US women's soccer player has wedding ring, key to city stolen from hotel room

Long and her husband, Jose Batista, were staying at the Ritz-Carlton hotel in downtown Los Angeles as the team appeared at Wednesday night's ESPY Awards when someone apparently entered her room and stole her wedding ring and her key to the city, according to a high-ranking Los Angeles Police Department source.

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Wtf with cute american soccer players dating and even marrying non-white men? Are white american men this bad?

So, why did she took off her ring?

Most are lesbians who marry men from Central America so that these men can American citizenship through marriage.

No, they are dating a guys already having US passport you dillusional

Do Americans really need keys to enter their cities?

>Allie Long

Seen it with some european women too, they are easy and lonely with no good men around for so long

Sometimes i feel like i could have one or two or five just by being nice and masculine without jerkness of american guys. Like, here is a howto to get a 50%+ girls: dont be creepy, but be straight and confident, give flowers and gifts, but only after you are in relationships, convince her she is the only and most attractive for you and talk about plans to be togetger for many years and having 2+ kids together(women want it, they want a men who want a family and not a hooker, so thats how german women choose turks - to make them babies)

And of course be prettier than monkey and have a good social status in her circles.

American passport, here I come.

>Jose Batista

what's with all these Anglo women's soccer players getting BEANED?

White Americans don’t care about soccer.

It turns out women dont like guys kissing their asses all the time with this "being an ally" bullshit

USA is a mutt country

Half of american men are non-white, it's not that surprising

what is this obsession with race? If you want to decide for others who they are allowed to marry, join ISIS you thick fuck.

reddit: the post

/pol/tard, the brain capacity. FUCK OFF with this race bullshit, take it to /pol/ where it belongs.


The only race I care about are redditors and I want them (You) to go back.

you sure are obsessed with plebbit, maybe stay there if you know the people there so well.

>n-no u

Just stop posting and heed my advice.

>A straight female on that team.

Literally how?

Use the general please

>I called it plebbit so people won't think I post there


Use the general please, user.

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