/nba/ - Dead Sport Edition

The worst commissioner ever. Literally worked by a bunch of low IQ players on a consistent basic

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Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck Kahwi

Fuck Kahwi

>I'm gonna keep coming back here to blow you up

I'm not gay, fucking stop trying to have homosexual sex with me on a fucking internet board

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>Westbrook stans

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Fuck Kawhi

Skip was right all along.

Warriors in 4

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One rare thing he got right

You mean fuck No. 2, right?

Fuck Kahwi Fuck Kahwi Fuck Kahwi Fuck Kahwi Fuck Kahwi Fuck Kahwi Fuck Kahwi Fuck Kahwi Fuck Kahwi Fuck Kahwi Fuck Kahwi Fuck Kahwi Fuck Kahwi Fuck Kahwi Fuck Kahwi Fuck Kahwi Fuck Kahwi

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He’s also right that Lebron chokes up when it matters but it’s not 100% of the time like he exaggerated it to be.

>Klay not even playing
>Gaymond is going to get shittier and shittier every year
>DLo is going to put Curry and his side chick on blast
The only thing Memeiors are going to win is a trip to the lottery

lakers should bring back zaza and have him clothsline No. 2

Draymond looking extra chunky there.

>D'Lo is going to put Curry and his side chick on blast

Who is even excited for the season anymore? How can you get excited as a fan? There’s literally no purpose in rooting for teams. You have root for either team Lebron, Team Kawhi or up-and-coming Team Giannis. All the regions are cucks for 3 or 4 super diva males. There’s no integrity or competition left.

It's funny how he's so fat that he can't get proper arc on his shots so they either brick short or long

>rooting for laundry

Fuck Kawhi

We loved him. We offered him everything. He left us for less money and to move to a much worse team.

Just because he didn't want to be in Toronto

Fuck him and fuck the championship. I want to give it back. I burned my Raptors championship hat already.

I'm embarrassed I waited for the parade all day in a crowd of millions, only to see him seated at the back of the bus, not giving a fuck about the championship or the people of Toronto.

Fuck Kawhi seriously

DeMar, if you're reading we're sorry and we want you back. We were wrong.

based, get detroit on the line.

After changing "owners" to "governors", they should now change "players" to "kangz"

>hur Westbrook so loyal

Nigga have you seen his fucking contract? No one else in the league is willing to take him cause is a God awful contract.
If anything Thunders were loyal to him.


I hope this is just satire. Otherwise you are just pathetic


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>fuck the championship

don't say that too loud, you might trigger the Westbrook retard. He's literally in tears rageposting right now so be careful

You're like one of those desperate hoes that get all over me after I give them the fuck of their lives.
Bang Bang Skeet Skeet nigga.

Is Herro the next Larry Bird? Yes or probably?

Is it just me or is Booker literally horrible? I don't care how much that he scores



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Kawhi and PG r gonna rekt Bron doe

hes not bad. they are currently rebuilding around him. if he had help they could be solid

>seated at the back of the bus, not giving a fuck about the championship
nigga what parade were you watching

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trips confirm

*Steals another superstar in his prime*

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reminder: there were marbles on the staircase

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The only way the league can be fixed is to take away the salary cap and get rid of max contracts. That way the owners and the players can have their power. Owners will be able to play the league like it should be which is an auction draft. Oh, and a team that has their superstar get hurt for a year should be offered a gigantic trade exception that allows other teams to unload some player on big contracts and help the team with that superstar for a year. All contracts should be 3 years long. No more one year deals or five year deals you have 3 years to make it work then you become unrestricted.

similar to how zion shoots. this long ass windup.

>le $142 million limping man

Is this general still 5 trips samefagging each other as anonymous

why would people go to a parade just to see this faggot. fuck kahwi.

DWade did all the work

Riley didn't get them shit. If anything, Riley drives away free agents because they know the practices are going to be long and grueling for no reason.


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find a picture where

1) he's smiling
2) he's not standing next to drake

every other picture he's seated or looking pissy. he didn't even want to talk to the other raptors.

Pretty much. Everybody else has filtered them.

this shit is so fake




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>practices are going to be long and grueling for no reason

>no reason

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Yeah, he is talking about Herro tho

posting kawhi should be a bannable offense.

clippers are actually genius. if the glass bros kawhi and PG dont work out in two years they can just... they can... they have... Lou Will could......

>warriros in 4
... years lmao

it's not the 1980s anymore, buddy. Why don't you bring back the short shorts while you're at it

he's a meme player, right?

If Kawhi wins another Champ he is officially bigger than Lebum.

i hope everything fails for them, soo much, i hate kawhi, i hate pg sooo much.

ive been filtering every picture of kawhi. havent seen him in the last 27 hours.

