FIFA introduces innovative approach with launch of new Disciplinary Code

>The scope, definition and content of our anti-racism and anti-discrimination vision have been fully aligned with the highest international standards, including the prosecution of any discrimination on account of race, skin colour, ethnic, national or social origin, gender, disability, sexual orientation, language, religion, political opinion, wealth, birth or any other status or any other reason;
>As a general rule, a match is automatically forfeited if the referee decides to abandon it after having applied the three-step procedure for discriminatory incidents;
>For reoffenders involved in racist or discriminatory incidents or if the circumstances of the case require it, the disciplinary measures now include the implementation of a prevention plan to foster education on diversity and fight discrimination in football.
>Also, FIFA’s Disciplinary Committee may permit the victim to make a statement, allowing the latter to participate in the proceedings. FIFA will not let down victims of racist abuse.

Basically if your team or supporters ”discriminate” against another player, your team will forfeit the match. Even if it’s just one supporter doing it. Insane tbqh

Attached: 7250C484-2934-4CAC-9D13-1E7CD22CB0A2.jpg (594x403, 33K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>dress as benfica fan
>insult our own porto ngubus
>free points
simple as

This lmfao what is FIFA thinking??

>year 2021
>Souf FC vs Norf fc
they both battle for champions league with 20 points each
>the fans are all dressed as monkeys and bananas are being sold for 10 cents a piece

>including the prosecution of any discrimination on account of race, skin colour, ethnic, national or social origin, gender, disability, sexual orientation, language, religion, political opinion, wealth, birth or any other status or any other reason;
>They couldn't just write "any discrimination" and be done with it

dress up in opposition colours and hurl racial insults gg 2ez

So what now, if you chant "Mesut Ozil, your eyes are offside", the match is abandoned you lose 0:3? Great

If you lads actually knew anything other than febrile outrage, you'd know this is basically just codifying the existing three-step procedure for stuff like this.

A referee already could call a game off for something like this, at his discretion. Now after the three-step procedure (which includes a break in play and warning supporters), the result is always a forfeit, they don't finish the game after a couple of hours or something.

Attached: sunday-league-kick.jpg (810x451, 60K)

also FIFA:
>hosts WC in qatar
>takes money from saudi arabia to finance confed-cup-successor

it's almost as if refs can't stop a game because individual actions but only group actions eg chanting

It's almost as if FIFA shouldnt punish the teams for what their supporters do, especially if the team condemns supporters actions

It's almost as if teams should do something more than a copy-and-paste condemnation

>players making over 100k a week have to deal with a few chants
they should stop being so emotionally fragile

>It's almost as if FIFA shouldnt punish the teams for what their supporters do
this is the thought process of a teenager

you have to be +18 to post here kiddo

More like: basically refs won't stop games anymore


would this pass muster under the new framework?



This is now a /banter/ thread


Mexico in shambles


mexico, celtic, lazio, argentina, manchester united are cancelled

>Get the lads at the local boozer to put a big kitty together
>Get Baz, Kev, Davo, Dogpiss and some of the other regulars to buy home shirts for the other big teams with said kitty
>Buy away tickets in the home fans end and pop your shirts on
>Call Mo Salah a dirty Paki terrorist
>Call Mane a wog
>Call Firmino a tranny
>Get a stadium ban, give your shirts to some of the other blokes from the pub so they can have a pop at the next game.
>City, Spuds, Chelski and Arselel get fined points ( no need to piss away money on a Man Utd shirt, they'll lose points naturally coz they're shite)
Ladies and Gentlemen, your 2019/20 Premier League Champions

Attached: 1200px-Liverpool_FC.png (1200x1554, 367K)

nothing stoping this from happening tbqh, 2 years ago a moor came to Porto, put on a scarf, and pushed a player, nearly causing Porto to get a fine
this wont end well

Does FIFA know that the EPL exists?

What if my political opinion is disrespecting all of the above?

>Get a m8 to take up as many loans as he can
>Put it all on our team
>Go to stadium wearing the opposing teams kit, a bunch of bananas and a large banner with racial slurs on it
>Get kicked out and opposing team is automatically forfeited
>Cash in on the bet and have our team win the league

2-3 times and I could probably retire.

Attached: 1558418849457.png (512x695, 586K)

>Liverpool finally wins the league because all opposing supporters chant songs about scousers being degenerates.

Finally, an easier way to get my opponents to lose


Get out of the matrix user