Claims to be the home of the "GOAT

>Claims to be the home of the "GOAT
>Can't get a win against Paraguay
>Face based Brazil in semis without their best player
>The "GOAT" is in the starting 11
>Muh, cor-cor- corruption!

Why are they even trying?

Attached: images (2).jpg (554x554, 15K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>>Face based Brazil in semis without their best player
Dani Alves played.

>you're allowed to trip their attackers without consequence
>you're allowed to grab them without consequence
>you're allowed to charge them without consequence
>you're allowed to turn off VAR
>w-why couldnt you win??

Attached: metegol.jpg (400x301, 43K)

>that pebolim

that would be a solid argument if they didnt already choked 2 finals against Chilel

>he thinks neymar is their best player
lmao at you huenigger

wrong, that african kid is retarded he should have made a plekos board

Why are you amazon monkeys so assblasted at the corruption remarks? Its so obvious that a lot of Copa Amemerica games are rigged in favor of the host. Chile did this shit in 2015, Argentina did it to a certain extent in the group stages when they hosted it in 2011. Its part and parcel with you south american babboons to rig games and be corrupt in general.

I fucking love plekos. What is your favorite football simulator toy?


Brazil is better without neymar


Attached: scolari.jpg (228x250, 29K)

>you're allowed to trip their attackers without consequence

There's video evidencd of aguero tripping himself

>you're allowed to grab them without consequence

Who did this?

>you're allowed to charge them without consequence
>you're allowed to turn off VAR

Var was on just never needed

>w-why couldnt you win??

Gaby S.

>steals a cup
>still can't stop seething about it's superior southern, white masterrace

Attached: 1561772115449.jpg (500x567, 53K)

Both of your WCs were stolen.

can't understand what you're saying, swallow your taco burger before speaking cuck

they also got refballed against chile
conmebol refs are shit, that's the end of it

Attached: rojo.webm (1200x675, 2.92M)

but Firmino played


>Face based Brazil in semis without their best player
But Dani Alves and Allison were on the pitch.

be gentle, cebollita

most of the comments are from countries that never won a WC kek

What did Brazil mean by this? Spend all week discrediting USA women, but Brazil only has Women UFC champions lol.

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me on the comment section

>Schevchenko not using the Peruvian flag


>it's a "country that praises 'la mano de dios' complains about corruption and refballing" episode
love the irony in these but it's getting a bit stale

To be honest, no Argies should post in this thread. It's gloating over a semi-final win.
Messi is the best current player in the world.
Argentina are not as good an nt as they were.
There's nothing else really to be said.