Leave Farça to me

Leave Farça to me

Attached: felix.jpg (708x508, 39K)

more like leave not seeing a derm to me

wash your fucking face

*shits and pisses on the street*

That flag is not brazil

all that money, still has acne

Imagine being so successful as a teenager that random, older people can only attempt to mock your teenage skin complexion

he's literally a 120million child

All that acne less face, still a virgin

He’s just young mate


Blue pilled

Attached: Christian Ronald.jpg (776x556, 38K)

This desu


For me it's Hugo, the superior Felix (by Joao's own words)

Attached: D4LyEnpWAAA8Czx.jpg (1080x719, 126K)

portugalfags, will he flop?

Most likely

who knows...
I think he won't though.

He’ll be Giuseppe Rossi level. Which is pretty good if not injury prone like the real one.

Who knows? Hes not worth 126M that's for sure.

Imagine being such a shitty genetic goblino with such a shitty diet and shitty hygiene that you get acne at all ever

Once he grows a chin like his papi Ronaldo and get a less twink-like haircut, he'll become a very handsome man.

[spoiler]I can't believe they paid 120m for him.Holy shit I want him to fail so badly.

his acne will clear, but you will always be poor


based and quite certainly redpilled

Well, with Messi and Ronaldo declining, we will atleast watch as Felix transitions from twink to chad. Screencap my post for when you create a thread in 2024... “my... Felix has grown a lot!”

Go back to Yea Forums and stay there.

low iq post , acne has nothing to do with that