es jetzt ans verhandeln geht mit ihm/ oder City
>google translate: If Sane canceled, why not communicate that? It does not make much sense to me. Everybody knows that we want to buy a new winger, so a silence does not help much. much rather i believe that we have gotten the Ok and are now negotiating with him / or City
based based based based based
or delusional?
>Guardiola setzt nicht auf ihn
>played more minutes than Coman or Gnabry and got twice the scorers in a much more competitive league
>Bauern unironically thought that a player would leave Pep and the EPL for Kovac and the bundes
let that sink in for a moment
inSANÉ in the membrane
This really is a bizarre transfer window. Dortmund got 3 amazing players for 75 combined within 6 days in June. Meanwhile Bayern is offering 50 million for a poor-man's Nelson/Foden (with severe Achilles-heel damage and 1 year on his contract left without having played a single full EPL game) and might still not get him. Meanwhile the best German player since Reus doesnt want to go to Bayern.
what are bundes?
25€ a piece?? Wtf that's cheap
Anzeigen sind raus, Freunde der Nacht. Wir sehen uns vorm Amtsgericht München.
not one with stallgeruch or miasanmia mentality
bayern dodged three bullets there.
sané and dembele on the other hand: miasanmia incarnate
kek, if there was ANY sign of Sané wanting to leave, it would be all over Bild right now. as if a bling bling tard like him could keep it a secret.
Not to mention he was supposed to "think about it" during his holiday and make a decision. He got back a few days ago, shows up to pre-season training and even posts about it on insta.
I still think Bayern could get him, but if they could have already, they would have.
Dembele at Bayern would unironically be the greatest thing to happen to the BL since Luca Toni/Ribery joined. Some Balotelli-tier shit would happen every week.
Eure hinterfotzigen postings sind gerade bei mir im 3D-Drucker, ihr werdet eure Worte noch fressen, wenn hier Sané und Dembele aufschlagen. Und den Havertz holen wir auch noch.
>I still think Bayern could get him, but if they could have already, they would have.
What did he mean by this
Just ask him, arent you two sharing a pc in Austria`s technology centre?
Why cant the schluchtensheißer just fuck off? Its always talking about the bauern and i dont want to read 60 transfer updates about them every day
what else do you want to read?
bauern talk is better than off topic /deutsch/ garbage
Especially since there is literally nothing to update.
schalke leading 1-0 against the mighty SG Wattenscheid 09 at the moment
Halt einfach mal die fiese Schnauze, du Neger.
have sex
it’s not even wattenscheid it’s taauswahl. bottrop
have sex, virgin
apparently that was yesterday, my bad
Please stop posting about Bayern.
>city buying entire rival clubs
why is this aloud??!
>Nach Sicht von Manchesterevening hat Everton ein Angebot von City erhalten
>- Everton ist Ersatz für Sane
>- Das bedeutet, der FCB hat sich wahrscheinlich mit Sane und City geeinigt
>- Die Vertragsverhandlungen sollen Ende der Woche wahrscheinlich abgeschlossen sein
>->Sane ist wahrscheinlich in einer Woche beim FCB
>mfw still no granaten
where are basel getting all this money from?
Nazi gold.
nazi gold
Nazi gold
basel? Ow0
Sahne is literally going on the Asia trip with City.
Honey Gold
nooooooooooooooooo think of the family friendly ads! who's supposed to pay the janitor now.
that doesn’t mean anything. he clearly is going to bayern afterwards.
in other news water is wet
racism outside Yea Forums! shame on you
>/pol/ösi banned
based mods
have sex
>ded austrian
and the sun comes out, and europe is at peace
based and jacob italianopilled
haive sex
>the city of Stuttgart
Based. Is this really Wurstuli?
>the domino wasn't hazard, de ligt, neymar, or felix but harry maguire
top kek!
not clicking kohlchan links pls summarise the webm
early footage of FC Bayern physical therapy
real summary pls
>José Mourinho lernt Deutsch: Star-Trainer flirtet mit der Bundesliga
>Dirtmund ripping off the feeder clubs
at least they're not pulling the Geldkoffer move like Buyern have with Werner.
Mourinho to >Schalke?
not one of them was a rip off
all were pretty expensive tb h
kovac gone in the winterpause confirmed
better than leverkusen
What happened to them? Lost to farmers?
at getting relegated maybe
> s c h a l k e
lost to farmers TWICE
0:1 against some dutch shitters (sittard)
and 3:4 against KAS Eupen
Was man Sane bieten kann ? Eine junge Mannschaft mit sehr viel Potenzial die vielleicht nicht diese aber ab 2020 mit einem hoffentlich neuen Trainer wieder ganz oben angreifen kann. Bis auf Neuer und Lewy die beide über 30 sind und Thiago und Alaba die 27-28 sind, wäre das Gerüst . Er wäre im Verein als auch in der N11 mit Leute wie Kimmich, Süle, Gnabry, Goretzka, Werner, vielleicht Nübel und hoffentlich Havertz das neue Gesicht. Dazu die jungen Franzosen usw.
Sollte Bayern mal wieder der große Wurf gelingen, dann könnte er als Gesicht der Mannschaft die großen individuellen Trophäen abstauben.