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nobody wants to be in Toronto bruh

fuck number 2 and his autism

hope la gets nuked as soon as he arrives

yeah, the only one that got fucked in all of this was OKC, they had a bunch of superstars and never won anything


im soo fucking mad, all i can post is

Fuck Kahwi Fuck Kahwi Fuck Kahwi Fuck Kahwi Fuck Kahwi Fuck Kahwi Fuck Kahwi Fuck Kahwi Fuck Kahwi

there is nothing else i want to post right now.

>silver getting rid of tampering rules only after they fine magic over a million
this anti laker league is too much

doubles confirm

mod here, posting kawhi is now banable

also even mentioning his name is bannable


Can we give Kawhi's ring to DeRozan instead? He deserves it more.

Lets start a petition

bros... when kawhi goes down i swear... im gonna fucking applaud harder than when the plane touches the runway

Snake players
Snake league

Can't put my time into this bullshit.

Am I weird for hating Magic and everything he stands for? I hate his stupid ass tweets, I hate the retarded coon way he speaks, I hate how fucking fake he is. I hate his fucking face. Pic related

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Coon is not a slur for people that act stereotypically black? The only coon I see here is Lebum James.

I do too. You can tell he's a total phony but hey he was the first tall person to learn how to play point guard so he's allowed to be the fucking personification of Hollywood

minutely reminder that,

fuck kawhi.

Lebron played in the 80's?

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tired of having to solve 6 captchas just to post

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If the NBA:

Doesn't get rid of max contracts.

Forces players and teams to serve at least 60% of the contract time they agreed on.

Or force a hard cap and no more than 1 max contract per team; this league is going to die.

the league is growing because of superteams

It pisses me off that he's so bad on TV yet has had so many TV jobs and appearances. I also hate the fact that SAS and Wilbon are always slobbing his knob. Makes you realize how fake the entire media industry is.

nope, people love superteams, but they love the forming of superteams even more. The NBA is a year round sport because of it.

Why are Lebums dunk so boring? Member when he posterized a 5'10 Celtics guy? Soo ebin

No it isn't. It's becoming more inclusive to a few good teams and a bunch of fodder that have their best players leave for those handful of established teams in bigger markets


Keep these entitled children in check (((Silver)))

If it was up to me I would have blocked the Kawai trade and keep Canada in the race, its really sad that we won't have a title defense and looks like USA taking its ball and going home.

More like if the league doesn't get rid of these gay ass conferences and let the top 16 teams into the playoffs the league will be shit.

just one more day rocket bros

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>brazil can't even afford a $20 pass

Daily reminder its the craven day care millennial mindset that gave us this problem, they were taught very little to make friend groups and then boost them up.

If you millennials have kids give them some self direction and character.

/nba/ , I demand a trade.

>implying i'll ever spent money in fucking Yea Forums

i'm not a cuck leaf

Remember when Stern would change rules left and right as soon as anything he saw as potentially negative occurred?

Silver is a piece of shit that only complains about shit in a very calculated manor after some negative things happens but then when he makes a small change it fucks everything up even worse.

The Clippers are the most evil organization in the nba

I'll trade you right away, no need to leak a bunch of lies to Woj and tarnish our reputation like you did the Spurs Uncle Dennis, I mean Kawhi, I mean user.....

fuck kawhi

am thanks

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Órale, fuck Kawhi, pinche cabrón. Florencia holds it down with a greenlight on his ass, güey.

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>Ayyyy, don't forget to tune in for our matchup with Pistons. Mark it on your calendar! Gonna be real basketball, not that memechucking shit. I've got some Chardonnet left, you want some?
>Agghh anyway... gonna watch Black Panther instead of game film. Wu-Tang!

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mods are so based

Please LeBron and the Lakers, save us from the Clippers.

While I agree his contract sucks ass and is the reason he's a tough trade, what was OKC supposed to do? They lost Harden and Durant, and had to trade Oladipo, jeff green, and ibaka because they were at the tail end of contracts and wouldn't resign. They had to do SOMETHING to make it seem like they were competitive, and it worked because they got PG.

i will be announcing my decision quite soon

my Kangz are a lock for playoffs next season

>Please soulless mercenary team save us from the other soulless mercenary team


if double digits, kawhi posting gets you a 3 day ban.
sorry kawhi. you're gone.

>be 2020

>rapties without kawaii make it to finals cause east is shit

>clips+lelkers destroy each other in western finals

>rapes win second year in a row

>kawaii commits suicide afterwards

Soul or soulless?

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Some soul

>Literally has AIDS
>Chosen to make good decisions
Magic has AIDS, fuck the Lelkers and Magic fucced trannipucci.

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If digits kawhi wordfilters to based

why is he grabbing his ass?

the ringer

Fuck Kawhi foo

wouldn't you m8

Fuck the Lakers and fuck their fans.

>dead sport edition
>actually the best it's been in years
okay then m8

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no, because i'm heterosexual

LeBeta status?

i really dislike Kawhi Leonard.

yo shut up

Fuck any player that ever left a good team

this, but unironically

fuck kawhi AND george paul.

