What went wrong with Yea Forums?

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Moot allowed Sweden to post

[x]mods and janitors that dont know what they are doing


[x]american mutts and niggers

no i mean for the past 10 minutes
there was a connection error, right?

who the fuck cares, isn't it back already, this shit happens all the time

What would you do if Yea Forums just disappeared one day?


its a containment zone, they will never let it happen.

/pol/ outbreak through all the site.

No there wasnt dumbass

kill myself

i would celebrate that day



There was here.
>ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies

Zoomers went wrong with Yea Forums
Zoomers went wrong with the world

become productive

Yea Forums was higher quality when it was mostly just the anglosphere desu, it took a bit of a nosedive after it got flooded with soccer favelamonkeys. You're very correct about the first two though

i've forgotten what life without Yea Forums is like (been here for 11 years now)

CIA and intelligence services started fucking up the site because of the fags on /pol/.


It's always been a heap of shite that you have to endlessly scroll through to get to the one or two interesting nuggets. Only difference is there's more boards to dilute the interesting content, making it even harder to find anything worth looking at.

Who cares, I only post in 4channel

america is not in the anglosphere

Without sucka the board would be dead tho, the second most relevant sport of the board (NFL) its only around for 6 months while soccer its all year round every day, wether its the leagues around the world, the NT, transfer market or if some player did some retarded thing.

The same fate as Yea Forums. Mods allowed shill teams from both Disney and Marvel to attempt to sway people into accepting their mass produced garbage and now Yea Forums mods are allowing USWNT teams to attempt to sway opinion of this board. Media Matters and CTR were somewhat successful in creating memes that originated boardwide, now they're doing the same thing to other boards.

Case in point "Have Sex" and "Incel" are now popular memes and buzzwords thanks to excessive shilling.

crash team racing lol

dubs confirmed, sleepy time.

have sex incels

well, times change and people change. 2014 brought about a critical change in the userbase, this was especially apparent during the last US election

ive been on this stupid fucking website a decade now and I can't remember soccer not being a thing on this board.

probably just end this miserable excuse for a life desu

While this is true, because 2016 happened, corporate shilling on Yea Forums (i.e. Disney) became more and more commonplace to attempt to completely turn the entire website on its head. Some people even argue that's why the domain split happened.

The problem is that the internet has changed. In the 90s and early 2000s the internet was like the old west. You want to put up a nambla site? Go ahead. There are no real rules and it's pretty much lawless out there. This suited Yea Forums perfectly and a lot of great stuff happened here, but the internet has been civilized and it's all ogre now.

I remember Yea Forums being a very big Messi fanbase, then all of a sudden for no apparent reason it became a Ronaldo board overnight.

>0 results
Phoneposters did to Yea Forums culture what smartphones and social-media did to the internet culture.

tl;dr phoneposting

This is also why web forums are almost obsolete now. Especially sports-related ones for one. They're now replaced by SBNation and Reddit which are basically corporate hugboxes.

when Yea Forums stopped being a laugh

You're correct, but they're just a small part of the problem, not the whole. Blame those who enabled this, not who is participating in this.

a roundabout way of saying third worlders m8.

My posting hasn’t altered in any way. But now I can post from work. Stay mad “battlestation” cuck. PhoneChads rule, you drool

I'm certain that Ronaldo has paid shills on here, I've no proof though.

I miss the ESPN comment threads during games. that was a proto-Yea Forums for me

LeBron/Brady too. Yea Forums almost universally hated them the earlier half this decade. Now it's almost a fucking crime to criticize them. Almost as if people from a certain other website came here and didn't do their two years of lurking before posting here.

And when >pic-related bought them and nuked any sort of community that existed on that domain, you just fucking know...

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I guess you're right, I also blame the vibe since hiro took over, I miss the wacky stuff moot used to do, you'd visit Yea Forums and wonder what shit moot/mods have pulled today, wordfilters, wacky backgrounds and background audio/music, music at christmas, 4th of july hamburger backgrounds, cuckolding princes,you never really knew what to expect with this place.
I'm not American but hiro/mods didn't even do anything for the 4th of July, and never has done either, let alone christmas.
The soul has just gone and feels almost as sterile as Facebook at times.

First post

>implying reddit likes tom brady

I admit. I have an offshore in Madeira. I am paid by CR7 to shill for him. I make facebook memes, reddit memes, Yea Forums memes, 9gag memes, you name it. He pays me fairly decent too, can make a living out of this.


>My posting hasn’t altered in any way.
>PhoneChads rule
So like most phoneposters you still dont make OC then

Also this is very, very true. It has no real soul left. I also agree with another poster that there are so many fucking boards now anything worth a laugh or that is interesting is so diluted its not worth the time to try and find

Aren't the Patriots the most subscribed NFL team on Reddit?

Like I said, 2014 was what no one wanted to happen. That's ultimately when the world started accelerating into shit. It sucks but it's always good to reflect every once in a while.

>2014 was what no one wanted to happen.

I remember when Frankie Gee died and they had a loop of Captain Jack playing all day. I agree stuff like that was fun.

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I think one of the best boards made in recent-ish times was unironically /diy/

Yea Forums died because all the good trips left

moot bringing back /pol/ in 2015 or whenever

>What would you do if Yea Forums just disappeared one day?
I would have sex.

That song when Bin Ladden was killed


>[x]american zoomers*

/diy/ is hilarious. it combines the usual retardation of the chons with a place for them to show the world how retarded they are.
And occasionally useful info

>What would you do if Yea Forums just disappeared one day?

Be happy that i'm now, free yet i'd still click my Yea Forums bookmark out of habit every 10 minutes the same way I do when this place generally goes down for a few hours and can't stop myself from automatically clicking on it

>browsing x site
>brain says, y'know you havn't looked at Yea Forums for a few mins user
literally my life

You're a fucking idiot. Those players found further success later in the decade. That's why they have more fans now.