Gehalt dürfte er would ungefähr das selbe wie bei uns verdienen.
Klar Pep ist wohl 1000 mal besser als Kovac aber keiner weiß wie lange die beiden bei ihren Vereinen bleiben.
Also Ja es gibt viele Punkte pro City aber bei uns kann er eine Legende werden.
What can you offer Sane? A young team with a lot of potential who may not be able to attack them from 2020 with a hopefully new coach again at the top. Except for Neuer and Lewy who are both over 30 and Thiago and Alaba are the 27-28, that would be the scaffolding. He would be in the club as well as in the N11 with people like Kimmich, Süle, Gnabry, Goretzka, Werner, maybe Nübel and hopefully Havertz the new face. In addition the young Frenchmen etc.
Should Bayern once again succeed in the big throw, then he could dust off the big individual trophies as the face of the team.
Salary he would probably earn about the same as ours.
Clear Pep is probably 1000 times better than Kovac but nobody knows how long they stay with their clubs.
So yes there are many points per city but we can become a legend here.
just stop the delusionals sané and dembélé talks, it's not happening.
you’ll see
how about Ziyech instead?
he doesn't have the mia san mia mentality
who does?
Hans jorg butt
nearly as funny a name as jacob italiano
> Hoppla wo bin ich denn da reingerutscht
LMAO isn't that cp?
maguire to united
van drongelen to leicester
lukas mai +money for holtby (der granaten)
>Bosz thought Diaby can play the playmaker role
jesus christ, might as well play Bailey there if you want a nigger to fill in a high IQ position.
almost as funny as Marco Rose thinking Embolo can play the 8 or 10.
livestream of wien - glubb if someones interested
Lell, Ottl, Rensing, Weiser, Butt, Breno...
>meaningless Rapid friendly in public tv
stay classy ORF aka Offizieller Rapidfunk
probably the sommerloch
Weiser *sips* now that's a forgotten meme
watching the tennis btw
bazi gold
transfer market is open for several weeks, virgins. of course the Bayern will come up with some fantastic player.
>of course the Bayern will come up with some fantastic player.
me too
>actual atmosphere at a test game
>fifa 19 on sport1
is there really no other worthwhile sport happening they could show?
>Mit Paris Saint-Germain war Abdou Diallo (23) unlängst bereits in Verbindung gebracht worden, laut der französischen Sportzeitung "L'Equipe" steht der Wechsel des BVB-Innenverteidigers zu PSG nun kurz bevor. Demnach will der französische Meister den Wechsel schnell über die Bühne bringen. Die Ablösesumme soll bei rund 32 Millionen Euro liegen. Vergangenen Sommer war Diallo für 28 Millionen Euro von Mainz nach Dortmund gewechselt.
This seems weird. Must have a shit character otherwise I don't really see why they would sell him so quickly.
this thread is crap and everyone posting is a giant faggot
(jt excluded)
Small Fun Fact: just on Facebook from Bayern, the squad for the USA tour was presented, while all professionals were sorted by their jersey numbers and listed, only Davies not, who stands between Müller and Ulreich. Does that mean that they keep the 19 free for Sane?
7 an 10 are also free
/bundes/ on suicide watch
>Een meer haalbare optie voor Bayern is Hakim Ziyech, die ongeveer 30 miljoen euro zou kosten. Volgens SportBild heeft de technische directeur van de Duitse club Hasan Salihamidzic, de zaakwaarnemer van Ziyech, Mustapha Nakhli, ontmoet om een transfer te bespreken.
wtf you said he doesn’t have miasanmia
>come to bayern, you'll have the 19 number
that’s not what those delusional tm bauern told me!
it’s definetly happening!
*dabs on /bundes/*
street fighter is dead
Switched to Hot oder Schrott - Die Allestester. Fifa is really boring to watch.
only /bundes/
Uh no it's the most popular fighitng game.
I really hope he doesnt leave. I think he just wants to play and Hummels showing up threatens his idea. He did spend 90% of last season playing as a fullback. The games where Dortmund was solid in back, was when he played as a CB.
>the most popular fighitng game
That's like being the most popular rts. Both genres are dead.
yes but 5 is fucking shit
he's clearly their best CB imo.
2 weeks until best bundes starts again and based HSV will start their legendary 34 wins season.
>2 weeks until best bundes starts again and based HSV II will start their legendary 34 wins season.
They can afford a second team?
bauern fans are actually utterly retarded and delusional
I really like Akanji, since he has a 150 IQ and despite not being a monster like Zagadou does really well. The problem is that Akanji was injured for 5 months or so. Im actually not completely convinced about Hummels joining.
I'm still traumatized by his blunder against bremen desu
Even Hummels in his prime fucked up sometimes. Perfect defenders like vanDijk are 1 a generation.
Virgil is a Matip babby
^woke af
there were enough fuck ups by everybody last season that one can’t single out one player that cost bvb the season.
my trauma is still the utter trash defending against corners and free kicks and the lack of improvement in that department. as if they never trained that shit.