This is the greatest rap song of all time

Take the Rachel-pill

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I would like to fill her HOLES if u know what I mean my guy haahaha

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Kristen Ledlow i will drink ur bath water...#random

Tekashi69 is snitching on Kekwhi as we speak.

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>only spent a semester in school not a scholar homie

Oh we know, it shows Durrbeta

>Pistons out according to reports

>Pistons out according to reports

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that's not her in the bikini.

Thoughts on Royce Da 5'9?



What about that one piece?

Durant's flow is really fucking solid. I'm impressed.

oh god his ape mandingo jungle hormones

Lebron has that Dr Dre flow aka shit

Create the perfect basketball player

Size: Anthony Davis
Athleticism: Zion Williamson
Court vision: Lebron
Shooting: Curry
Speed: Barbosa

>Her thighs

Also to the people saying she is a annoying cunt, fair enough. She is a bit cunty.....But you gotta ask yourself, is there one that's not?

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Remember when the blunder had KD, Westbrick, and Harden?



this is soo bad, this video reminded me that I hate kevin durant. not as much as kawhi though.

Nah, I'll pass.

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LA Team Popularity Power Rankings

1. Lakers
2. Dodgers
3. Rams
4. USC
6. LA Angels
7. Kings
8. Ducks
97. LAFC
98. LA Galaxy
996. Chargers
997. South Bay Lakers
998. Sparks
9999. Clippers

Only OGs know what this means

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Size: Manute Bol
Athleticism: Lebron
Court Vision: Lebron
Shooting: Curry
Speed: Derrick Rose
Imagine if a monster like this was real

This league sucks, you just hope you get one of the 10 guys that matter and if you do get him he'll leave in 2 years anyways

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Remember when Harden wasn't shit and couldn't even average 13 points in the Finals? Yeah I remember that too, thanks for bringing it up the millionth time

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Size: Tacko Fall
Athleticism: Alex Caruso
Court Vision: Rondo
Shooting: Seth Curry
Speed: Jeremy Lin

source or not true and homosexual

ewwww wtf

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Chris Bosh said on a podcast that it was the heat's gameplan to let Durant and Westbrook get their shots, but their number one focus was to stop Harden at all costs. They saw something in Harden and didn't want him getting hot.

forget nichols, THIS is a woman.

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Gods I want to hear what KD and Kyrie's first argument will be like

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damn she must suck his cock from behind or cook up some mean scalloped potatoes

sounds like 500 other songs

When KD gets fully healed, DLo will probably be way better than KD.
Meaning, Warriors got better, especially with dropping Boogie and adding WCS.
Since Boogie started playing again, it was blatant he didn't fit well into their system.

you think that it's eassaayyy!! noo noo nooo!!!

what i go throughh!! what i gooo through!!!!

someone show durant a telescope. he'd really get into kyrie mode after that

gonna be a fun year

damn i want her


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This song makes me want my life back. I was doing so well for a year, then I fell back into this neet-hole

No wonder they are close friends.

I only play the games that I win at
And stay the same with more rhymes than there's ways to skin cats

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I really like the new ¨damn i want her¨ meme.

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ASAP Rocky got in a fight with 3 dudes who tried to throw literal shit at him

Neither will WCS who can’t shoot and who is a wildly overrated defender with an attitude problem.

>The Brazilian jerkoff is a punk ass bitch

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Honestly, the three draft prospects this year + jacob evans from last year are doing pretty well.
Sure, it's the summer league, but they have been building on that chemistry since the first game. They're actually getting better together, it's insane growth

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>who can't shoot
There are plenty of centers who can't shoot. So why would you make him shoot? Your logic is absolutely flawless.


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>Warriors with no KD and Klay

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i miss KD on the thunder. i was a fan of his.

anyone got figures on the nba's growth during silver's tenure?


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Don't you mean governors?

They still have 3 all-stars. What are you talking about?

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what it do baybeeee

The Jazz literally cut down Gobert’s minutes because he was absolutely useless against the Rockets. It was futile playing him.

drake curse aint dead silly niggas


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J'almst overrate defense hella much

Back when I rooted for KD


when he was just a beta star trying to make it in this league. baka. This is MY KD.


bitch u guessin

Ok, they don't need to play him to win a Rockets series. They've done it with Dray and Looney at the 5.

he finally made it

Really tho bros... Warriors' coaching staff can make a sniper (or at least 3 point danger) out if anybody, so what will happen when D'Lo gets there? Honestly, pls cap this: D'Lo will shoot 60% from three in 2019-2020 if he sticks on the Warriors roster.

I am disappointed they didn't reunite.

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i mean yeah, but i wish he did it in OKC. sad how that team played out. westbrook is the last of that team.


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are the spurs in a really bad position if morris ends up not going to san anton'?

