How do we fix this shit?

How do we fix this shit?

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let white people be back in charge of it desu

make it british and dutch colonies again

You're only months away from becoming a superpower :)

Start by putting the shit in the toilet, Singh.

Leave Kashmir

At least you beat pakistan lmao
Real answer, focus on test cricket

Remove all the Indians.

A butthole

The only thing white ppl are capable of doing is importing more muslims or fighting wars for israel

we're also quite good in constructing functioning fecal removal systems desu

You already know the answer, Rajesh.

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It took fewer than 5000 Englishman to conquer your entire putrid sub-continent. Your third-world pride will never allow you to admit it out loud, but being colonised by us is the single greatest thing to ever happen to India.

jews are not white

just play kabaddi instead la

Colonization was a good thing for most countries.
The problem was that the Whites didn't want to give the same right to the colonies.
That's why they revolt.

But just look our old colonies and look territories still "colonised" by us.

They all want to come...

French and Alberto Barbosa colonisation was alright. English were jews

Alberto colonised us but even today they give citizenship to people who's grandparents lived in the colonies if you want to goto EU

I came

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>The problem was that the Whites didn't want to give the same right to the colonies
That's not a problem. Like at all.

What purpose is there in conquering a place just to treat them as equals? That’s just a suicidal financial undertaking

Stop being scammers

No because you earn territory, population, influence, ressources, etc for à really low cost.
Just build some schools, hospitals and roads, give them the right to vote and call them brother and it's done.

The ratio is positive.

The real only problem is to control the natality, that's why I think we abondoned our Blacks colonies first but we wanted to keep Algeria

>French and Alberto Barbosa colonisation was alright. English were jews

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He is right, you know it.

All of your colonies are shit-tier though.
>inb4 what about england tho hehehehe

Funny to see Yankees use the 'poo in loo' line. I've been to New York. Piss, vomit and rats on every street corner. At least Indians have culture and seemed genuinely happy. Americans are sour, superficial, medicated 'people'

Tell me, you prefer live in Sénégal or in Kenya today.
Just asking.

Kenya seems like it has more intresting wildlife, and if I'm going be living in a shack either way I'd like to at least be entertained.

Good answer, you win.

maybe stop shitting on the street
that'd be a good start


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Thanks lad.
One day I will see the endless hordes of wilderbeest in their natural habitat.

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For this kind of beasts, just go to USA.

You’ll probably get killed by a nigger

South Africa


It doesn't count, it was a colony for import population like we did in Caledonia or you did in Australia (with whores and murderers, English style apparently)

This exactly. Do the (s)needful!

>The problem was that the Whites didn't want to give the same right to the colonies.
Lolwat? Why would a conquering army do this there's literally no incentive. Best thing that ever happened to India was british colonization.

indiscriminate 24/7 carpet bombing

Turn back time so that the IVC people can wipe out AASI abos and Aryans. That might lead to preservation of civilization in south Asia.

start playing baseball

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Gutted you lads didn’t get a chance to lose to India in the semis

and winning odi wc semi finals