Irrelevant sports only

Empty seats for a semifinal world cup game

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Is this the sport they have tea breaks?

Lose weight

England's a strange place. Our semi final was sold out last world cup and Australia regularly sells out 90k stadiums. It seems that only football and international Rugby sell out there


More people would have seen this than your Superbowl

All the Indians bought tickets and then weren't allowed to re-sell them

there were 600k applicants for the semis lol
the problem is the team that everyone thought was playing there didnt end up playing because south africa cucked >us

Poos and Pakis aren't people m8

neither are americans lad

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>corporate tickets
>Indians buying tickets then not showing up through butthurt

the game sold out, the problem is arrogant indians bought tickets for the wrong semi. danger of the same thing happening with the final, kiwi and english fans are desperately trying to get tickets. the crowd filled out nicely towards the end though.

It’s pretty irrelevant in England, I don’t like saying that because I like cricket but it’s true. It’s fairly popular with boomers in rural middle England and in then in certain pockets of the country like Yorkshire, and it will always be a big sport at private schools; but overall it feels like a dead sport. If I look at the WhatsApp/Facebook groups I’m a part of a lot of people mentioned the women’s football World Cup but no one has mentioned the cricket World Cup once.

Blame ECB selling the rights to Sky. No one knows cricket is on and cricket is fundamentally better as a social event than anything else. Not being in the public eye will kill it for 90% of people who just casually have it on in the background to follow the score.
Even though we're "cricket mad" here I guarantee if test cricket wasn't on free tv no one would give a flying fuck about it.

I don’t care what anyone says

Cricket >>>>>>>>> baseball

ECB selling all rights to sky had created a generation that doesn't know anything about the sport. one of the best test series in the history of the game, probs top 3, was the last series on free to air TV, awful decision making tee bee h. alistair cook was knighted for being such a based man and he's literally never appeared in a cricket match on free to air TV in a 12 year international career

It's the second most popular sport in the world.

Was cricket more popular twenty to thirty years ago?

That same series had a game that got something like 8 million average viewers as well. imagine the cumulative audience the whole series would have had. easily 20+ million people would have watched a bit of that series.

Come on m8, don't call yourself Poo, you're better than that.

>no one has mentioned the cricket World Cup once.
That's partly because the World Cup is not the biggest prize in cricket. People care a lot more about the Ashes.

MLB London Series was sold out.

I think so. To my understanding it has been getting gradually less popular since the Victorian era when it was the most popular sport in the country. Idk though.

This is the other factor. The barmy army had something like 12k tickets given to them as first priority but they barely sold any because they're all saving for the Ashes rather.
But the real reason this game wasn't full is purely because indians had scooped up most of the tickets thinking they were playing England in the semi final.

Yeah, no one gives a shit about cricket here which proves our superiority once again winning the WC

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This, tbqhwy. White people in this country really don't care about cricket all that much. Most of my white friends don't even know this tournament is happening, much less the fact that England is in the final.

t. Pajeet

Oh yeah I forgot the pajeets and achmeds. Seems pretty popular for them, but even they prefer football I would imagine.

Sky killed it (again)
It had huge potential after muh 2005 but then literal HUMANCANCER murdoch got his livespotted claws on it.

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It's because it's fucking boring lad

I used to think the same but nothing if comfier than having some beers and watching the cricket

Any one has pics from yesterday's semi final of roller blade hockey?

It's only boring if you're a weirdo with no friends. Cricket is the best social event imaginable.

Take out POC off American sports then what do we even have?

go on a date, literally

i have a girlfriend and friends with whom i watch cricket and afl with regularly. you'd have to be a literal robot autist to not enjoy sitting out in the sun all day with your mates drinking beer and getting pissed while your team slowly chugs along. the banter and atmosphere at cricket games is completely unrivalled. and i actually have perspective on this given we have 5 major sports here, and none are close to cricket.

itt: cope

have sex, virgin.

Truth hurts