This is a serious question. I’m not being weird like that Brazilian with a cuck fetish. My gf doesn’t give a fuck about basketball and I’ve been trying to get her to watch it and my team is the lakers. She was telling me she doesn’t like the lakers cause none of the players are “cute” so I showed her kuz cause bitches seem to love him and she said kuz was ugly. But after that whole kuz/Kendall Jenner thing down she started following him and liking his pics and for some reason I’m fucking mad about it. Like I don’t even want to talk to her. Am I being petty? That’s the type of shit she does to me if I like other girls’ pics. I’m not bothered that it’s kuz I guess it’s more that he doesn’t look like me. Please talk some sense into me bros.

Kawhi Leonard

Yeah they traded away Bertans

just hire a Bull before shit gets out of control. you'll thank me later

You’re a complete cuck based solely on the fact that you are a Lakers fan

>This is a serious question. I’m not being weird like that Brazilian with a cuck fetish. My gf doesn’t give a fuck about basketball and I’ve been trying to get her to watch it and my team is the lakers. She was telling me she doesn’t like the lakers cause none of the players are “cute” so I showed her kuz cause bitches seem to love him and she said kuz was ugly. But after that whole kuz/Kendall Jenner thing down she started following him and liking his pics and for some reason I’m fucking mad about it. Like I don’t even want to talk to her. Am I being petty? That’s the type of shit she does to me if I like other girls’ pics. I’m not bothered that it’s kuz I guess it’s more that he doesn’t look like me. Please talk some sense into me bros.

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I can’t believe I thought this would be a good place to ask for advice

wait girls actually like Kuz? He's a 6'10" freakoid.

Does jumping give me more strength when I shoot?

yea it's called a jumpshot bro you should be jumping.


it ain't eassaayy what i go through!!! what i go throughhh!!!

>posting about what a cuck you are
>lakers fan

I haven’t played seriously in years, I can dribble and crossover most average or above average people but I simply forgot how shooting even works, I airballed a layup today.

Many men
Wish death upon me
Blood in my eyes dog and I can’t see
I’m just trynna be what I’m destined to be
And niggas trynna take my life away

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>Not posting real music

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im craving some affection bros

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I probably can right now lmao

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geez durant no fucking shit you basketball autist. u think the 7 foot tall FREAK would be more humble.

that's actually a fucking hilarious comeback lol

also PFTcommenter is wack as fuck

>challenging normies to a 1v1
Why does he feel the need to respond? I would just realize I’m rich and a genetic freak who is blessed with height and talent and go on about my day.

he's the king of comebacks

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that was great desu

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Wtf I love KD now!

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i always liked him, just was disappointing in what he did. Hopefully he goes back to being our beta-star and how he was in OKC.

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i feel like kd and i wouldve been best friends..

Just mock her for saying he was ugly before, come on.

kd posts on Yea Forums

My dwyane wade on 2k is so fucking good at drawing fouls lmao

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He's right though. Man got to a point in life where he can shit talk and be right about it, I respect that.

No he don't

Reminder KD is so insecure he has fake accounts to argue with people due to being too scared to say them with his name attached

Reminder he associates with losers that also do the same things on social media

Reminder his brother is a fucking head case loser with no fucking life and he asked the Thunder to sign him to their practice team despite being a shitty division 2 player

I love basketball /nba/. I don't know what it is.

hes not insecure he just love the game too much..

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he is genuinely a 12-year-old

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yo shut up

If you see yourself in KD you're legitimately a loser I don't know how you can even look at this dude and see anything positive from these dumb tweets

yo i ain't drinking your bathwater

Leave kd alone, shift your hate to the real enemy. Kawhi Leonard.

it was a simpler time..

who got no life.. the one makin millions of dollars or the one hatin on him

Kawhi Leonard

Apehoop players actually tend to be sheltered as fuck. I remember Iverson saying something like NBA players generally aren't involved in street life because they're too busy constantly traveling for tournaments with AAU teams and such

During the Blazers/Warriors series he was here defending himself

Number 2

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KD Redemption Arc part 1 (one)

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just heading his name makes me sick. fuck k**** leonr**

Greg Monroe

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If the NBA undid the salary cap, all the owners would lose money on bidding wars for players that could leave at any time they want and even Arab oil billionaires wouldn't want to buy teams unless they made trade demands and tampering illegal.

We all do user

That schnooz they have to use special makeup and straight camera angles to hide.

don't type out his full name anymore.

fuck k**** l******

My eyes heart from this :(

>All the governors


Night losers

>the Heat with Westbrook and Jimmy Butler are an instant contender

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>listening to Ice Cube's Today Was A Good Day
>he says in the song the Lakers beat the Super Sonics
>the fuck
>go over the names of the teams
>theres no Super Sonics

lmao Cube literally made a team up for his song

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whos the poster behind the Night losers gimmick? i legitimately cant tell

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Can we just use a series of numbers like a serial code to refer to K**** L******?

Something like 124879 0987234

Fuck you ballmer bring the clippers to seattle you enormous faggot

how about "that one faggot", but then that could mean anyone on this board.

