Is your team’s backup QB based and redpilled?

Is your team’s backup QB based and redpilled?

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>american education

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Legitimate question though
I'm sure millions will be educated by the answers

amerimutt college ""education"" was a mistake

>Hurt durr me is amurican me not knowing simble phisics hurrr durr ooga booga

If the outer space is cold, how is the sun hot?

>the absolute state of Garrett

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Lots of big brains ITT.

But explain it without using google or other cheating tools.

there is nothing in space to heat it up, there is no atmosphere

They can't. He's retard but so are 99.8% of the posters here, at least the nog is a success

How are you 37 when it's -10 out?

>Legitimate question though
sure is.
for elementary school.

this is a dumb meme from barstool sports. move along folks.

You know he's trolling right? His Twitter replies are Ken M-level.

Because there's not much in space that can absorb the suns energy.

how can ice be cold but sand so hot


depends what he means exactly? temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of matter of the system. space isn't made of matter so the question is meaningless.

i guess he is asking why the temperature of objects in deep space is so low (interstellar gas maybe?). it is because the objects lose some kinetic energy emitting photons (this phenomena is called black body radiation) and without absorbing photons to compensate, the temperature will continually decrease to near 0.

the plasma of the sun absorbs quite a lot of radiation from the core, where photons are a byproduct of nuclear fusion.

how does space even exist if we don't exist?

How does consciousness lapse itself when our existence ceases? Does consciousness bot pre-occupy some measurable level of metaphysical matter?

No but you should have a measurable level of sex

>space isn't made of matter

Space is a (near) vacuum, temperature is really just a measurement of the movement of the particles in a system, as there's barely any particles present there isn't anything to "heat up".

You would still burn from the power of the sun though if you were near enough as your body does have particles to heat up. The half of your body facing the sun would burn whilst the half facing away would instantly freeze if you were at the right distance

Technically space is neither hot nor cold since it's a vacuum, so there is no matter to take heat away from hot things

two or three atoms per cubic meter of space doesn't really count as being made of matter

Also an easier way to explain it is just simply using the formula:


pressure x volume = moles of gas x gas constant x Temperature

Very very low pressure and volume, so temperature is very very low too

Black people want to be so counter European that they make themselves look stupid by their "wokeness"

They dont realize they make themselves look like jokes by trying to act smart with it.

dark energy and dark matter compose most of the 'stuff' that exists in the universe, so where are these things hiding if not in space itself you absolute brainlets?

In your mom's galactically fat ass, nigger.

They are anti-matter, not matter and don't interact with photons, assuming they actually exist

God made it that way

Space is a vacuum, therefore there's nothing in it that can absorb energy and therefore heat.
Celestial bodies that are mostly composed of gasses and other molecules have their surface temperatures determined by their position to the sun depending on what the chemical composition of the celestial body is and the overall heat absorption relative to geographic position. Heat can travel through a vacuum easy as there's no matter to disturb unlike when heat is transferred through the atmosphere or through water.
So space is inherently absolute zero since there's nothing there to absorb heat.

It's all Americans.

Look how widespread things like climate change denial and creationism are across America, pretending they are just black problems is retarded

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>space and time are the same thing
>energy and mass are the same thing
>spend many years and nearly a billion dollars to take a """""picture""""" of a black hole that's just a blurry orange splotch

any kind of science that deals with space is a meme

If I am hot how come tfw no gf

Only if you have a babby tier understanding of the subject and get your quotes from twitter accounts and breitbart

people that have spent their entire lives studying this stuff have baby tier understandings of what it means. ask them and they'll flat out tell you they don't know

100% meme

Atheists BTFO

It's not actually absolute zero since it can't be a perfect vacuum thanks to virtual particles and other quantum physics malarkey I won't pretend to understand

The Earth only isn't cold like space because there's actually stuff here to be heated up. Air molecules, water, the rocks themselves, etc. There's some particle there which can receive the trans of heat energy from the sun. There's "nothing" in open space - there can be as few as 1,000 particles per cubic meter in open space, where as there's literally millions upon millions of particles in just your finger.

That's why space isn't hot - there's relatively nothing to heat up.

If climate change is real why is my body temp still 98.6 degrees fare in height?

Climate change only affects those using non-retarded units


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He's literally just fucking around, just look at his other tweets from the past week

Outer space isn’t cold. The temperature of space near earths orbit is 50f (10c). However since convection is virtually non existent, it’s not guaranteed that that it will be that temperature - it is dependent on the objects radiation. So the Apollo spacecraft was designed to radiate more energy away (keeping itself cool) because of the heat being generated on the spacecraft from mostly electric use.

Explain vacuum?

It's so hot that it actually feels cold

I know that's what mommy uses to clean my cheeto mess

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Does the temperature decrease if you're on earth's shadow? I assume the temperature you're talking about is the result of the sun heating up the spacecraft and not the ambient temperature being 50f


>the sun is hot becuase it's on fire
>space is cold because it's not on fire
ffs it's not that complicated

>necro’ing a blatant shitpost thread
Fuck you. You’re probably OP.

Well that explains why he was the only QB to look like shit in 20 years of that Patriots system
Having a copy of the opponent's playbook means nothing if you can't read

How can one thing be one way but a different thing be different?


You can't even spell atmosphere

Dude space magic

Considering the absolute dogshit surrounding him and the circumstances, Jacoby did really well the year Luck was dead so yeah he's pretty based.

I’m biased as a clotsfag but I think he’s the best backup in the league outside of Fitzmagic. Better than Tannehill and Bortlels for sure.

>be stupid
>try to educate yourself
>get laughed at
Unbased desu

Heat is a property of motion and matter. Empty space can't be hot

than nthe question...

the universe is very vast huge wide expansive...there is not way one sun can heat an entire did I do

So my hot oven is cold when nothing is in it?

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>Flanders is the 66th post and 6th image ITT
>Flanders is canonically satan
Now THIS is based and redpilled

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earth is flat

>muh breitbart out of nowhere
You have issues

we never went to the moon and never will

The retarded thing is that he could have typed pretty much the same thing in Google and gotten the answer.
Putting it in any for of social media implies that he thinks it's a nuanced question/statement that he needs to broadcast.
Retarded nigger.

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holy mother of based

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This man has started for the New England Patriots during a Championship Season. Show some respect.

actually true lol
cant believe theres legitimate retards who still believe we put a man on the moon

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>we "put a man on the moon" in the 60s with the technology of a potato
>casually never ever again after the cold war with all the fucking technology that we have now
Realistically at this point we should have astronauts carrying 4k cameras and taking selfies with the earth as background and shit. I do not believe a single thing about it and I'm almost inclined to believe we're living in a very elaborate lie where there's no outer space or anything and we're just being tested

>I'm almost inclined to believe we're living in a very elaborate lie
this is almost certain
>where there's no outer space or anything and we're just being tested
absolutely possible

This shit is suspicious as fuck. Conciousness, dreams, the million of years that we've supposedly spent here with little to no advances whatsoever and now that you're here suddenly we're dope and making gigantic leaps in less than a decade
Hey if the masters of this ruse are reading this, throw some money at me will you, I'm having the shittiest life over here

>Yea Forums - Sports

If the sun is a ball of fire, and fire needs oxygen to burn, and there's no oxygen in space...
Checkmate atheists

Then why is it cold when there is nothing to be cold aswell.

>be /pol/tard
>be /pol/tarded
Okay here's a question for you: If Mercury is closer to the Sun than Venus, how come Venus is hotter?

Jacoby Brissett is a professional athlete.