Will she be remembered as those black panther runners, Ali or Socrates in Brazil for her social and political stance ?

Will she be remembered as those black panther runners, Ali or Socrates in Brazil for her social and political stance ?

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She won't even be remembered next month.

Political thread

Moderators need to delete it

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you people seriously need to go have sex


No because, she's paid to do that, she lives in a world that promotes her attitude, she doesn't risk any financial or physical harm.
Those you mentioned on the other hand took great risks of being blacklisted from all competitions

she's not even kaepernick tier and this World Cup will mostly be remembered (if at all) for women once again crying about fake sexism and pretending that it's misogynistic to treat female athletes like male athletes.

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Not really it's a thread about an athlete's legacy

/pol/cels will be in charge of keeping her legacy more than normies, butthurt is eternal.

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Rare W

what the fuck is their problem
why wont they shut up and cook dinner instead

>A team almost completely full of middle class, privileged white women demanding more money

You might not understand the struggle of a rich white woman.

Reminder that none of the athletes you mentioned actually physically opposed their "oppressors"

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I wanna see her roastbeef too.

Only think i can really remember is that shameless celebration after scoring the 12th goal against literal farmers. One of the most embarrassing things I've seen in sports.

quit making these goddamn threads megan and go make me a sandwich

Post the men vs woman comparison in dominating a weak team. That really shows how subhuman these people are.

she'll be remembered as much as the last world cup team, proxy pedo

I'll do it myself, disgraceful.

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It seems that the neo-feminist's idea of equality is adopting all the very worst traits of men.

>0:05 what's your point, both scored easy goals
>finish the webm

/pol/ pls go

I'd rather be pol than /lgbt/, go jerk off to more trap cuck porn

Embarrassing, thought Yea Forums were exaggerating but god those women are cringey

Pretty much this


It's sooo fucking bad

What a bunch of cunts

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Ali almost fucked his career forever and couldve gone to jail for that (was convicted but then overturned). The black panther guys (who were in the wrong incidentally because b panthers are cancer but still) risked a huge amount too

Wtf is megan rapinoe risking by having a pop at trump? Certainly not her career let alone anything more serious

No because those people were anti-establishment which is the flaw with modern Feminism.
They like to pretend they're fighting something but they're being propped up by the media and organisations they claim to be challenging.

>american female soccer

Forgotten by next week

Jesus Christ

lol I don't even know who she is

their "victory tour" starts next month

There are so many more threads about this bitch on here than /pol/ it is ridiculous ya male feminist incel. /pol/ stopped caring after 1 day

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unironically if you don't want to see threads about this bitch go to /poll/

Post it

good. fuck pol. they should have never ruined this board with their constant shitposting.


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>a wealthy privileged white woman being compared to a black male in the civil rights era
>a wealthy privileged white woman being compared to a fighting-age male in the Vietnam draft era
why do women have such a victim complex?

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Can anyone remember an instance of a player celebrating by grabbing his sack?

Not in football, no. The closest I can think of was the West Ham playing who did some thrusts in the last week of the season.


She opposed an unpopular president in a sport whose demographics skew even more towards disliking said president (mostly urban, coastal, middle class and female), it wasn’t bravery it was logical to do

>Lurking nu-pol

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yeah this lmao. "fuck orange cheetoh hitler" is the safest and most secure political stance you can take in america. same goes for all this equality crap. you can say it everywhere, nobody bats an eye. indeed most will applaud you for being "political". very brave!

Hey faggot, someone having views you don't like doesn't mean they're /pol/

I dont even know its name now

She'll be remembered as one of the great cunts of our time

I'd rather be Yea Forums





fuck /pol/ go cry about it on reddit the donald

She will be remembered for her amazing ass. By me at least.

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still mad about losing to brazil?

Anons, dear anons, please use the general

what genera?


Just a whiney dike.

Where can I find a pic of Rapinoe's titty that was on TV Wednesday night?


should be remembered for this

She's be remembered for BTFO of the Trump Curse.
That's good shit there.

Isn't her brother a white nationalist or something?


to be fair it's germans not men