Peak aesthetics.
Peak aesthetics
(were not anglos you morons. anglos are a mere tiny fraction of our dna)
>You will never be this English
peak unit
peak athleticism
Anglo Tank
Anglo Skirmisher
Millwall or West Ham?
Looks like typical American dad
spud from trainspotting?
unironically have a body like this. how to fix?
Did not expect to still kind of be able to see a six-pack
Drink beer and eat bread. Plus work out 6 days a week.
Fix the figure of a God?
Is Britain the most cucked country ever? They’re now letting the US dictate what officials they can use, wasn’t Brexit about restoring sovereignty?
now how to become like this, but how to reverse this shit is the question
at age 50 this would be good maybe, at age 27 not so much kek
what do you expect anyone to say hans besides lifting and eating less food
reminds me of woody harrelson
>those marked tan lines on the arms
cant he do anything about that? looks like shit
intermittent fasting, minimize carbs and eat meat/vegetables, HIIT (short sprints). losing weight is "simple" but not "easy." the first week you'll feel like shit but then you see it actually working, start to feel better, and get a second wind
>at age 50 this would be good maybe, at age 27 not so much kek
That's not true at all. I know plenty of petite women that LOVE this look.
Leicester City, apparently.
shoo shoo skelly
>moved to England
>every English man either looks like this or a complete basedmaster
Every single one of them is either 200 percent gay or a super mutant. There's no middle ground. No deviation from this. If you see an English poster he is either a massive homosexual or a massive hulk of muscle, lard and scar tissue.
A terrifying race of people
>being routed by the French
>peak aesthetics
checks out
The incel diet
Light another flare Pedro your family is getting cold
incel diet is LOL CARBS