I'm so glad Yea Forums left Yea Forums desu, it was a sinking ship.

probably spend more time on CCSLC

/ck/ is a bit like that but with actual chefs and several gatekeepers. It's kind of fun.

kek I know, it's probably one of the best real-life OC boards.
I remember a few years back some user who made big complex latticework domes made from wood covered in plastic sheet to protect the carss he kept buying with the intention of renovating them, he was a bit of a celeb, highly defensive and everyone used to bully him.
Never can remember his name/trip

might stop watching sports

not him but this is ironic since i exclusively make my OC on my phone lol. i have to email it to myself

Yea Forums is basically mainstream now, it trended that way for a while but now it's basically there and a fair few younger posters are just here because they want to be edgy and used words like faggot but otherwise have nothing to contribute
Before Yea Forums used to just take the piss out of anything, now there's always an agenda and a desperate fishing for attention, (You)'s and endless repeats of the stale memes because of a stunning lack of creativity

>he doesn't think everyone on Yea Forums back in the day was fishing for attention and lying and trolling nonstop

Hopefully do something more productive with my time but in all likelihood I'd probably move on to another imageboard.

>now there's always an agenda and a desperate fishing for attention, (You)'s and endless repeats of the stale memes because of a stunning lack of creativity
So zoomers?


fuck you if you say otherwise you 2016 era cancer

trips on Yea Forums are really really cancerous right now it's awful. i don't get why there can't just be even one good one

go to the archive and shadow post.


I would probably end up kms becasue Yea Forums is my escapism when I feel like shit and it mellows me. It's a drug

i'm sorry what? you can't interact with the archive


Leave the internet behind. When this place goes down it becomes rapidly apparent there's no where else to go that doesn't make me want to stick a gun in my mouth.


Post Trump victory reddit refugees. My friends grandpa deadass lurks /pol/ now.

sold out to the chink jews la

deadass? bro thats deadass crazy his deadass grandpa deadass lurks deadass pol deadass

its been confirmed for a while that its boomer central sadly

Find out where everyone moved to if I can’t then Kill myself....no way I’m posting on Reddit

pol infesting all other major boards, zoomers and summerfags flooding in and staying, everyone who used to come here growing up and either leaving or staying and becoming jaded as fuck.

honestly this, it's the last bastion what made the internet great

do you call your mommy bro?

2016 elections ruined everything

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this. who would have thought underage r/thedonald users would be cancerous?


>being this retarded
don't tell me you actually think there was more shilling by le evil sjws than by Russia and its American lapdogs

Yea Forums can recognize devices I'm pretty sure, just ban all phones desu. at least that's what would happen if the owner wasn't negligent as fuck

fuck dude
I stopped browsing for like a month ~4 years back and by this point I can't imagine life without this site

Shilling really is no different from Soviet-era propaganda if you think about it

holy christ please be trolling

/pol/ shitting up every board
case in point: this thread. the /pol/ shills with their conspiracy theories about the USWNT shilling on Yea Forums

this post is what went wrong with Yea Forums

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lots of seething leftist deskcucks itt

/po/: the loudest minority group of all

Normies. Fuck every other answer that doesn't mention this.

Can confirm, I am paid by the EBAC Northern League to shill English non league football on Yea Forums.

It's the same unemployable losers who've been posting here since 2008. You're all just dumber and have nothing creative to contribute anymore.

if you use the word 'normie' you're a normie desu

yep this place is astroturfed to hell everywhere. same way a lot of /pol/ posters branched out to other boards because /pol/ is like yelling into an abyss, so to did the shills

@ me den hoe

poosy ass ni99a

yeah you type like an unfunny zoomer. not getting my (You) newkike

meme tourists and third worlders

Yea Forums crossposters

>ynr luggage lad
Hah! I knew it.
Yeah, that was when the gamergate shit happened and tumblr was what it's known for. It was pretty dark.

bitch nikka

I agree to an extent. the site was at its best when it was almost too big. now the site is just plain too big. there's so many posters from every imaginable site.

also i enjoy some newer memes like the raimi spiderman nazi shit. idk. the shit that's really just bland is the constant incel have sex dilate tranny stream of diarrhea

14 9 7 7 5 18 that's what you are

The massive influx of redditors from the Donald slurping board in 2015/16.

>t. media matters

>when you make an absolutely abhorrent post

>hurr durr everyone by my stupidity is le paid shill

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nigger detected. sup doctavious?

books really are tldr shit for faggots

t. doughy pale incel

Spend more time outside but i’ll eventually just get myself killed

yep i found the nigger

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>Yea Forums
None of you seem to get it, you think this place is Reddit, with fucking epic secret rules and secret language!?

>complaining about flags

I had to assrape lolis on camera in front of rich super jews to get in forechin

>media matters
Can someone redpill me on what this means?

the increased politicization of the world and the internet in general has negatively impacted the quality of posts because posts have become less of "it's funny" and more of "us vs them" as well as a much larger more mainstream influence in terms of internet culture where the original content that proves to be popular to mainstream audiences no longer comes from Yea Forums

tl;dr /pol/

holy based this

>addicted to consequence-free communication and the sense of superiority over normies
this one hurt

Zoomers, who are retarded by default it seems, making up the largest portion of the userbase now

>exposing yourself as a newfaggot but not knowing Yea Forums died in 2012

>for no apparent reason
CL titles, European Cup...

Social media culture. Didn't affect just Yea Forums but the entire internet.

Fucking newfag.

Yea Forums has always been bad and football has practically always been part of this board.

Smartphones are more prevalent in the first world.