Can someone explain this sport?

Can someone explain this sport?
I see my grandfather watch it sometimes and it seems interesting

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Hey leaf you wanna shut your god damn mouth please

Why are Americans so rude?

Calm down man

>why is he so rude*

fixed it for you.

Roller blade hockey. Southern European thing, Argies are also good at it.

Tbf he said please

Why do they use those skates? They're way harder then inline ones
Wow a cool American

Can't stand in place as easily with inline skates. Probably don't really all the speed inline ones offer either.

Fair enough but I still think inline skates would be better

People like it here for some reason even though ice hockey is like a million times better

sorry senpai

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It seems like a reasonable replacement to ice hockey when you don't have ice
Are there ice rinks in Portugal?

No, but there could be. Naturally we don't have hard snow or freezing lakes here, so no ice hockey tradition.

It's just warm country hockey

Would there be enough interest to support an ice rink

t. Kyle Brandon Souza Andrade

bro this was a very mean comment come on bro

I'm not a mutt both my parents were born in Portugal

Spaniards BTFO
Not even refball can help them against Portuguese CHADS

>People like it here
boomers love it, it is by far the 2nd main sport for dad and grandpa's generations

I'm not a boomer and I like it.

>I like it
you're a boomer now

Iberians are practically all muslim mutts
Welcome to the family

Looks like hockey but not on ice since there's no snow in some countries.

*opens pirolito* ok patins, now THAT'S a sport

this is the post

I'm not a boomer and know what a pirolito is. Does that make me an honorary boomer?

the nerve of these dragartos. just because you're used to steal doesn't mean it's right

I'm Benfiquista.

>Argies are also good at it.
>mfw it i true and we just qualified to another final
>mfw being in almost all finals since 1995 on the Mens tournaments
>the girls are good as well

Good for them desu, at least they win and there is no violence involved.

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Not really since 99% of our population don't even know there is an ice hockey national team. Also, nobody here cares about nhl so ice hockey media is non-existant/very scarce

Out of the 4 countries with somewhat of an interest in this sport, I think only in Portugal rink hockey is played everywhere. Italy only plays it in the north (mostly in Viareggio), no one in Spain gives a fuck about it outside of Galicia and Cataluña, and all the argentinian players and teams are from the San Juan province

based, fuck canada

It is hockey for those who can't skate but just enjoying stick handling etc. it is basically like foot hockey but you can move faster lol
look how much easier quads are to skate than roller blades or real skates. they are like walmart scooters

KEK, I did some research and it seems we have "the Messi of Hockey".
Thanks Portuanon, you have opened a new world for me.

Also, based San Juan, I always think about those isolated provinces between the Andes and the deserts. They are doing ok it seems.

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*sips favaios*
Now those were the times

We will discuss your proposal to honorary boomer status at our next boomer union meeting.

Only eurotrash and south americans can make roller hockey into this gay shit.

Don't know if that's floorball or skates hockey, we are world champions at both. Also current champions at field hockey

Just imagine if we cared about the icy one

With all the pecho fríos I’m surprised football stadiums don’t turn into ice rinks

epic meme bro

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It is actually a brilliant idea for provinces to focus on specific sports and max themselves on one that they can win like San Juan is doing.
Lots of money can be earned from it.

Here in Santa Fe we are flooding all the time, maybe Underwater Hockey is the way!

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It's interesting when you're used to the 0-0 park the bus football. I stopped going to football matches but still go to some hockey matches, it's comfy.

you shouldn't be so rude to someone who just won your american ape-hoop championship

Get pucks deep

Seriously uncalled for m8, I'm sure your parents didn't raise you to be this rude.


ice hockey has way fewer goals and is usuallya shitfest
roller hockey is best hockey

>accusing others of stealing
lmao seethe more cuck

>wake up
>see this
W-why don't our neighbors like us

Faggot buttstare?

>tfw not snacking on comfy franchesinha and bolinhos de bacalhau in a comfy old bar around silver-haired Portuguese granddads watching some roller skating action on a CRT telly

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I can smell the tobacco, garlic and mold through this post.

there wasn't a single Canadian on that team, though, the Raptors are an American Expeditionary Force

The only "Messi of hockey" is Panchito Velasquez.

>t. don't follow hockey
Cringe at this porco.

Please watch this sport...or it will die soon! Even England who won world cups in the 30's and 40's have completely give up.
Only Portugal and Spain have competitive leagues, and Italian league being good level but not as good.

You can watch all the international tournaments and champions league matches for free on the federation site

It's the female version of hockey

This sport looks like disabled faggot version of ice hockey


which probably explains why its the one you've won titles in.