>imagine unironically being Indian
>shitting in the streets
>getting BTFO by an Indian
He types like he's nine but you can guarantee he's at least twenty.
Still haven't recovered from this shock.
Why are white girls so obsessed with Indian cock
If they can't defend themselves their gdp is somebody else's.
Donkeys also have different colours and they are way smarter than horses
They are not you roadshitter. They find Indians very disgusting and beta.
They aren’t... they are the least valuable on the sexual market. Right under black women
love how they conveniently miss out the industrialisation of the west in that part.
That implies that they were a single unit at that point of time, which they weren't. The socialist governments of India have quite thoroughly over-written their own history via manipulating the academic curriculum.
Why are you so obsessed with Indian culture you know nothing banana boy
Is it true that paki bois and "naarthis" get cucked by Dravidians on a regular basis?
quite the sample size there
>What's the deal difference between you and a dog
We can poo in a loo
that isnt average? thats very unsettling
Yep, "naarthis" are dickslets and brainlets
Why are indians so horny that they hit up random jirls on the internet and ask them for sexy times
>tfw cock is only 15cm
ffs lads, Indians are almost bigger than me
Imagine being an Indian villagers and getting told by a passing by scientist with a measuring tape to get your dick hard.
>actual dicklets
>actual Goalets
Portugal is at 13.19 cm.
I would be careful of Swedes visiting your country if I were you.
your cock is 7 inches, lad. never mention it's smaller to anyone again
Virgin American feminist vs the Chad Pajeet
I'm at 18.9 cm
Imagine coping this much for someone else. He is around 6 or so inches and it is pretty much normal, let him be at peace with himself, he is alright.
>all these "people" from across the world
if you're not a son of the glorious Sacro Imperio Romano, just kys añready and free the world of your filth
>choking to us everytime in a major competition
IDK about the Portuguese SSA, but if we applied your z-score to a Swede, then he would be over 8 inches. One thrust from him and your wife won't be happy with you again.
Get colonised silk merchants
Thickness matters my dicklet friend
Ok i rape u tomorrow
Yeah and everything has a z-score associated with it. Swedes on average have longer and thicker dicks than Portuguese men. So if we applied your z-score for length and thickness to this Swede, then you would be considerably larger than you to the point where he would utterly dwarf your penis.
I see your data and I raise you another one
Did some moortuguese fuck your girlfriend or something? You sound oddly irritated
No Portuguese size on that map, but there is Spain at 13.85 cm on average and Sweden at 15.08 cm on average.
Yeah but where's the 8 inches you mentioned then?
No I am a moortuguese mutt who lost his gf to a Swedish BULL :((
going to need to see some proof there, Joao
post cock w/ ruler
Its called a z-score faggot. Don't you understand how statistics work? Darn you must actually be retarded. What are you cranial parameters?
>Indian banter
Have the Aussies met their match?
Christ, is this how America feels? I literally don't think about India at all and yet they still seethe over us.
Like pottery, basically implanted in your DNA at this point.
My moortuguese genes fucked me up. Wouldn't have happened if I was NORDIC.
I’m going to Korea
>tfw Indian and 7 inches
I’m sure most Indians are malnourished dicklets though, I’m born and raised in America so I didn’t have 0.7 grams of protein a day growing up
Oh no no no no no
>7 inches
That HAS to be MANY SDs above the Indian average. The moortuguese guy (and I being a moortguese mutt) are still a bit bigger than you. But we all get cucked by Swedes in the end :(((
The only people who care about dick size to this extent are gays and black women, I don’t last long if I sleep with random women so my big cock is useless if I don’t have a girlfriend. Which now I do thankfully. But size doesn’t matter if you’re autistic and can’t use it.
True story my friend a couple years back was a fucking bumbling CS/coding retard who managed to get a girlfriend for the first time, she was friends with someone else I knew and told her about how fucking big his dick was, they measured it like 9 inches and thick as her arm but he lasted 30 seconds and was usually an emotional retard and he got cheated on.
Just know how to fuck and don’t have a microdick. And don’t be a fucking retard