You do believe in equal pay don't you user?

>You do believe in equal pay don't you user?

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Who this, and yes, for equal work of course

no, I don't
I believe in fair pay, which would be the women (world champions) being paid MORE than the men (triple H and toboggan)

I agree with whatever you believe baby ;)

Whats her IG?

>You do believe in equal pay don't you user?
Well, desu random bikini lady with weird lookin’ tiddies, women are stupid and I don't respect them
That's right, I just have sex with them
Show me your genitals.
You're talking to me about stuff
Why? I'd rather see your titties
Now you're talking about other stuff
Why? I'd much rather see your titties
I can't have sex with your personality
And I can't put my penis in your college degree. And I can't shove my fist in your childhood dreams. So why you're sharing all this information with me? And show me your genitals.

Knock, knock, who's there? It's me
Wondering why you're not naked
Knock, knock, who's there? Me again
Still wondering why you're not naked. I wanna see your bum, I don't care what you say. No, I don't have feelings, 'cause feelings are gay. Something, something in the month of May. Bitches love my penis, 'cause it's really big
Girl's brains are much stupider than men's are
So they should always listen to us, 'cause we're smart
Women are only good for three things:
Cooking, cleaning and vaginas
I can give good sex to you, 'cause I'm really good at sex. Oh yeah! That's right, shake your... bums! I'm out of here. I gotta go have sex with a lot of girls

everything in this picture screams benis

giving women rights has ruined society

prove me wrong


Based Jon Lajoie poster

Marry me first.

I believe in keeping you in a rape dungeon.

No, because women are on nowhere near the same skill bracket as men, and also because soccer is for gay homosexuals

Yes I should get paid as much for my shitty office job as you being a SI swimsuit model

Unironically watches and enjoys Apeball

back in the kitchen bitch

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i'm sorry, do i know you?

I exclusively watch hockey - the one sport untouched by both roodypoos and flamers


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Nop. Nothing personal against women. I just couldn’t give a shit about rich people getting richer if I tried

I think your face is unequally distributed

Not sexist, just don't like em

simple as

Wtf she's ugly, did hentai ruined my taste forever?

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yes because shes not ugly at all not the greatest tiddies tho

Margaret Chase Smith was a great Senator in my state, and should have won the nomination in 1964. But other than that, I'll be quiet.

She has a man face. I wouldn’t say she’s ugly but I can see why a lot of people wouldn’t find her attractive at all. She doesn’t look very feminine

Abby please sit on my face

has literally no idea who that is
but i do see the "tits"

y-yes ma'am

This girl is a whore. You can see her nipples in basically all these pictures she did for the swimsuit issue

>This girl is a whore.

>hockey is for everyone!

If you can't make equal earnings you aren't doing equal work.

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If they have a son, he's going to be a Giga-Chad.

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the answer i fear is yes, she's quite cute. 7.5/10

You're choking on the weebpill m8, may even be past the point of no return.

>If you can't make equal earnings you aren't doing equal work.

As a mantra, that is absolutely retarded even for an American.

No. I also want title is repealed

She got any nudes like a certain woman

Title ix

I like how Rapinoe says reasonable shit then the left wing media spins it into sounding retarded, and then invites her on to random political shit. Best is Maddow who has probably never watched a non-international woman's soccer match having Rapinoe say best way to support them is actually watch games and her being like "totally yeah"

What did she say that was reasonable?

This. I fell for the 'Rapinoe is a rabid man-hating femnazi' meme, but actually seeing her in interview she's just normal. Wingnuts ruin everything.

That's pretty reasonable.
If you support women's soccer then watch it so they have a stronger case to argue for more money

Personally I feel the only reason that women's soccer is so big in the us is because of government subsidized title ix. If the women's national team wants equal pay then they should acknowledge this privilege that they have over men to play competitive soccer that women from other countries do not have

Outrage culture and clicks, ma nigga keeps the big media complex rolling