>no one gives a fuck about women's soccer for years
>gay lesbo says trump is bad and fuck the white house
>suddenly parading through new york and everyone is talking about them
what the fuck is wrong with normies. lol
>no one gives a fuck about women's soccer for years
>gay lesbo says trump is bad and fuck the white house
>suddenly parading through new york and everyone is talking about them
what the fuck is wrong with normies. lol
Other urls found in this thread:
all you gotta do is say "orange man bad" and the jewish american media will put your face everywhere as a hero
>one nation
>immediately bad mouths the president
seriously. the most i heard about women's soccer in the last 5 years was some 60 minutes episode they did a few years ago and they were still complaining about how much they got paid.
She challenged the president, won and made him look stupid that's why
Have sex
>and made him look stupid
citation needed, proxy fag
>dyke says, unprovoked, she isn't going to the fucking white house if they win
>trump says she should win first before saying something like that, but he'll invite her win or lose and to be proud of the country and the white house
>she wins
i didn't even vote for trump and i really don't like him at all, but goddamn are you the literal definition of NPC. fucking brazilian retard
>the best women team
it's like a gold medal in the Special Olympics
americans live in bubble
remember the fake news spread by aamerican media in 2010 about allegedly North Korean someone saying the north Koreans think they have won the World Cup?
now its almost the same. I look at this parade(even russian liberal news channel reported that for some reason) and i see that american live in bubble where women's WC seen as BIG WIN AMERICA VS WORLD FUCK YEAH and needs a parade lol
they live in bubble
She was asked a question. Trump was sent into such a hand trembling seethe he tagged the wrong Megan rapinoe on twitter.
You are talking about Trump seething while ignoring the fact that this literally who soccer player said 'we aren't going to the fucking white house' when someone simply asks if she would accept an invitation. unprofessional and cringe, no wonder they don't get paid shit
Fuck that dumb bitch
Has there ever been a US president who's been in so many pointless disputes with irrelevant celebrities? Plenty of people chatted shit about Obama, Dubya and Clinton but they didn't throw a strop every time someone said something mean about them. It's almost as if they were adults rather than hypersensitive faggots.
White women literally ruin everything.
It’s almost as if people need something to talk about during a slow news cycle and will gladly give press time to things that involve America winning
>gay lesbo says trump is bad and fuck the white house
based. fuck trump and fuck incels
> said 'we aren't going to the fucking white house' when someone simply asks if she would accept an invitation
you mean she answered the question?
to be honest theres absolutelly no reason to invite them to the white house because the womens world cup is worth about the same as the u17 foken nothing
He already did they and they told that fat retard to fuck off. I wonder if he'll do what he did with the eagles and and pathetically uninvite them when none of them wanted to come
yeah like a cringy edgelord who cares more about getting likes, retweets and followers than actually acting like a decent professional who is in the spotlight of millions of people.
i don't like trump. i hope he doesn't get reelected (unlikely considering the clown world dem candidates) and i think he has severely damaged my countries reputation to world leaders and the general public of countries abroad. i think he is extremely divisive, and gets into pointless, meaningless fights (calling out celebrities on twitter, fighting to the bitter end to add citizenship question to the census).
at the end of the day, if i was in her position, i would have just politely said no. the reason she was so extra about it is because she craves attention. she knew something like that would start a media firestorm and probably get the presidents attention. she knows a lot of people don't like trump and would immediately rush to her side and defend her because her comment was 'stunning and brave'. she knew saying that would get her a lot of attention (which all women crave) and the spotlight on her team more.
if you are looking at it purely from a PR standpoint, it's a good move that paid off. but i just get the feeling that she was more interested in the attention SHE would receive from such a comment which is why she did it in the first place. that's whats annoying to me.
>at the end of the day, if i was in her position, i would have just politely said no
sounds pretty beta
not accepting an invitation like that is just cringe to be honest
what did she mean by this?
Most people the best at what they do like attention, that's just how it is
It's because you guys win. When America wins at a sport, especially an international one, no matter what it is, they make a big deal out of it. If they lost no one would care.
It happened here too during the last womens world cup when we hosted, and the country deluded themselves into thinking we had a chance to win. Womens soccer was everywhere and it was hyped up as the next big thing and all over the news. This time around I didn't even know our country had qualified. No one gives a fuck it's just amercans being loud.