Yea Forums - KD
/x/ - Kyrie
/fa/ - Kawhi, Westbrook
Yea Forums - Embiid
/fit/ - Wade
/ck/ - Ibaka
/hm/ - Lebron
/pol/ - Griffin
Yea Forums - AD

Which one is dumber




Fuck 124879 0987234

Kawhi Leonard

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i need a break. if i never come back just know some of u are alright. if i have the choice, i do not want to live in a world where kawhi leonard is not my raptor. and i do have the choice. good bye

I actually bought some new balance pants and shoes to support that stupid bitch 124879 0987234 during the playoffs.

About to dump that shit in the river behind my igloo. Fuck 124879 0987234

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>i wonder who can be behind fuck kawhi threads...
Haven't heard from uppity GSLarriors for a LOOOOOOOOONG time. Guess bandwagon is as fragile as their "star's legs. See you when Curry is MVP, r-right?

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this will make you fall asleep so fast

You wanna know how im a real Clippers fan?

Because despite everything looking up now more than ever part of me is going “Its all gonna fall down, it always does. Dont get your fucking hopes up.”

2015 haunts my dreams.

enjoying this post i made here. give it a (You) if you have the time

Pasted kawhi leonard into a text-to-binary generator.

From now on we say

FUCK 01001011 01100001 01110111 01101000 01101001 00100000 01001100 01100101 01101111 01101110 01100001 01110010 01100100

Kawhi Leonard


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This general is in fucking shambles
Lets do a brief rundown

Kawhi Leonard
>made the Lakers wait like a hungry dog for its dinner then put the bowl on top of the fridge
>cucked the Lakers out of numerous free agents
>pissed off the entirety of the Lakers fanbase in the process
>adding insult to injury signs with the Clippers
>steals PG from OKC, a desperate market of tornado stricken impoverished rednecks with nothing, trolling the fuck out of them (short term anyway)
>absolutely no one saw it coming, like an F5 through Moore
And who could forget Canada
>wins a championship for the first time
>is REVERED as a god by the entire country
>hundreds of thousands of people bought his jerseys as a result
>fucking leaves before they even arrive in the mail
>literal crying Canadians in the streets

I dont think ive ever seen so much asshurt from a single trade. Its glorious.

fuck you

pretty nice but
>/fit/ wade
ehh he had his moments where he got a little puffy. I would go with Giannis.

>/lgbt/ Dwight Howard
>Yea Forums - Luka Doncic
>Yea Forums - Robin Lopez/Brook Lopez

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Which NBA team has the most asterisk title and why is it Toronto?

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prime dwight howard or lebron right now? who you got

for me it's dwight

Ugliest fucker I ever saw sence Sam Cassell

Kawhi will be furiously booed both in Lakers road games and clippers home. His brand will take a huge dip in value and he’ll hate being the pariah after a while. Lakers fans always get the last laugh especially if you’re that close to them.

yeah I imagined Wade as the type to be ostentatiously working out and miring himself but lazy IRL while mocking people online

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Fuck 12

Gang gang

we are all aware the glass bros wont show up mate

Yeah, real clippers fans buttholes closed shut after hearing about that player option. They know the drill.

Not if he wins a chip he wont. Pressures on. Kawhi seems to do pretty well under it.

Yea Forums - Gordan Hayward
/pol/ - kawhi
Yea Forums - karl malone

What about pressure on Paul George?

It's a miracle he's able to move with that body.

What about the pressure on Kawhi’s degenerative knees? His knees are a ticking time bomb ready to explode.

What about gordon hayward? another shitty forward. not as shitty as fagwhi fagword and fagaul fageorge.

FUCK ***** *******

Gaywhi Reotard


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what did avery bradley ever do to you?

Guess it's time to jerk off.

>not Mavs jerseys

take it back

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>warriors jersey underneath

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>Retires as the first player to have 40k points, 10k assists, and 10k rebounds and first player to win FMVP on 3 different teams

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kinda crazy you're declaring Kawhi will win with those clippers

amber alerts in canada are troll as shit. 70 year old missing at 3pm an hr away from me... sends a nuclear meltdown level alert at 3am. thanks trudeau

>retires as the first person to lose 6 times in the finals and then miss the playoffs for the rest of his career after switching to the harder conference

I got this Xbox one for free and this shit is trash

They got no games

not gonna lie there's not much more he could have done outside the 2011 finals to win those other series

Goddamn wilt only has one ring and like 8000 losses? Why the fuck do you guys jack him off so much that nigga has more loses than years Craig stagers been dead

everyone knows playstation got the best games

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Kastats Leonard
Kasterisk Leonard
Kasnake Leonard
Kacoward Leonard

amber alerts are dumb as fuck. if you're NEET and never leave your house you should be able to turn them off. what the fuck am I supposed to do at 3am when some dumbass gets himself lost? form a search party?


He’s got two but yea he’s a loser

wario weh shove it up yo own ass game



Kawhi Leonard

fuck him

>Gets a Xbox
>Doesn't play Halo Reach on the MCC

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"im feeling the world is skip bayless, and im lebron james"

Is that quote wilt says to Jordan real because that dude played in an era where double dribbling and goal tending was a thing. I can’t take you serious.