>Sané to take over the number 10
I can see this happening
Based Djokovic
djokovic won
sky commentators say
>das beste finale aller zeiten
>watching tennis
yawn and gaypilled
only watched the last 15 minutes and they were pretty kino uezs
The 5th set was pure kino but the first four were meh
your still gay
>scores own goal vs Gnabry
Das Davies zwischen Müller und Ulreich gesetzt wird, aber der Rest nach Trikotnummer sortiert wird ist tatsächlich interessant!
final game was unironically fucking based
how can wymyn even compete?
they don’t they have their own tournament, there is no mixed singles, dumbo
>pyro in a friendly
pretty based ngl
nobody cares
Meinten Sie „Set"
no i meant the whole game, as in the whole final
Then you meant match, dummkopf
he cucked lewa out of a tap-in, based imo
Schade, das Niveau hier nähert sich, wie es auch in diesem Beitrag sichtbar wird, immer mehr dem von anderen Plattformen. Zum Thema, wenn Bayern ihn kauft ist es gut, wenn nicht aber auch, denke auch, dass Brazzo das irgendwann einsieht, aber wer weiß denn, wie er sich von seiner schweren Verletzung erhohlt... Und hier wird der Herandeztransfer lächerlich gemacht, dann bitte ich aber wenn er einschlägt, wovon ich fest ausgehe, sich hier nicht wie ein Fähnchen im Wind zu drehen und Abbitte zu leisten. Im Endeffekt wird man ja sehen, wer hier zu letzt lacht, aber wenn ich hier die ein oder andere Meinung sehe, muss ich mich als Bayernfan wohl um die EL-Quali sorgen und auch das Erreichen des Achtelfinales in der CL ist sehr unwahrscheinlich... Statt hier mal zu verstehen, dass immer noch eineinhalb Monate Zeit wären, um sich zu verstärken wird hier jetzt schon der Teufel an die Wand gemalt. Ich denke selber, dass Hudson-Odoi verlängern wird, und Bayern das Geld stattdessen in Bergwijn + X investiert, und dann wird man ab August sehen, wie schlecht Bayerns Transferpolitik doch ist.
leider ist es die Realität.
Und genau wegen dieser Realität, werden solche Spieler nie nach München wechseln.
Der FC Bayern ist für Spieler wie Sané, Dembele etc. auch zu konservativ. Dieses Mia San Mia juckt doch heutzutage fast niemanden mehr.
Die Fußballer sind Söldner, bis auf wenige Ausnahmen, gehen die dorthin wo das dickste Geld winkt, der Lifestyle am extravagantesten ist und die Bühne für die eigene Marke am besten geeignet ist.
Die Fußballromantik, wie sie von Hoeneß propagiert wird, wirkt doch für keinen Spieler als großer Pluspunkt. Da der FCB nun an Prestige eingebüßt hat, wird es auch zukünftig immer schwerer selbst Spieler aus dem 2. Regal zu überzeugen.
Das soll keine Provokation sein, sondern eine nüchterne Betrachtung der Lage.
bit rude, I believe Basel still has quite a lot of prestige
The meta is really getting worse and worse. Deutsch posting is already horrible and now it's /pol/ deutsch posting + copy pasting transfermarkt posts... I mean come on...
>proceeds to copy paste every single news article he reads about Bayern
>watching tennis
but they don’t have Jacob Italiano
I really really hate buyern
/deutsch/ posting, /pol/ posting, i’m on your side.
but tm post posting is based
Only five days of work until my Urlaub. And then I'm going to funpost this place into oblivion.
it is still summer, what do you expect
maybe if 2 or so namefags died in Wurst induziert accident and weren't crossboarding redditer faggots we may have been able to do something about it.
Just a thought
>spending your urlaub on 4channel
yikes and sadpilled
literally me but urlaub is still months away >_
2nd bundes starts in less than two weeks btw
the man with the funniest name
like clockwork
your own fault
>watching women's football
>When I dont post Bayern rumors and updates, the thread is 99% shitposts and offtopic
why is this guy’s name so fucking funny!!
>it's not good when the thread is 99% shitposts and offtopic
therefore post bayern shit!
thought i was going on holiday tomorrow but it turns out its next monday, ugh fml
notice the page number dummy
*stares into your soul*
you could also just not be a faggot and not sage it you know
Unironically sauce to this? Or link to the thread?
here is your you
>2nd Bundes club in third place
freiburg is probably so much liked because of the proximity to switzerland and all the swiss players who played for them - understandable
Ugh.. Denmark-tier post
kek had to check the flag twice, too
you dont like freiburg?
I do
Almost studied there btw
an even better idea would have been to study in fribourg
Por quoi
because its a very comfy city and you would have been in switzerland instead of germany. also you could have learnt french and german at the same time. i dont know if youre into furpuck but they have a very likeable team
and from above
looks boring 2/10 would not visit
indeed very picturesque
its the kind of city you want to spend 2 or 3 nights. its easy to explore on foot. but yes, i wouldnt want to live there because it gets boring quick. the uni is a bunter mix from the whole of switzerland because its easier to get in so maybe the studi life is nice but i wouldnt know about that. i only went as "tourist"
>I will never ever be European