Why are you all so full of hate Yea Forums?

Why are you all so full of hate Yea Forums?

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Because I have to share this board with americans


Because I have to share this board with americans

Please stop with the hate speech.

hate according to who?

how do we hunt down and gas the kekcancer

Honestly Yea Forums has actually gotten more left wing after trump victory

phoneposting killed Yea Forums

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>kekistan flag
cringe in physical form


>internet hate machine
>yet here I am making clip art animal edits for teams and posting about onion rings in /hoc/

Because we live in anage where people call it hate speech if you hurt someone else's feelings or you're a racist simply by virtue of being white.

Flags are hostile and insecure and have to resort to country shitposting instead of talking about sports
Usually that's against us for being a power

This is about Yea Forums, a totally different site than 4channel you fricking fricks

Umm Yea Forums belongs to 4channel, sweetie. We don’t associate with the alt right Yea Forums.

Not more left wing, just whiny r/faggots who migrated. The euros on here are still typical Lefty scum though

this but unironically
There are legit less reeing niggerposting polacks lately

Remember when Vice was cool?
>I member

>Kekistan flag

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What sport is this?

Because I have to share this board with americans

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just wait for the Euros and Olympics next year

I think it's become less white nationalist and more radical populist. It's not about black and white anymore, it's about based vs cringe.

WC 2018 Yea Forums was abhorrent with all the /pol/eddit refugees shitting up the board

I probably posted like 200 interracial threads while the WC was going never even got a 3 day ban. A few days later I wrote something in the line of "I don't despise migrants" and finally got my 3 day ban

I learnt 70% of what I know about pornography categories from Yea Forums last year during wc. I also learnt about admixtures and haplogroups.
Still, racism is based on pseudoscience and knowledge of those terminologies is as useful as knowing the names of the lost continents on the flat-earth.

All the good posters in /pol/ left after the Trump election. The movement was coopted by social media grifters like Richard Spencer and Lauren Southern and became increasingly cringe.
Plus Trump is a ZOG puppet whose only redeeming quality is making s-o-ybois and cat ladies seethe.
Politics is gay and only benefits the political class and their donors. If you aren’t a billionaire or in the media or working for a campaign or think tank or something and you follow politics you’re a retarded faggot.

Deep down /pol/ is left-wing, specially economically, but they just happen to be racist too

big sporting events bring in posters from the other boards. For the past few years /pol/ has been the biggest board which is why they shitted up Yea Forums for euro 2016 and the world cup

strict moderation killed Yea Forums


Violent threats? No I wouldn’t know anything about that.

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>we analyzed more than 1 million comments on Yea Forums
man I wish I would get paid to read Yea Forums posts

Yea Forums is literally bro-tier, even though we also have flags we are the absolute opposite of /pol/

they won't have actually read them, just put them through a program to search for key words

This. We playfully josh around with eachother but at the end of the day share a broship free from hate.

>we are the absolute opposite of /pol/
lol no. Fuck off, Abdul.


Which is why in our vacuum of normalcy right now we’re seeing angty virgins seething cause the media talked about Girl’s Soccer and how one person wasn’t a fan of Trump

Reported some little fag in /shit/pol to MI5 a while back. He is actually completely fucked because he was on the first stages of Prevent and doxed himself as a gun freak nazi wanabee shooter ha ha ha. So entertainment can be had there.

I feel like Yea Forums has made me more left wing if anything, seeing MUH GAMERGATE and the absolute state of people sperging out over stuff like a female doctor who just makes me not want to be part of that

You must not have gotten the memo from your masters, shill. Your ZOG puppet bullshit has been proven false since President Trump has repeatedly proven to do everything in his power to avoid starting wars that benefit Israel in both Syria and Iran despite intense pressure to do so. Get a new schtick.


Not so much strict but bad. Absolutely shit bait threads stay up for days, like post Israeli flag and which sports are they good at, becomes 300+ posts of rampant non-sports shit.
Meanwhile, 3 day bans for example for power rankings and chaseb owl, both of which are Yea Forums culture.

This fucking thread shouldn't be on this board either.

fuck off turkroach


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based and redpilled

Have sex

>we analyzed more than 1 million posts
How many were about fucking anime girls and poopoopeepee?

>absolute opposite of /pol/
Maybe before 2016

but the main question: how would a US/Iran war help Israel