Has more British Home Championships than the rest of the world except for England, Scotland and Wales

>has more British Home Championships than the rest of the world except for England, Scotland and Wales
Why are they so strong lads

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>British Home Champions for the last 35 years
>Isn't even on the island of Britain
How do they do it lads?

Powerful thread

No one cares about your tiny non-country. Jog on, Paddie.

N.Ireland is a home nation. They get a vote at the FIFA rules committee.
You're right it's not really a country, but in association football you should have some respect for them.

You're on the smaller of the two British Isles m8.

>not respecting the 4th oldest football association


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Unpresidented levels of testosterone

>part of the 12 points chads of the euro qualifiers

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seething mapuche

Wo lad, don't dab on the inferiors too hard this is a friendly banter thread

Isn't George Best from there, one of the greatest dribblers of his generation?

>the eviscerators if Estonia
>the bashers of Belarus
>the eviscerators if Estonia again
>the bashers of Belarus again

I think you mean George Best the best footballer to ever draw breath.
Also Pat Jennings the best goalkeeper to ever draw breath is from here too.

Imagine needing more than 2 games to top your group

You could cut Northern Ireland in half and have as many points lmao


>except for England, Scotland and Wales
So I other words your the shitiest team in Britain dopey hun heurebags

you call that a dab ?
THIS is a dab

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Northern Chadland

>honestly thought it would come home in 2020
>northern ireland are going to qualify
well now we're fucked lads, everyone might as well just throw in the towel now and hand them the trophy

Stop. They already have to live with the fact they have less than 12 points and you do this to them! Do you want to be arrested for assisted suicide?

Just for being realistic about your chances we'll let you touch it.

Reminder nordies are subhuman inbred manlet scum

No surrender ya fenian cunt

Enjoy being part of my country within 5 years you inbred little cunt

Enjoy paying their bills once reunification happens

Yep, in 5 years time you'll all be part of Northern Ireland and the United Kingdom

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Northen Ireland is so Chad they can choose between 2 passports to have. Badass.

IThis thread is for good banter only. Bad banter beware.

Hmmm this same thread for 3 days in a row

The thrasher of Trini.... oh wai

Experiencing some major déjà-vu here.

You can fucking have them
>The DUP have done more work uniting Ireland in the last few years than Sinn Fein ever managed

England's little cousin is too stronk.

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Seething Englander


>England only considers us a cousin

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Cousin means master in Pakistani

Don't say it out loud

Cousin means fuckable in paki

Well, you're celts larping as normans larping as saxons. You're lucky they don't consider you the adopted step-nephew.

Also they somehow managed to get on Great Britain's Olympic team. Not to be trifled with.

9 pointers need not speak

Why dont you just ban that shit?

First cousins isn't incest though

But what if they keep doing it every gen?

Think they call it "vibrant culture" these days.

They don't do much but they try.

Attached: GB winner breakdown.jpg (624x351, 21K)

It is in protestant country

Just look at our special Olympic contribution and you'll be sorry

OMG I can't even! Maybe, just maybe we should discuss the isalnd-disparity in medal distribution. England should share some with Northern Ireland. It's called being a decent eternal anglo.
#equalmedals #nintendoswitch


Norrhern Ireland focuses all its power on humiliating you. Cant be too good at everything now.

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Inbred hun cunt hope your pallets fall on top of ye

The isle of man cant even compete

Kind of inbreeding, not advisable but it's still not incest.

considering half of the people in Norn won't even play for them NI has unironically done really well to get to the level they're at.

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Seething Texas

almost time...

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>implying London is the only diverse part of England

God I fucking hate fenians, happy July 12th everyone

Fuck off you dirty tan/Dub.

There's more chance of you getting laid than that ever happening. We have a generation of euro cucks and the rest of us hate dirty Protestants


What did the Black and Tans do to give them such a bad reputation?

Get blown the fuck out quite literally.

There's a film about it: The Wind That Shakes the Barley

It's worthwhile watching it once.

Yeah, you didn't really answer my question...

>all this fenian seethe in the thread
based norn ireland

you can have your counties back when you start supporting domestic teams. ie never

Literally just beat them 5-0 2 weeks ago

Northern Ireland: 98% white
Scotland: 96% white
Wales: 95% white


Engeria: 85% white
Londonistan: 59% white

Remind me who the British master race is, lads

Northern Ireland master race

Northern Ireland looks pretty comfy lads



I wanna visit.

Daily reminder that, by definition, Ireland is part of the British Isles and therefore rightful British clay.

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Baskonia and Catalonia have regions in France

they were pretty indiscriminate and brutal in trying to subdue the population and they basically went up and down the country intimidating or targeting civilians in reprisal for IRA attacks and burning settlements

>Calling Norn Ironers "Paddies"

Australia v Northern Ireland in 10 minutes


sick and tired of being dominated by ulster desu


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Are the Loyalists or Republicans?



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>No one cares about your tiny n
Got themselves shot and killed.
Then chimped out and torched some buildings.

Fix your eyes.