He supports a neighboring country when his NT fails to qualify

>He supports a neighboring country when his NT fails to qualify

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No we hate our neighbors maybe except Serbia I always feel happy whe our neighbors lose

Is easier

But none of your neighbors qualify either. God I wish Romania was a good as they were in the 90s

haha that is me with u r gay uwu

that's a good thing
negative fandom ruins everything, sports, movies, politics.

Dual citizenship here so I have double the chances of my team qualifying.

Who is the other nation

I don't see what's wrong with that.

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Supporting Spain? Nah, unless it’s circumstancial.

I root for:
>Messoy’s next opponent
>teams with Porto players
>Colombia cuz they’re cool in my book

I thought Peru was cool


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Was born in Mexico then family aquired green cards so we moved here then I became a U.S. citizen.

>mfw a wall can't keep me out.

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bro, you know they can still deport your ass if you fuck up right?

never, to any country in the continent

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their flags all look the same

why not? all our neighbours are bros except germany

It would take a huge fuck up for me to get stripped of my citizenship and deported. I would have to join a terrorist organization like isis or something for them to strip me of my citizenship and thats not happening. When I had just my green card it would have been easier but not now.

I'll always support Serbia

I always want Canada to do good since they have achieved basically nothing in football. On the contrary, FUCK Mexico

Fucking based, i wish AFC wasn’t a cuck federation where most of the fans support rival countries

In ME, you can’t trust anyone

even urself?

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I support INGERLAND in such cases.


That's fine if you have English ancestry

Anglosphere countries should stick together stop being silly nationalists Oierland.

Fuck soccer

This but we also hate Serbia

my NT never failed to qualify but when they get knocked out, I stop watching the competition

Jokes on you, I support neighboring country even my NT qualifies.

'Ate France
'Ate Andorra
Luv Portogal

Simple as

I'd support the Czech, all other neighbours are cancer.

Based Orthodox Brotherhood.

The NPO tries to make us support Belgium when that happens, but I don't because that's lame.

Absolutely not.

i support the irish team
if they were ever in the world cup i'd go to my local sports bar decked in all green and drink guiness while blasting u2

Not even Northern Ireland?

No, I'm not Dutch

You shouldn't my based tall friend. The retarded media here finds it ABSOLUTELY hilarious when you fail to qualify. Funny thing is your NT is definitely on the rise again while ours is sinking faster than a rock with no upcoming talent

>he supports any country that faces his own because he despises it

I always support Mexico 100%.

For me it's constantly criticizing >my team and then saying "I told you so" when >we fail to qualify

Also, I hate all >our neighbors as well so I enjoy them failing more than I enjoy >my teams succeeding.

Literally me

>Ate Andorra
don't fancy ski resort as sovereign states, tío?

Imagine liking your neighbors. Bunch of cucks. War and expansion is in our blood

Oficial Portugal support rankings
4.Cabo verde
Power gap
6.My ancestors :^)
8.Country with players from your (local) club
999999999. Sp*in
99999999999999999999999999.mu**im "countries"

Patria grande n shit. Never understood why journalists support South American nations in wc desu.

>Andorra over Cape Verde
Cmon bro

Cabo Verde is portugal
Andorra is just a non oficial colony

Fuck no, hate PALOPs. Except island PALOPs, they're alright.

Good thing we aren't neighbours, this way you can wholeheartedly cheer for us, fratello.

>portugal dickriding England

Every single time


Dont fancy every rich guy in Spain using Andorra to dodge taxes, mano

>I root for:
>>Messoy’s next opponent

>ate slovenia
>ate bosnia
>ate serbia
>ate montenegro

>don't care about hungary
>don't care about italy

simple as

Our only realistic neighbour option is to support the French if we lose and i'd rather treat an irishman like a human than that

What about your fellow island inbreds from iceland? Dentists a big no-no?


>having more than two neighboring countries

Absolutely disgusting

They'd be more likely to get through in the group stages and be in a position to support after England loses than Germany, it's true

>having neighbouring countries
Absolutely puke inducing


the Earl of Seething upon Cope

I've got some bad news for you, Seamus...

The island of Ireland is one whole country m8

Ah, the famous german banter

the Duke of Please Get Wellington

Of course
And we always qualify for the world cup

How bout you go suck a fat one you tranny cunt

When my team fails to qualify I just watch to dab on every American cause none of them had heard of Azzar

>me when I try to distinguish one european """country""" from another

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>Not having a neighbour in a remote continent that's also from your continent

Step up guys

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True, Concabros for life.

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i just enjoy football

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maybe for Lixoboeta scum, who sees more paop people than spaniards in their life.
For me it's

more palop*

I only support France, always have.

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kek based
i root for:
>anyone playing spain (and a lot of other nations, but spains the worst)
>England, unless the opponent is memier
>other general memes and underdogs

For me it goes Poland > Slavic countries > Asians > Africans > Southern Americans
I always root against western eu*ope

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t. border inbred

this tbqh, luv me rightful portuguese clay islands

I support Australia when us failed to qualify

I support Denmark, Iceland, Sweden and Norway, my ancestors :)

>not supporting your ethnic ascendance
never gonna make it

We're not anglos though. Go fuck yourselves with your anglo-spheres.

We're in the rugby wc in November, so are you guys too.

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I only support our spiritual brothers, England

I will never in my life support France. Portugal all the way though.
>semen slurping england
I know that you guys being anti spain is needed to sort of justify your existance but this has to stop

>all this dick sucking for england by portuguese flags
the memes were right

You cant deport citizens you retarded 14 year old


Oh boy do I have news for you

A lot of people do that around here, rooting for Colombia. I hate it.

The very same shit here. Especially since Venezuela never qualifies to the WC.

Anglosphere and Portugal are good lads. Actually, most of the people in the world are good people.

1. Flag
2. England
3. USA
4. Italy
5. Belgium
6. Everything else
7. Germany

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1. USA
2. The country that's playing argentina that day

this has happened only in 2010 and 2000 so it doesn't matter
we are neibghors too italy, you don't hate us do you?

In here, people follow either Saudi Arabia or Egypt, it disgusts me a lot and i hate it


I support Chile as my main team (since 2010), my second team is England (since birth) and then I support Egypt as my third team (since 2010)

Wow, imagine failing to qualify to World Cups...

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you're basically neighbours and so we hate you
Give Istria back

For me, it's Ireland and N.Ireland

I always support Serbia and Italy after Spain gets knocked out


we're supposed to be /united/ you retard

What about Dalmatia?

do you really have to ask

>tfw you have >our neighbours
If >we are out, the tournament ends
In a perfect world, they wouldn't exist
full of drugs, hookers and criminals
literally >us 2.0
>Africa 2.0
loli Portugal
>Africa 2.1
fuck them

I would hate any country if I were from that country. I admire what I don't know, and despise what I know.


I get the feeling you also like pulling the hair from your nostrils

Who the fuck roots for Colombia? Everyone dickrides Brazil or Argentina and then of course we have the "I'm 8% Italian/German/Spanish/Portuguese" fags.

The only other NT I support is Canada because they're our bros and it's always nice to root for the underdogs.

I'm okay with supporting Switzerland and Belgium when they aren't acting like cunts, because they're french speaking countries. I root for Italy as well.

Fuck the krauts and the perfidious albion though, especially the krauts. I'm indifferent to Spaniards.


you're in denial