Show me a worse prediction than this one

Show me a worse prediction than this one

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brazilians whenever a world cup comes

what do you expect from an american?

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that espn power index saying barcelona had a 99% of advancing past liverpool

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I bet soccerdude_200 hosts a show on Vice now.


still 2 years for it to come true

Attached: 2021-03-12.png (711x203, 117K)

Classic soccerdude_200

>our year, la
"Sweden won't win 8:0 against Lelxemburg"

Not that bad
They would finish Top 6 in the EPL

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>2009 - Taison or Messi, time will tell who was better

It was fun for anti Lakers fans, tho

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I forgot they even played for the Lakers lol

americans on sofifa are saying the same thing about all of their youth prospects
it's sad

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>doesnt understand statistics

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fucking keys man
guys a legit retard

Elucidate us then, Ahmed.

>german without a sense of humour
how unexpected

LA is truly the place where careers go to die

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Do these count as predictions of a result?

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I would have a 1tb folder if i had saved every post claiming juve and liverpool would beat real madrid in the cl final

tbf Liverpool would've if Real didn't deliberately injure their best player

all spanish press predictions about messi

at least this fella doesn't get paid for being an 'expert'

>its ok to be wrong all the time, its statistics duhhh

The polls in the decisive states of Wisconsin and Michigan were off the margin of error. Pennsylvania just managed to squeeze in.
You were wrong, deal with it.

When my mom told me I'll have a success and happy life when I was a kid