is this what happens every time algeria wins a football game?
is this what happens every time algeria wins a football game?
Based Algerians destroying Europe, what are you going to do cuck? Nothing, that's the answer.
what, can't even identify your own "passion for the game" meme anymore?
How African is France at this point? Like are the ethnic French the minority now?
countryside is still in majority white
big cities are infested with blacks and kebabs beyond redemption process
Paris being the absolute worst and deserving to be nuked
countryside getting kebab'd soon inshallah
White French make up 38% of the population, Black French are 31%, 12% are French Arabic and the rest is a mix of non-French immigrants.
That's honestly shocking and pretty sad. I'm pretty liberal but something about that is just unfortunate . Immigration and diversity are great things but something about this feels a bit off to me.
Based algerian berbers colonizing france
>I'm pretty liberal
>but something about that is just unfortunate
no you're not
I get it man but I genuinely am. I would take a picture of my voter ID card where I'm registered dem but there's no point to it. Im pretty liberal but I guess immigration is a bit weird for me. I'm more moderate when it comes to that. Immigration is good but everyone has their own country for a reason. It's good for diversity but when you make the home country's population a minority, something about just feels off. That's just me.
You lot are full on open borders and convinced your Nigger pets more illegals are good even though it fucks them harder
To be fair, when you build an empire you have to expect a lot of the conquered population to settle in the mainland, like us with Pakistanis, Indians and West Indies. France ruled a large portion of Africa so as an empire they weren't 'majority white'.
America is a nation of immigrants. The only true Americans are native Americans. Other than them, no one belongs here any more than anyone else, retard.
That's actually a great point I hadn't considered. If you go around colonizing half world proclaiming how great your country is, the expected immigration shouldn't be a surprise.
> paki detected
Go home paki
America was built by the white Irish, the white English, the white Scottish, the white German, the white Danish and the white Hungarian
Go Home brown paki
Nearly everything in this thread demonstrates a complete lack of understanding of the terms "race" and "racism." Race is a HUMAN CONSTRUCT. While phenotypic differences between people exist due to hundreds of thousands of years of selective processes and shallow gene pools, the idea that certain people are predisposed to act a certain way because of their phenotype is the definition of racism. This developed directly as a result of a false belief in sociocultural evolution (the idea that all societies follow the same cultural evolutionary path eventually leading to "civilization"-e.g. western civilization) and the fact that white people conquered enormous parts of the world (to read about what really allowed white people to take over the world and not "brown," "black," "yellow," or "red" people, I suggest starting with Jared Diamond's Guns, Germs, and Steel).
The fallout of these false beliefs has resulted in the tensions being discussed today. I absolutely hate the fact that so many of you believe that this is a cut and dry issue of "integrate or leave." Do you seriously think culture is static? Do you really believe people do not change over generations? Why is it that "white culture" (but is really more generally "western culture") SHOULD be dominant? Are you really convinced that culture is and should be homogenous? Why are so many of you threatened by change? I don't claim to have a good solution for the issues that result from immigration, but I do think that anyone who claims they do is clearly disregarding the complexities of the world.
Based. Their ancestors are looking down smiling.
>Guns, Germs, and Steel
Kek, no wonder a copypasta feom reddit would suggest that shitshow of a book.
SEE, guys? Chicanos aren't so bad globally when seen through a relativist perspective :^)
I remember seeing things like this since 2 world cups ago so probably
Algerians are the lowest of lowest a human being can be
t. atheist hedonistic infidel
Moroccans and tunisians are better but algerians are just animals, unbelievably weak when alone, unbelievably vile when in a group of at least 10 of their species
That was in 2014
Too bad they didn't beat Germany so there would have been France-Algeria in quarterfinal
That would have triggered the civil war sooner
not every algerian is kabyle or chaoui, a shit ton of arabs
i would wring your pencil neck if we were alone dude dont worry
I wish that was the berbers colonizing instead of the disgusting arabs
lmao your only way of competiting in a fight is using knives you sack of shits
dude I just already said I would wring your neck, what more do you want from me?
to end yourself
after your mom is back from work sniffing bags at the airport ill fuck her calm and she can go make you some dinner
well, at least not the Russian Agent Le Pen in is charge, right?
so when are algerieans start migrating into small rural towns and villages? anyway when they settle in big cities, they create businesses(IT, fashion,whatever) and make money money than white french lol
>anyway when they settle in big cities, they create businesses(IT, fashion,whatever) and make money money than white french lol
By business you mean frauding their way to the most helps from the government?
If Le Pen won, police would feel themselves like the POLICE of their country, with monopoly to violence against alien crowds who dissrup the peace and will to act.