>sounds pretty beta, i would know, because i'm super alpha...ha ha....
he looks stupid all on his own
Trump? More like SCHLUMPF !!!
Am i right?
The democrats are scrambling for any celebrity endorsement that will win them the 2020 election, the soccer lesbos are just the latest in a long list
It won't work anyway
it's just the hitjob of the week on drumpf. these people are scatterbrained idiots. it will pass and next week it will be something else
twitter crybullies really ain't any more normalnigger than the average poster here
Grumpf! Amirite guys haha upvote me pls
>incels mad thread #628282726
Wow, what a stunning and brave comment
the irony of the left is that 90% of pop culture personalities are leftists but the only ones that tend to run and win are the 10% that aren't because the grating personalities and intellectual bankruptcy these people have comes out in full force
that's why they always have to end up running slick talking lawyers to word salad and lie their way through the fact that their agenda clearly goes against what most people want.
Fucking Drumpf Schmumpf Plumpf Grumpf Kampf
The last time around they used the fucking Avengers to be their mouthpieces and it backfired, these irrelevant lesbos won't get anything done either.
seething lmao
Imagine being a subhuman tranny. Imagine, just for a second, being a genetic failure due to the universe fucking you over and jewish marxist programming seeping degenerate nonsense into your head. Imagine being such a deluded NPC bot that is taught to regurgitate r*ddit, twitter and huffPo tier programmed responses like "Have sex incel" (despite you never having sex due to being a disgusting abomination) or "Orange man bad" at any perceived anti-leftist threat. Imagine being such an autist that you latch onto dykegrass athletes and follow the leftist media virtue signaling to try to shill these she-cunts into national political heroes. Imagine finding your way into a Mongolian horse herding forum and decide one day to shill these carpetmunching Jaime Lee Curtis sins-against-natures and spamming the same NPC-tier responses at said forum users who couldn't give a single fuck unless it's Hope Solo vagina posting. Imagine spamming these dyke images to try to get the board to talk about these miserable useless cunts who can't even beat a u15 boys team but demand pay equal to what Messi or Ronaldo make "BECAUSE I HAVE A GAY VAGINA AND ORANGE MAN IS CANCELLED FOLKS!".
Don't imagine because the aforementioned paragraph above is you. That is your sad life as a butch dykeloving NPC shillbot. This is what you do everyday nonstop despite absolutely no one caring for your LGBTQ+ABC123 "female athletes" or them beating a literal Thai village team by 13 goals. You know what, I shouldn't be mad at those dykemutt soccer players; do you want to know why? They are actual biological females and have a real vagina and uterus unlike you. Now go dilate with glock and end yourself, tranny.
spot on post. further compounded by the fact that america probably has the biggest sporting culture in the world and at the same time shun other countries sports and do our own thing. so on an international stage we don't get to really do this outside of this and the olympics.
the amount of people watching this pales in comparison to women's gymnastics in the Olympics and soccer looks like the NFL in comparison to gymnastics here
literally no one on the planet cares about the opinion of brazilians.
i think its time for you to go back to youtube and desperately try to convince your favorite band to come to your shithole third world country and leave actual discussion to non-mongrels
Stop being such a homosexual sweetie.
Its fun to watch sub par high school soccer teams compete at a world level.
But that would mean americans don't get to discuss aswell
>actual seething
LMAOing @ your life
brazilians are 1000000x more mongrel than any other nation on the planet
go kkkkkkkkkkk somewhere else stinky
kill yourself nazi
hoes mad
dont fucking talk to me, la creatura. go back to your hole
>what the fuck is wrong with normies. lol
Were you not alive in 2015? They were big news then as well. Not to mention during the Olympics and their other World Cup victories. This isn't new, although it may seem like there's more coverage because of social media.
imagine being from a country that doesn't have four (4) world cups and having povertyball be your national sport
>all these summerfags that weren't here for the 2015 & 2011 women's world cups
no one ACTUALLY gave a fuck then except sports obsessed Yea Forumsergs
>sports obsessed Yea Forumsergs
do you realize where you are?
n o
>everyone is talking about them
literally where. I mean aside twitter and Yea Forums
Celebrity endorsements dont do shit in elections. It's honestly probably not good that the most vocal ones are so left. As for this chick, she'll be forgotten about next week
facebook cnn instagram msnbc
>Propaganda media pushing propaganda
> US team wins World Cup and US news covers it
Woah yeah sounds like a media conspiracy better call the tinfoil hat crowd
why even be upset? In about 3 weeks you won't hear a word about them until the next womens world cup.