You dunking on jimmy the white kid who plays basketball as a hobby isn’t impressive when every time you faced another good black player you got raped and btfo 80% of the time. If you are born on or after 1980 I’m not trying to hear your dumb ugly fat ass talk about some fucking bill Russell or wilt chamberlain

Get your stupid ass out my face

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it's not out yet

insanely good post

>Kawaii was everyone's hero after the finals
>suddenly it's lolfuckkawaii simply for exercising his rights in FA
Why are zoomers so treacherous?

boomers, zoomers, millenials, we are all united under the fuck kawhi banner.

Because unlike LeBron, Kawhi is the bitch who wouldn't sign with a franchise with the assurance of a superstar

How badly will the "governors" shit all over the players during the next CBA? They're pretty fucking mad, aren't they?

I bet they'd be willing to lose an entire season if it means they stop losing their players to trade demands, and losing money to guaranteed contracts. The players had better start saving their checks because I expect the next CBA negotiation is going to be brutal.

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Thank you.

"spent a semester in school im not a scholar homie"

Is Julius Randle an architect?

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Oh? On Jah, Adam?

>unfunny retard
it rhymes

damn he's still so jacked

nah dude. Curry gets swatted by Simmons

Was this when he was on the Spurs?

it's not worth putting unnecessary strain on their bodies

why did Kawhi turn down the almost guaranteed championship (or at least finals trip) that would have come along with joining the Lakers? since so many people rate players by how many rings they win, wouldn't that be best for his basketball career? it's the same reason Durant did what he did and why I think most would in his position

this and the 60% thing is all they need to do imo

stop talkin bout kawhi bitch niggas


This season is going to be so boring

absolutely not

kawhi has an ego. he actually thinks he can beat bron and AD with paul george. he thinks he beat that warriors team all by himself and injuries didn't mean anything

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nigga Kawhi is beating Lebron isn't it obvious

>Size: Kevin Durant
>Athleticism: Westbrook
>Court vision: LeBron
>Shooting: Steph (I know seth's % is higher, but Steph makes ridiculous shots)
>Speed: D Rose?

kawhi isn't a better basketball player than lebron james. paul george isn't a better basketball player than anthony davis.

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Size: LeBron
Athleticism: LeBron
Court vision: LeBron
Shooting: Larry Bird
Speed: LeBron

I combine athleticism with ability to stay healthy, training techniques, footwork, body movement, etc.

I mean, he's got a point. you guys are in no position to talk shit to KD

Luka And Jokic Make Me So Proud

i been singing a lot more in the shower lately

Bruh that’s so Cap lmao

2018 LeBron would have swept that Warriors team. Do you really think LeBron would score 22 pts in a finals game hahaha. I say since LeBron is the best player we have seen since Jordan and is an NBA iron man, that LeBron has 2 more years minimum of elite play. And when LeBron is elite, he's the best player in the league

Size: Durant
Athleticism: Lebron
Court vision: Magic
Shooting: Klay
Speed: Iverson

durant doesn't have "size." He has length and height, but he can't clash with bigs on defense or power through guys for a layup like Bron.

Speed would probably be Ish Smith my good Sir. Lotta fast dudes in this league that don’t got no skill!

I like KD a lot more after reading these

Kawhi being a snake set African American relations back 8 decades in Canada. Masai and Pascal proved African isn't the problem. It's the American part that you can't trust.

anyone else would have lost against the Warriors too

Same, tbqh. Kevin Durant will go down as the All-Time Yea Forums #ourguy. Can’t wait any longer to snag my #7 Based KD Jersey.

Lebron James is a better basketball player than Kobe Bryant.

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nigga his foot was literally on backwards.

kawhi was better than lebron last season
george was better than davis last season

>shit argument
like poverty

he said 40k points, not 40k minutes missed due to "load management"

>LeBron being better than Kobe is a shit argument
I can't believe there's actually posters on /nba/ who think Kobe is a better basketball player than LeBron James.

>kobe ring more

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i didn't know what load management was so i asked your mom.


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>durant doesn't have "size." He has length and height

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length and height are by definition size

because the lakers, from the front office to the court to the fans, are cancerous.

Ish Smith doesnt average a steal per gm. AI averaged 2 steals per gm by getting into passing lanes.

>Robert Horry

HUH?? watchu talkin bout bro ? *westbrook face*

my dude, please use any other stat that isn’t VORP

mass is size, those are just dimensions of volume. that's like saying a plastic bag is bigger than a bowling ball cause you can fit more stuff in it

size refers to physical dimensions, not mass
Think of it this way: which has a larger size: a 1 m^3 cube which has a mass of 100kg or a 100m^3 cube with a mass or 1kg?

okay autist. lebron has more mass than durant.

Size: Malone
Athleticism: Jordan
Court vision: Nash
Shooting: Klay
Speed: Lebron

Look how much weight Boogie has lost.

