Heems a tai chi master so hard he gets fined by the government and crashes his social credit score

>heems a tai chi master so hard he gets fined by the government and crashes his social credit score
Pretty based

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Outspoken MMA fighter Xu Xiaodong has been ordered by the Chinese courts to pay hundreds of thousands of yuan in damages and publicly apologise on social media for insulting a tai chi “grandmaster”.

>Chen is a board member of the Henan Institute of Sport and has the backing of the powerful Chinese Wushu Association, which has not taken kindly to Xu’s mission to expose “fake kung fu” by pulverising traditional martial artists who he believes are swindling the public.

literally >tfw could heem every here

Actually based, fuck all these assholes peddling meme kwan do shit. It's all been proven garbage

Lol looks like he found a chink in his armor

>Xu’s mission to expose “fake kung fu”
>It seems like a costly mistake for Xu to have criticised Chen, who bills himself as a “direct descendant” of the creator of taijiquan, Cheng Wangting, and the grandson of Chen Fa’ke who was “renowned as the greatest taijiquan master at the beginning of the 20th century”.
>Chen Fa'ke

Okay, that's comedy gold.

i thought tai chi was just a dance old chinese ladies did in the park

Based Xu exposing the MCdojos.

the new Bruce Lee

theres all sorts of esoteric bs associated with it.
not all tai chi practitioners believe you're harnessing life-force and making yourself unbeatable, but some do

*tai chis the thread*
What now, huh?!

It's a big industry.
Of course some justice warrior faggot cannot be allowed to destroy it.

>ties cheese


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Didn't he get rekt by a muay thai fighter?

Muay thai is a legit martial art tho not a scam

>“Mad Dog” is on a mission to expose “fake kung fu”
and his latest victim was Lu Gang, a pressure point wing chun master from the Ip Man lineage.
>The bout took place in Karamay, China on Saturday, with Xu weighing around 100kgs compared to the 50kg Lu – who turned up wearing a fedora to cover his bald spot. Lu didn’t even wear gloves or wraps on his fists, because he said they prevent him from properly using his wing chun.

I just cracked up imagining a 50 kg (110 lbs) balding chinese dude wearing a fedora trying to fight a fighter twice his size and thinking he was going to win

*destroys muay thai "goat" with side kicks and back kicks which muay thai and duck style kickboxers say doesn't work while dancing*
just a reminder that elite traditional kicking is the peak fighting style but no one does it because it takes so much work and flexibility to achieve, no one has done it yet but when someone does it is game over for the memes being pushed by the netherlands, thailand, and UFC

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>didn't he get rekt by a legitimate martial art

A martial art can help you win a fight. I bet Xu feels good about losing to a real fighter after fighting so many jokes

>just a reminder that elite traditional kicking is the peak fighting style

>gets legkicked

this nigga gibson is the exception to the rule,he even got a split decision agains Hoost I think

90% of the times muay thai exposes meme shit though

Prime Schaub heems them both and then makes a joke about their accents

200kg Taichi master vs 70kg heem master
who wins