When you say GOAT, you say Del Piero

When you say GOAT, you say Del Piero.

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Actually ger müller and van basten, please edit your post

*blocks your path*

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>Le permainjured, spent last ten years of his career in India and Australia, notorious NT choker man

>le win absolutely nothing man

and still happen to be the goat lmao

He's world champion you fucking zoomers.

>van basten
unequivocally based

>becomes just a good player after one injury
>completely evolves his playstyle and wins the golden foot right after the worst injury in his career (and the WC)
Hmm I wonder who was better

I share a birthday with him

No one cares I know

I don't care

*breaks your legs*

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Hold my trophies

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he did nothing
also dived and lost the game against south korea four years before that

>desperate ER PUPONE poster


This guy's retirement was a tear jerker

That was a really nice shirt desu

based materazzi making muslims and frenchies SEETHE

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Why does Roma inspire such loyalty? Him and De Rossi could have moved anywhere.

Why couldn't Zidane just take the fucking bantz?

cant argue here, true GOAT

Wait you saying you’re a Del Piero or Totti fan?

I always thought Totti was better for the national team while Alessandro performed best at club level. DP choked the 2000 Euro finals but made a difference as a sub in 06 vs Germany with that redemption goal. Alessandro got stand ovations at the Bernabeu. I always thought he was a classy player only his partnership Pippo turned sour for him when both stopped working with each other.

Personally I think he’s a fantastic player who shone as an individual difference maker at anytime during a match while also complementing the whole squad. Lippi loves him and the whole of Fergie’s 90’s squad like Roy Keane praised his work ethic. Pre-98 injury he was phenomal talent but still adapted post injury.

Forgot to mention I’ve always found to be impressive the fact that the 2006 investigation found most of the league to be influencing refs only Roma had no proof of this practice so Totti’s squad still managed to be competitive by mere talent on the pitch and not back room politics and under the table deals. And Juve being striped a title is such bullshit.

>inspire such loyalty
>two players

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>muslims and frenchies


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Del piero won more than him, a lot more considering Materazzi never won a scudetto

Wat? Materazzi has 5 Scudetti

2 stolen ones and the other 3 just because of calciopoli.
Never won a scudetto.

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Juve were punished to send a message to the other big Italian clubs that they will be punished just like Juve if they try their ref bribing shit, not necessarily because Juventus were the only ones guilty.

Nah, that's your swan song and the only trophy you'll get for the next 45 years.
This one I bet he wants back tho
Juve were not caught bribing nor fixing matches. Literally no proof (literally) of Juve bribing anyone or fixing matches.

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>When you say GOAT, you say Del Piero

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> literally no proof (literally)

01 – 14 luglio 2006, primo grado di Calciopoli

02 – 25 luglio 2006, secondo grado di Calciopoli

03 – 27 ottobre 2006, arbitrato CONI su Calciopoli

04 – 18 giugno 2008, patteggiamento su schede sim svizzere

05 – 16 giugno 2011, radiazione di Moggi e Giraudo

06 – 9 luglio 2011, Calciopoli (II° grado), conferma della radiazione di Moggi e Giraudo

07 – 18 luglio 2011, respinto in Figc l’esposto contro lo scudetto 2006 assegnato all’Inter

08 – 19 marzo 2008, TAR del Lazio, respinto il ricorso di Moggi contro la squalifica in ambito sportivo

09 – 22 maggio 2008, TAR del Lazio, respinto il ricorso di due associazioni di tifosi contro l’assegnazione dello scudetto 2006 all’Inter

10 – 8 gennaio 2009, Caso GEA, Moggi condannato per violenza privata

11 – 14 dicembre 2009. Calciopoli (rito abbreviato), condannato Giraudo per frode sportiva e associazione a delinquere

12 – 8 febbraio 2011, TAR del Lazio respinge il ricorso presentato da Giùlemanidallajuve, condannata a pagare risarcimenti a Federcalcio, CONI e Inter

13 – 25 marzo 2011, caso GEA (II° grado), confermata la condanna a Moggi per violenza privata

14 – 8 novembre 2011, sentenza penale di Napoli: Moggi condannato a 5 anni e 4 mesi per associazione a delinquere

15 – 9 novembre 2011, rigetto dell’esposto da parte dell’UEFA

16 – 11 novembre 2011, Moggi condannato per minacce nei confronti di Baldini

17 – 17 novembre 2011, dichiarazione di non competenza del TNAS

18 – 4 aprile 2012, conferma della radiazione di Moggi e Giraudo. 19 ? 12 aprile 2012, il Tribunale della UE respinge il ricorso presentato da Giùlemanidallajuve

20 – 26 giugno 2012, Tribunale di Milano, rigetto della querela di Moggi a Carlo Petrini

21 – 30 giugno 2012, la Corte dei Conti respinge il ricorso Juventus decretando la FIGC non responsabile di danno erariale per essersi dichiarata non competente a decidere nel 2006

22 – 3 agosto 2012, il Tar del Lazio respinge il ricorso di Moggi contro la Radiazione

23 – 12 settembre 2012, il Consiglio di Stato respinge il ricorso di Moggi contro la Radiazione

24 – 17 ottobre 2012, la Corte dei Conti condanna 14 ex tesserati AIA a risarcire la FIGC per danno d?immagine

25 – 5 dicembre 2012, il Tribunale di Napoli condanna in appello a 1 anno e 8 mesi Antonio Giraudo per associazione a delinquere e frode sportiva. Cade solo il ruolo di promotore

26 – 7 agosto 2013, la Cassazione giudica inammissibile il ricorso di Moggi contro la radiazione.

27 – 17 dicembre 2013, appello Calciopoli: 2 anni e 4 mesi a Luciano Moggi, 2 anni a Pairetto e Mazzini, 1 anno a De Santis, 10 mesi a Dattilo e Bertini

28 – 10 giugno 2014, la Cassazione conferma sequestro di 12 milioni a Giraudo per il danno da retrocessione al Brescia finito in Serie B.

29 – 6 settembre 2016, il Tar del Lazio ha respinto il ricorso presentato dai bianconeri contro Coni e Figc per il risarcimento del danno subito dopo la revoca dello Scudetto 2005/06 e la conseguente retrocessione in Serie B di circa 440 milioni di euro.

30 – 15 marzo 2017, la quinta sezione del Consiglio di Stato sancisce in maniera definitiva la radiazione di Luciano Moggi.

> (literally)

Is the prototypical #10 dying in the modern, winger-obsessed game?

Again, Moggi wasn't radiated for match fixing.

>Is the prototypical #10 dying in the modern, winger-obsessed game?
Del Piero in 1998 is the first instance (or one of) within 4 3 3 cut inside midget winger. He was part of the problem.

Then I have to guess that he was threatening referees only for the thrill


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When I was smol, I hated Del Piero and Inzaghi with a passion. Fuck this guy

relegated to Serie B
loses 2 scudettos

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Just watched their only complete match I could find when they were on Serie B. Comfy shit tbqhwy.

Dumb JJ poster