Does anyone on here actually play sports in real life?
Does anyone on here actually play sports in real life?
no lol
I am a fat alcoholic boomer at this point so I just play pool at this point.
I play basketball a couple times a week
Yeah but not for a few years. I'll get back in soon.
i play from now and then
only watch football and only play tennis
used to watch tennis many years ago before it become a Federer-Nadal-Djokovic circus
Used to be decent at basketball but now I'm fat. Play golf occasionally
are you insane? i am almost 300lbs i only shitpost about sports.
Lose weight.
>Data mining thread
Wish I had people to play footy with, started hanging out with that crowd 2 years ago but last year due to new work schedule was only able to play thrice, now they don't invite me anymore.
I play FIFA in my brand new ps2.
I rode the bench for the US in a concacaf u-17 cup earlier this decade. No I don't have anything from the tournament on me right now, I graduated college and work an 8 hour job like everyone else now.
Yeah. We won our dart league last year.
That cool. Do you at least play men's league soccer wherever you live?
I don't even watch sports
Ive always been pretty good at soccer but i stopped playing because i got really fat. Ive just lost 25 lbs so im excited to get back to it
Football. Sunday league.
I played club soccer as attacking mid for a D1 school, but its been hectic trying to find a league to join recently. I move around a lot
Ayy lmao
yeah baseball.
>putting your body on the line and wasting your time on sports activities without getting paid for it
Just hit the gym 3x a week and don't eat like a slob and you'll be fit and lean for most of your life without risking too much. I know people who lost their jobs because they tore acl and achilles on a sunday morning football session with the bois
I played in the Chicago Fire youth system and had to travel around the country playing development academies. The was even a Canadian team in our division. Now I just play pickup.
A few guys on my team ended up on the youth national teams
Smart man.
My weekly routine consists of
>work 5 days a week
>gym across the street from work
>lift 4 or 5 days during my lunch
>one or two days of cardio after work
>try to eat healthy during week
>fuckton of water
>still fucking gorge myself on $20 worth of Taco Bell occasionally
>What is recreational fun
Thats all playing sports is mate. Fun.
We can't all be solo school shooter gym freaks like you Fernando.
There's two types of people that do recteational sports for fun:
1 - Under 22 years old college students with nothing better to do
2 - Married boomers who can't stand their wifes at home so they need to get an excuse to get out of the house
If you don't fall in either category you should be investing your time on worthy activities like getting more healthy and making money
Onde moras xuxu?
Kys faggot. Just accept that men like to be competitive and use whatever outlet they can to compete with other men, you low-test cringelord
This, desu. It appears that moor Fernando was always the last kid picked to join their team.
3 - Those bumfucks who never made into the pro leagues and try way to hard when playing the game for "fun" and just ruin the experience for everyone by being douchebags and overly aggressive.
Hey im not telling you how to live your life. You do whatever you want but my ciew is thats a complete waste of time.
I played competitive football till 17 btw.
I play footy 3 times a week (7-a-side), and I'm looking to get back into playing full field. Other than that, I run 5ks and bike
I bet you thought you would get a bunch of replies to this, didn't you?
that would be unamerican
i suggest you go back before you are dragged kicking and screaming
I played a sport once. But I can’t remember which one. One of the sports with balls.
i played sports once
bad times
I play 5-a-side football with friends
I used to play D1 soccer, now I just run trying to run a fast mile
also have a bunch of soccer related Guinness world records so that's fun
>playing sports
>watching sports and calling players fat and lazy
I played water polo in college and I swim a lot still. I also play basketball and golf when I can. A summer or two ago we set up a badminton court in our backyard which was surprisingly fun
>Having the ocassional laugh with the lads is a waste of time.
Lmao what a sad man you are. Youre def hiding from something.
I don't think this guy has ever had fun in his life. i'm unathletic as fuck but doing things with your body and competing and hanging out with other people is fun. you should unironically have sex.
cock swallowing isnt a sport faggot
>at this point
>at this point
>at this point
>at this point
>at this point
>at this point
mexicans are fatter than americans. the influx of their fat fuck people is probably half the reason why our average weight is increasing.
i do some bouldering every now and then but thats more Yea Forums than Yea Forums
I play indoor soccer 6v6
I've played soccer with and against guys that never played any organised junior level, they started playing in these low division leagues when they're 17-25 and generally speaking they are a bunch of fucking arseholes with no knowledge of sportmanship or etiquette.
