Goddamn I love being white bros
Goddamn I love being white bros
>the cast of Fisting Firemen 9 goes to a tennis match
You love having a small penis and being highly prone to cuckolding and/or suicide? Ok the
>losing to poo peeland when you only care about one sport and have 20% of the earth's population
what happened?
just curious, but when you're doing shitting in the streets when do you wash your hands? do you even wash your hands?
>still wanting to be white
This isn’t /pol/ of 2016
None of those people are white
Fucking Amerimutts, cringe
le 53% face
the black disrupt the pray with some music.
>knocking out a kid
Niggers deserve the shit they get
Found the nigger
Oh, I thought they were supporting Kaepernik. There is a guy on a single knee.
black dude is like 18 and hes fighting a 13 yr old kid. he has a foot above him
That pic looks nice in the thumbnail
Talk Shit Get Hit
Black peeps just straight up chimp. Whiteys usually say what the deal is and don't sucker punch.
Based. Fuck white “”””””men”””””””
White men are all trannies
>its a canakek/usa "lol im so white bro" episode
You aint white. Now fuck off with this useless piece of shit thread.
probably same age, blacks just enter puberty faster than whiteoids
also if you look closely the black bvll was trying to walk away, after which the wh*te kid started the sissy fit.
Cringe. As a white chad there's nothing to be proud about being white nowadays.The most unforgivably cucked race to ever life.
poos are the last to speak on dicks. Smallest in the world next to gooks
Nordcuck genocide WHEN
this wyteboi started having a seizure
manlet rage
>Asian talking about cock size
India has a smaller average penis size than like 90% of western countries
wow he kicked the shit out of a child
this is a nice picture, nice framing and composition
not the black childs fault that blacks enter puberty earlier than whiteoids
>poos are the last to speak on dicks. Smallest in the world next to gooks
>India has a smaller average penis size than like 90% of western countries
Both true and its all thanks to Aryanoid dicklets