When you're stuck like this, is there anything you can do to significantly increase your chances of surviving?
When you're stuck like this, is there anything you can do to significantly increase your chances of surviving?
Blame Thatcher.
Climb the fence
Blame Chelsea fans from the national front
clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here i am, stuck in the middle with you
Lol dumb cunts could have walked backwards. But nooo let's all walk forward.
Climb the fence
would being crushed like this give you bone density gains?
pushing harder
Why didn’t the guy taking the photo cut the fence open
Why on earth would he help scousers?
Good point well made
How do you cut a fence open?
they stole his bolt cutters
>not carrying a leatherman or similar with you all the time.
I dunno just shoot it or something
crouch down and tuck
Isn’t that how you escape from a volcano
throw a semtex grenade
next time im in a volcano situation ill duck and tuck and let you now the outcome
pay for your ticket
Scousers sneaking in being their typical blagger selves caused this.
Say that I'm a scouser, that way everyone will immediately jump away from me. Too bad it doesn't work here.
Start stabbing... people will move away from you
Well you'd probably be dead because you forgot to crouch
realistically, you could pull out your dick and successfully bum someone in front of you with no real repercussions
Maybe thats what they were all doing but it went tragically wrong.
Start shouting alahu akbar
If you are in that situation then its alteady too late.
I guess being prepared can always help. Keep yourself fit, carry a weapon. If you had a knife you could stab a person behind you and use his body as a shield. Or create an even bigger commotion so that the crowd will move away, like start shouting "he got a weapon" then shot a bullet to the ground, no one knows what is happening and who is shooting but they will all tray and move away in situation like this, dont openly display weapons because the crown will get angry and will murder you.
>If you had a knife you could stab a person behind you and use his body as a shield
based psycho
shoo shoo reddit nazi frog poster
all scousers carry a pair of gloves and bolt cutters with them at all times. Dont ask why
what the fuck
nick some wallets and piss on already dead bodies
How fucking new are you?
just bring a bunch of scissors
there were so many people. could cut through quickly