Get exercise
>dad played d1 football before having his knee shattered
>could not even make my high school jv team.
Quitted playing footy 7 years ago when i was like 13? Nowadays my life only consists of studying, working and drinking. Sad.
yes i play madden
I played D1 football as a linebacker
used to
have some more drinks faggot
If that's the case, tell your mum to give back all the medals I gave her.
I play nigger assrape in prison
Who here /5aside/
lol get friends loser
I play poker
Sporting IS getting more healthy you utter idiot.
I would have expected that comment from an american.
Played rugby union for the University of Leeds and the University of Oxford, then the British Army.
I also ski to a good level, shoot regularly, squash once a week and play cricket and rugby for my local side. I've also entered a few amateur rallies and hill climbs.
What kind of degenerate do you think I am?
I play football, cricket and rugby
Play cricket
Also kick the sherrin woth my mates but dont play proeprly
Tory nonce
Actually some time ago I had a stupid idea and go running, why I comback my feet and kness hurt so much I stay in bed for 3 days. Never again.
>bar pool
>hockey in the winters
I used to play footy.
Was pretty decent at it, even won some regional tournaments, but then i discovered the internet, started playing online games and everything went downhill.
I play running.
I did in my youth. Was an Allstate lineman.
I did a long time ago
How is this data mining, retard?
Beer league Flag football with old handegg buddies, its fun and gives you some motivation to remain relatively fit
I play small forward for my school's club basketball team
best Yea Forums user
I did. Then i deleted Facebook, lost every and each contact with anyone. Everyone kept playing it, while i stay at home and shitpost here
Men's league baseball
APA pool
Running club
I used to but now I'm too fat and lazy
I play league of legends
I play 11aside on a sat at a poor standard (won the double this season tho)
5aside kickabout on a weds
Golf once a week
Gym 4 times a week
absolute athlete lads
>Does anyone on here actually play sports in real life?
doing weed counts?
I play softball and niggerball.
playing sports is a great way to get more healthy, wtf are u even talking about?
I play trumpet in marching band
Is sex a sport?
Before middle age I boxed and played rugby.
Then no :(
Im a pretty good football (soccer) player but I blew out my knees just over a year ago. Waiting to renew my medicare, gonna get a referral then prob double acl/mcl surgery. How tough is the recovery, bros. I'm fucking terrified, I hear it's bad.
Probably the most based post in all of Yea Forums history
>$20 worth of Taco Bell occasionally
So a week's worth of food kek
But Mexicans are short as fuck, meaning even if they're fat, they're probably max 175 lbs. If anything, Mexicans are pulling the average down. Ipso facto, lose weight.
Yeah play lacrosse year-round (yes I’m a twink faggot because I play lacrosse, haha). Get some pretty gnarly bruises now and then, which never fail to freak out my friends.
Table Tennis about 15 hours per week
just played an intense game of bball with some random lads at the park. I love the sport even if i get rekt. Fucking hell imagine not playing sports
just came back from a footie session.
Footie. Been playing like ten years in sunday league tier teams. Is great fun.
if there was a shitposting draft with 32 teams i'd be a first rounder easily
Used to be part of a football rec league before I moved back home. I miss those guys.
I played your mom last night
wasn't that fun though and left me with an itchy feeling inside
Does playing video games count as a sport
Im a web surfer
As a 30 year old boomer on a coed rec soccer team this is me in category 2. Desu I wish I knew how many hot chicks played soccer back in my single days.
>Does anyone on here actually play sports in real life?
thank you leaf
am actually a baseball front office member no bamboozle
by this logic Blake Griffin is fatter than Rosie O'Donnell
grew up playing hockey, mostly Yea Forums but i also grew up skiing and still do ski quite a bit
went outside for the first time in 4 months bros
the sun is so beautiful, trees are beautiful, i might go outside again tomorrow :)
i go to the batting cage a lot and in my dreams i score screamers against eurocucks, niggers, and greasy spics or, in the alternative, two-foot tackle those cunts into early retirement
Well no. The argument I replied to was that user said "mexicans are fatter than Americans. Therefore, they're bringing up the average weight."