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Slimming down to play PF/SF, the DJ Wilson/Nikola Mirotic role.

Boogie gonna be a monster next season. He has so much to play hard for.

So whos ready for the lockout/strike come next CBA?

Was Jason Kidd 6'4? Looks taller than D Wade

Has Kawhi said anything since he signed? Anything at all? Jesus christ.

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Size: Giannis
Athleticism: Rose
Court vision: Lebron
Shooting: Curry
Speed: Wall

I don't understand this. Isn't Giannis faster than Wall because of stride? And why would you limit a person with Giannis size to Rose athleticism ?

he's not as fast as rose or wall, his strides make it so he doesnt have to dribble much to get to the basket.

Could Wall or Rose do the LeBron iguodala block

Size: Lowry
Athleticism: Jokic
Court Vision: Boogie
Shooting: Draymond
Speed: Gasol

wall's a great shotblocker for a guard actually, maybe he could.

Hate crackers, love white girls

Size: Wilt
Athleticism: Wilt
Court vision: Wilt
Shooting: Wilt
Speed: Wilt

1. Wilt
2. Kareem
3. Duncan
4. Moses Malone
5. Michael Jordan
6. Shaq O'neal
7. Hakeem Olajuwon
8. Magic Johnson
9. Lebron James
10. Oscar Robertson

I agree those are all GOAT candidates, but:

-Larry Bird lost 7 playoff series when his team had home-court advantage

-Magic Johnson had the most loaded rosters throughout the 1980s and did not win without Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

-Michael Jordan never had a winning record or won a playoff round without Scottie Pippen; the 1995-96 Bulls were the most loaded roster during the most expansion heavy period in NBA history. Can never reach a Finals except in Phil Jackson's coaching system.

-Kobe Bryant only won within the same coaching system as Michael Jordan did

Wilt could score, and at a MUCH higher field goal percentage than any of these guys. He could rebound the ball AND protect the rim better than any of them. He's also led the league in BOTH the regular season and playoffs in most assists. He's led the postseason in defensive win shares as many times as Larry, Magic, Michael, and Kobe COMBINED.

Wilt's the only player among them who's led either the regular or postseason in points, field goal percentage, rebounds, assists, efficiency rating, offensive and defensive wins, true shooting percentage, and blocked shots if they were recorded back then. I mean Wilt was doing ALL of this as just ONE MAN. No single human being in basketball history was given more responsibilities on the court than Wilt Chamberlain. The guy averaged more minutes than anyone ever, meaning he must be the most valuable ever. And if you're the most valuable ever then you must be the GOAT.

Should I buy more weed today?

LeBron has an incredible six second place finishes in the modern day nba. Honestly so fucking impressive to be able to get to the final that many times.

I want you out of my heeeeeeead......

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No you fucking loser. Save your money and invest it.

I like smoking before I lift, gives me a nice big appetite.

Need a white girl

Modern day NBA East's greatest team besides the Heat (with the second and third ranked players in PER as a second and third option) and Cavs has been the Raptors and Pacers. Lebron didn't play competition.

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Imagine her with a black nigger

As soon as lebron ded the raptors btfo the west. Golden state was so scared they injured themselves on the court to save face. Pacers 2020 champs just you wait. Eastoids rise up

Westbrook is trying to get Kevin Love to Miami, but Miami just doesn't have the assets for both.

Sounds great.

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whys is the nba store so fucking shit?

>spends money to spend more money that he usually would

ah yes, the 20 something year old

I'm "one of the good ones"

ayton is also gangster but the braindead coaches only give him

Is it true that most Carmelo haters online are Asian?

What NBA games have the most white wimmin in attendance

Michael Jordan -- 4.3
Wilt Chamberalin -- 4.4 - It's no exaggeration to say Wilt had the speed of a guard.

99% of all Wilt facts are lies, there's no proof he even played basketball.

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/g/ user here, what would yall wanna see in a nba app?

Weed man takes way too long to get back to me, damn.

Move to the first world and buy it at a store

I would much rather, this nigga be taking too long to get back to you like you don't have shit to do all day

PELICANS will win their first title in 2022-23, cap this shit..

jesus christ why does he shave the sides of his head it looks so fucking bad is he trying to look like a kid that escaped from the sped shed?

the only thing sadder than a millionaire who cuts their own hair is that retard josh jackson who knocked up a 40 year old gold digger

With a parade that long, even Kawhi could run out of things to talk.

>josh jackson who knocked up a 40 year old gold digger
>look this up
>it's real
This guy is a mess, literally squandering a golden opportunity.

when that article came out about him getting his infant son high on weed everyone laughed at how stupid he was but I thought the dumbest thing was how the kids mom was 42

Like really? you're a professional athlete with millions and you cant do better?

>Size: Taysom Hill
>Athleticism: Taysom Hill
>Court vision: Taysom Hill
>Shooting: Taysom Hill
>Speed: Taysom Hill

Is there anything this man COULDN’T do??