As pro-migrant and anti-white Macrone won, police is afraid to take actions and to act as as guarants of peace. Its no about the orders, its a about how they feel about themselves and about the algerians.
I want to say, I mean: some people think that elections doesn't matter, that one person doesn't change anything etc etc, but actually it does - it affects minds. Macron won - alien crowds celebrate, Le Pen won - alien crowds are in fear and keep them quiet, and police feel more freedom
(but this shit with shitksins behaving in Paris like in their backyard - even no, because they dont have to clean it, so its it no theirs - was happeining even in 2000s and maybe 1990s)
What does Le Pen have to say about this?
no, i mean people in big cities re the elite who shapes the country. Higher social positins, higher econmic values. The one who define media topics, who create IT, who become a role models for youth etc
The more non-white is capital, the more there succesful non-whites who have higher impact on coutnrie's future than some small migrants farmers
I condemn these savage acts, we don't even have shit like this happen when we win, everyone just gets in his car and drive around with music and flags until midnight and then everyone goes home, it's just the diaspora that are like this, however, this should serve as a reminder to never step into foreign other people's lands, because as it turns out, colonisation for 130 years compared to what is happening to you now, I'll let you do the math.
Well you are totally wrong, there aren't any algerians in the elite
They are just all parked in their commieblocks in the suburbs and go mad when Algeria NT wins or loses, then they come back to their commieblock doing fuck all
Maybe some actually try to do studies and make something of their life but that's a minority, and they aren't the dumbest ones anyway
Diaspora are always worse
reminds me of our turks kek
>in their backyard - even no, because they dont have to clean it, so its it no theirs
i mean, that behavior of them is a spit to the face of French people. French people are blind and dumb to understand that its not a 'oh some crowd whatever bbbut lets talk about putin!' but its a clear spit to French people. They dont clean the streets after their pogroms, taxpayers do. They have no respect to French people, even more - they despise them and they like to show it off on every possible occassion. -> Such behavior is a sign of supermacy they feel towards French. Disrespect, supermacy, the strong should dominate over weak.
(its funny tha UHM SWWETIE problematic themes of muslim supermacy are not discussed. I live in Russia and I know than caucasians are literally lke that, its a huge problem - a muslim supermacy. They really think some muslims from other coutnries are closer to them than russian non-muslims etc. LIke muslim pride worldwide. )
(and jewish supermacy is as big problem, they literally sort people to two categoris: GOYIMS and OUR GUYS)
resembling the late case with non-white crowd screaming allakhu akbar iirc to french police who did nothing. ould
>mfw suburban white girls in america still think Paris is le "city of love" 20th century meme
How the hell did France and the UK become so rapidly full of minorities? I understand there were some colonial migrants before but it really seems like it's exploded in the past 10-20 years.
It’s the price of colonialism
>Need cheap workers to construct buildings with the increase of the population in the 70s/80s
>Bring people from former colonies
>Eventually some stay in France
>They make kids
>Kids aren't willing to do shit
>Kids are now in there 20s/30s
natives don't have lots of babies like minorities have and more immigrants were/are coming, it's not rocket science
It still is as long as you stay in the city center.
The neighborhoods around Montmartre are fine as well.
pull out of your ass, ethnic survey are forbidden in france
I like the "illegally gathering". When France won and all the "totally French" nignogs started going around every that was completely legal gathering?
It's normal when a team wins for its fans to swarm the street. If you have to put a highlight on something illegal talk about the cars they gave fire to.
imagine having to share a border with these retards (the french who let the scum in of course, not the algerians)
french cities and paris in particular are the opposite of your cities: the city cores ("downtown") are still very much white, but the suburbs are brown and black as fuck
frenchies call their suburbs "banlieues" and they're full of 3rd world looking commieblocks
It is also completely obviously false.
It's funny looking at the recent events though isn't it? you'd think the french out of all people know how much of a mistake it was to colonize, pillage and frenchify all those countries in the past and its effects in the present, and yet they went ahead of the pack and struck at libya again in 2011 and basically doomed a lot of western and southern europe with an unending flow of not just fleeing libyans, but anything that was being kept in check to the south of them
>move away from shithole country in search of a better life
>be nationalistic about the shithole you fled from and try to make your new home look the sane as your shithole
never understood this desu
mexicans do the same thing here, as do slavs
Most first generations are pretty rational about their country of origin. Some only move for the money, and some for the prospect of their kids.
The second generations though get very fucked up with "muh heritage" deal, even though they would never dream of returning home.
Pretty common with Mexicans here, that's why that US-Mexico Gold Cup game played in Chicago had way more Mexican fans even though Chicago isn't a border city and the US was hosting.
algerian women fuck niggers and the higher class ones fuck whiteys
t. knower
Based beurettelover