Its like all the bullshit we hear about rando gymnasts or michael phelps during the olympics, yet they will disappear for 4 years again after that.
shit, i take it back, nice ass. i suddenly care about what she has to say
but they got beaten by the u15 boys
imagine being this mutt
literally no one cares about this shit, media is forcing it down our throats
which makes people care even less, ironically.
>best team
>over the Clemson Tigers
>over the Red Sox
>over the Patriots
>over the Raptors
>immediately bad mouths the president
He's leading by example, and people are following his example.
It's only the media that cares.
Reminder that the US Womens team was able to win the world cup while supposedly being severly underpaid.
The supposedly overpaid men cant seem to win shit.
This leads me to believe that it's very hard to win anything in mens soccer, but some malnourished impoverished arby's sandwiches can win a women's soccer thing.
I wonder how many people on the planet can name the USWNT staring eleven off the top of their heads. A hundred? I doubt a thousand people could do it.
Being a lesbian with weird hair helps a lot for the extra jew points.
>n-no one cares!
>m-media forcing it!
As he posts from Canada on a Mongolian papier-mache forum about the United States women's soccer team.
What a piece of thrash. Always begging for attention. This is why women shouldn't vote or work.
Trump isn't a lesbian though.
He likes women. That's makes him a lesbian. Duh
>no one cared about theUSWNT or the Women's World Cup before 2019
>they've never had a parade before
Why do you build this narrative in your little autistic mind?
Complete bullshit. She was asked the question by a reporter.
So there were more people at the 2015 parade. Interesting.
I don't know the numbers, I can't tell you which had more people. But that's pretty much irrelevant, they were both well-attended, and the games had a lot of viewers in both cups, and the Women's team has actually brought in more revenue than the Men's team since 2016.
that's why they're normies
I don't like calling them normies. They're just utterly brainwashed drones. They're basically North Korean peasants with iPhones.
that's how normies are fella
I think this is the 20th 'I don't care' thread there's been so far this week.
Sure they did fake news.
Go check the official fifa ratings for Womens WC finale and for 2018 WC finale. Also check the sponsors and add revenue.
>This leads me to believe that it's very hard to win anything in mens soccer
No it's not, otherwise it wouldn't be the same countries that are always competitive. The U.S. men's team is just trash.
How many people do you think could name the men's starting eleven?
Were they playing in a World Cup final last week?
>fake news
What are you even talking about? How are USSF financial statements "fake news"?
That's US only and one of those teams didn't even qualify for the most important event in that timeframe, so...
Have sex
Poast the roast plz
every 4 years we pretend to care about womens soccer
also every 4 years we pretend to care about mens soccer (if they make the WC)
if women want to be paid like men all they have to do is play with the men
big yuro clubs will gladly hire the next Messi or Ronaldo
>american education
t. Losing to Haiti 3-2
Lads, would you?
Unironically no
It's so fucking simple. Just follow the basic principles of economics and problem solved. For international matche, the players get a percentage of the revenue that their games bring in. For club matches, they get a percentage of the revenue that theI games generate. Therefore, they make shit all during club matches, but a decent amount from the world cup. Ffs, it's basic supply and demand. Why are they so upset, this is the most fair outcome.
Not even a hatefuck? You could punish her ass
Unrelated but I think Yea Forums has a better grasp of empathy than normies do, unironically. Whenever someone is embarrassed in a viral video you'll see more of this place just appalled by how fucked up the world is whereas normies will just spam their black people reacting gifs and the same old rehashed jokes. Shit, did I just describe old Yea Forums? The tables have really turned...
OP was probably 10yrs old the last world cup and just now figured out he could be edgy on the internet. Also
>mattering to anyone memeing about le based Trump GAWD