The flaw with this argument is that it relies on the assumption that the fatter you are, the heavier your weigh. It overlooks that possibility that Mexicans are generally much shorter than most Americans. I never conflated these, you did. There's a difference between height and weight. user thought that Mexicans are bringing up the average, but it's wrong, they bring the average weight down.
I have played sports a lot in the past but have stopped since two years ago
22 year old here, played as a goalkeeper all my life, i think i was pretty good, still play from time to time. I was good enough to get into an academy and maybe try to be a pro, specially considering my uncle has some good contacts at spanish second division clubs, but decided against it to go to uni and follow my dream of becoming an architect.
Worst decision of my life.
*the heavier you weigh
*it overlooks the possibility
Fucking autocorrect
come to down to the US/mexico border. You will actually see tiny objects orbiting the mexicans here.
What state you live in? Is authentic southwest food top-tier?
How tall are you?
1.92 not super tall but more than big enough i guess
Do any of you city slickers actually fuck and suck in real life?
Make friends. Actually, don't because you'd probably just bring them down
I play basketball with the local nignogs. They get so mad when I beat em one on one because they usually underestimate my skill. One of these days I'm gonna end up shot or something.
Why play sports when I can pay other people to do it for me?
I play soccer in college, D2 though. Still one of the better D2 teams, which is why I ignore most of the retarded opinions on here
Is having sex with cheap old prostitutes a sport?
>tfw gf broke up with me over misunderstanding
Should I get pussy tonight bros or should I mope?
How do you have a time for that + Yea Forums
played d1 soccer at arkon. Tried to make it in Europe, didn't work out. now i just play leagues around town.
which school? My buddy's younger brother plays at St Mary's in san antonio
I play football (the American one, fuck grass diving)
I'm a running back
do you really? I had no idea other countries played
I unironically do
Mostly do inside runs and short 3rd down situations
Also play some ST
I really like volleyball but no one likes it here and all clubs are closed this summer.
Plus girls who play it are top qts.
Not anymore. Played rugby, squash cricket and football when I was young though. I was bad at football, pretty good at the rest.
Most universities here have teams. It’s a meme thing for people who aren’t good at other sports though. Like ultimate frisbee.
>used to watch tennis many years ago before it become a Federer-Nadal-Djokovic circus
Federer, Nadal and Djokovic btfoing zoomers well into their 40s is peak entertainment though.
>It’s a meme thing for people who aren’t good at other sports though.
t. twink who never played it and has 0 idea
Even the fattest linemen need to have some form of strength and athleticism to play
In england it’s a meme for people who can’t play rugby my dude. In America it’s the other way around. No idea about Austria.
yes i'm something of a powerlifter
i play rocket league
Pretty based, I get all my sports related info from this shithole
I used to in High School. Intramurals are the fucking worst. Everyone is 30 years old, have no talent and try way too hard to see if theyre better at sports at now because they put on some muscle since they were a teenager. But theyre not. They still suck
When'd you play?
Lenoir-Rhyne in NC. Really small, only been good for a few years.
I hit the heavy bag twice a week. That's it. Too old now for ball sports.
>grown man who cant handle a fork correctly
fucking manchildren
I play rugby properly, piss about football and if I've got the Saturday free I'll play basketball for a mates team. Occasionally play cricket for dads team
If by "playing sports" you mean "fuck ur mom", then yes.
I used to participate in 6 miles races and be very consistent with my training. Now I smoke 2 marlboro red packs a day, go to the gym 3 days a week and only play football every once in a while.
I still practice track and field, mostly high jump and long jump, but sometimes I take part in events from 100m to 1500m as well. I'm good enough to regularly get trashed by the guys that are something special. Since I go to uni I kinda toned it down a bit, but I still try. Apart from that, I like to cycle and play football.
>2 packs a day
das too much esè
Padel every now and then and beach football since it’s summer
>tells obese people not to exercise
>wants them to "get healthy" instead
holy shit based
Played basketball until I started having problems with my ankle then injured my back. I play H-O-R-S-E and love to bowling and billiards.
>they are a bunch of fucking arseholes with no knowledge of sportmanship or etiquette.
So just average leinster league soccer players then.
>at a poor standard
how poor?
tennis table
tae know do
Never knew there were Guatemalans that tall? Are you White?
I play grab ass with my gym bro
Alright boys, I'm going to Greggs. Anyone want anything?