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Why didn’t the warriors trade curry to keep KD happy?

beat the rams


dame dolla shits on these fools

is this the slag josh jackson impregnated? if not post her

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Guy had character issues before he was drafted if I recall correctly, some domestic violence with a girlfriend in college. Then just didn’t show up to an autograph event he had committed to with the Suns season ticket holders. Guy will be out of the league by 25

Julius Randle is Demar Derozan/Enes Kanter at power forward, empty stats guy that looks the total package but does nothing that you expect of an all star in 2019. Might make the all star game in the East though

Do you even know how she looks? Also maybe he just loved her.

I feel like the Lakers are well designed to beat the Clippers but will get their asses kicked by everyone else.

Why do normalfags care about basketball all of a sudden? Is it just for the social outings or something to discuss with friends?

Basketball peaked in popularity decades ago

If you are actually Canadian then you are a moron.

That’s what Houston said about the warriors and got beat up so bad that shit is falling apart

Kawhi Leonard

*From 2, swish*

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>hand clocked

Doesn't matter if it's not timed with lasers.

Deny. Deep down u know wilt is the goat

There's no way a fucking 7'1" guy ran a 4.6 hahahahahaha. No fucking way.

Um he did.

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PG: Nash (1)
SG: Jordan (5)
SF: Durant (3)
PF: Nowitzki (2)
C: O'Neal (4)

Most unbeatable combination especially in todays league

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Is there any legit reason Wilt isn’t the best individual player of all time? Still holds 90 NBA records, led the league in assist as a big man, averaged 50ppg, 100pt game, etc.

Most athletic and same size as Gobert practically, dominated Kareem Abdul Jabbar who is frequently regarded as top 3 all time players while no longer in his prime and won FMVP after what would have been a career ending or at least altering injury for most players.

He’s definitely the GOAT

>From the data collected, it can be concluded that the delay between the hand start and the electronic start (when arranged by magnitude) is evenly distributed between 0.10 and 0.25 seconds. Therefore, based on this experiment data (and only accounting for human error at the start not the finish line), the average hand-timed 40 yard run is 0.175 + .075 seconds “faster” than a fully electronic time.

He ran a 4.9 or some shit.


Beat that team with ease

I already have my nigga Steve on my team and 3 on yours arent on the list try again sweetie

we're starting dream teams? i'm out they're all good

Klay + Lebron + Shaq is already unbeatable



Doesn't include wilt because he is too embarrassed

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2017-18 lebron was an underrated kino season

I want to see Curry and Giannis play together

oh klay isn't even on the board.

PG: Nash 1
SG: Iverson 2
SF: Lebron 5
PF: Barkley 1
C: Shaw 4

Spurs really traded bertans for nothing to make room for Morris then morris backs out
Pop status?

Wow, Wilt was bigger and more athletic than NBA players today? And played in an era with Nate Thurmond, Walt Bellamy, Willis Reed, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Bill Russell?

not enough shooting

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you don't need shooters when you have shaw

Interesting how shaw uploaded something that has himself under duncan.


Whats the point of Iverson then. 10 inefficient points off iso plays while the other dudes stand around. My team is what you want because you cant double anyone on the floor, if you double shaw he will yam it on you anyway, or he can kick it out to anyone else (all snipers), if you double KD or Jordan they flick it out to the open man or shaw in the post, scorelines would be 150-80
his ego is actually proportionate to his stature(nopun intended)

Fit,muscular,medium ass>>> fat flabby big blob ass

Duncan isn't above Shaq but Malone, he's giving Kareem respect as best C ever but Duncan is best PF ever which is different.

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cant believe we got giannis and kawhi in 2021 FA bros!!!



What if this is Masai's master plan all along?

>filler year where the vets are expiring and young core gets better
>allow Kawhi to fulfill his temporary LA fetish until he realizes how trash it is to play there
>in verbal agreement with Giannis already seeing as Bucks got weaker and MIL is a terrible place to live
Everything is lining up perfectly for both to come home

Has Kawhi said anything yet? Anything at all?

He's just developing Siakam as a primary initiator and replacing the vets with young cheap African players that come in playing just as well as that previous championship core due to being unscouted (see Manu Ginobili, Tony Parker, Giannis, Jokic before Euro scouting was prevalent).

Then adding Giannis and Kawhi to that cheap African core with Siakam.


Has this been the most kino offseason in recent memory?

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She did it in purpose

How can we compete Canadiabros...

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You cant, but at least you're better than yurop.

It's good having the greatest country in the world as your neighbor.

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>everything is oil and fast food

damn, he's handsome now. Will be be playing as a forward?

>guys living in pic related are the knees spamming “LA sucks” all day

Welcome to the western world. Humans like to eat, and when there is food readily available without having to sling rocks at spider monkeys high up in coconut trees or whatever it is you do in your shithole country, they consume it at a higher level. And become bigger and more fat.

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The raptors just signed another undrafted kid
Oh shit it's a wrap, 2peat confirmed

/news/ - Klay