Which team has the best fans (female)?
Which team has the best fans (female)?
Cringe desu.
Is there a single turn of events that will make women not want to show their naked body
when they see (you)
As usual, FC Porto
The country with the highest number of skanky slags; The UK(excluding ni)
The answer is obvious.
>this is what Jews believe
for me, it's the fattie
Unironically none.
Wymxn don't follow sports, they follow social gatherings of people. They could see Missi scoring the next best goal ever youtube highlights contribution, see Rolando score 100 vs Andorra, see >insert your local team achieve >whatever goal they strife for, but they wouldn't celebrate this. They would celebrate that others celebrate and that they are seen as part of a community they don't understand. The concept of following a team is as foreign to women as having your period is to guys. Want to get some girl invested into sports? Show her your teams tall and cute goalkeeper.
why did they write it in english?
Engage in sexual intercourse
a base e rosso pilling
The only answer
she's so kewt
Good lord!
atleast try to present us nicely
>tfw dunked on by Portugal again
Indeed, the lip bite tops it off
1. Croatia
2. Belgium
3. Portugal
4. Culombia
5. Bresil
Me in the bottom left
Needs more culture, DESU.
i'm sorry, i didn't want to be mean to you. i was just fishing (you)s
like all the dutch you're probably a giant blond while i'm a tanned manlet, you're obviously more attractive than me
Will swap Malvinas for GF.
mexico of course
Gibe anglophobic argie GF pls