is Yea Forums a shawn johnson board?
Is Yea Forums a shawn johnson board?
Yea Forums poster girl during its infancy, then McKayla Maroney stepped up in 2012. Sadly nobody from the 2016 Olympic gymnastics team was particularly memorable.
why didn't you like nastia?
Tbqh don't even remember anything about her.
Also, Mustafina all day for non-Americans.
got any shawn memes, god?
Ok seriously are you guys actually into this sport or do you just like little kids in tight outfits?
Simone Biles
where do you think we are
for me it's fat shawn johnson
been through too many computers since then, they're all lost
bitch looks like one of those troll dolls.
>Sadly nobody from the 2016 Olympic gymnastics team was particularly memorable.
For me, it's Lois Toulson.
I loved how perky she was when she walked
Nadia Comăneci or GTFO
I'd pop her taco
also she was GOAT
For reference, here's Nadia in her 50's.
Why do women whore out at even the slightest provocation
She probably never thought twice about it. Someone proposed it, then "Sure!"
based and ortegapilled