Official Team USA Victory Parade Watch Thread

Post in this thread if your team has won 4 World Cups

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anyone can get a float

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>reporter: how does this compare with the giants
>janitor: it's a little smaller
>reporter: did you watch the women's soccer team
>janitor: not at all

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>short haired dykes with bandanas and rainbow accoutrements everywhere
>more about politics than sports
i wonder how many girls on the team are just biting their tongue because they're afraid of the backlash.


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i'm so glad i live in the midwest.

that's literally nothing compared to what we had last summer or belgium for their 3rd place

That's because people dont care

lmao yeah nobody cares about women's football

this is what a parade looks like

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how sexist

Isn't places like St. Louis, Detroit @ Chicago in the Midwest? Always thought they were worse than NY?

In 2009 and 2012 there was so many more people for the Yankees and Giants parades in the exact same location. People were all out of windows throwing shit. The city basically has a day off when one of their teams win


If the Knicks ever win a Larry OB, Manhattan might explode.

nah, NYC, LA, and San Fransisco have the largest and most outspoken liberal population.



>una nacion
>un equipo

jesus christo, kill me.

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comrade, let's not talk about things that aren't going to happen

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you may get shot in those places, but niggers aren't down with the LGBTQRST bullshit

i would like to thank you all for letting me, a hetero-sexual, white male say a few words at this event

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This is why im fucking voting for the president.
Fuck this fucking nation.
Screw your optics /pol/, im going in

this shit fest is doing more to help Trump's campaign than anything he can do next year

Better not tell /pol/ that, they're all so fucking comped by agencies its unbelievable

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i wonder if megan has a speech prepared.

>"number 14, rose lavelle!"

>im going in
uh oh

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based Rapinoe!

>my hands go up and down, like strippers' booties go
did the dj even listen to this before hand?

And now you're seeing degeneracy?


that poor girl

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I'm also going to vote for Trump this year, despite hating him.

Liberals have lost it.

i wish carli lloyd was the team spokesperson and not turbodyke rapinoe


>i mean the 'USA' chants

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Got to be on national tv with her hero, yea what a shame

even from a completely neutral perspective it would be hard to see clown world as a viable option to a literally transformed economy

Their cities are shit, the rest of their states are fine

Why would I vote for the party who wants to tax me more to give handouts to Jamal and Paco?

she did let her carry the trophy

I was there. This sign is literally true in women’s sports.

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>press with the high-waisted mom jeans

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Lots of qts and some lesbos

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how was it breh?

Wow I’m going to start being a better person. Thanks for the encouragement Megan

eh. her speech wasn't too bad. a little rambling, but not total cringe.

It’s a nice spectacle. They really have it down to a science here where they can have it at 9:30 am, it takes less than an hour and it’s all completely cleaned up before the afternoon rush hour.
It would be amazing if I were a guy in high school. You could definitely meet lots of teen girls here.

Unfortunately when you’re have to tread lightly or you’re a creep.


this team doesn't represent America, it symbolizes White privilege, this is a rich white girls sport in the US

To anyone who feels that way unironically, I’d just ask what sports the very best female athletes play. I’d say basketball, then track. Then tennis.

But girls can get college scholarships in more sports than boys now so it’s dividing the athletes.

>Unfortunately when you’re have to tread lightly or you’re a creep.
>admitting you're 40
i'm on used to this kind of honesty on Yea Forums. cheers user.

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niggers would say this
>going to walmart and buying a ball is oppression unless the government pays for it

normally i would get mad at this kind of racism but i can't help but admire the creativity

she's always drinking right? saw her coming out of the plane with a glass of whiskey in her hand

I'm pretty sure every team in the women world cup has at least one gay person. Why didn't they win?

Crapinoe really does look like your archtypical middle-aged dyke

never thought I'd die shit posting side by side with a bong

which one of you woman haters was this

What about transwomen? They’re women too.

Typical white feminist. Rapinoe is cancelled.

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you might be shocked to hear she isn't even in her mid 30s

I didn't even know america had those white trash leftist women that are so common in yurop.

>antagonize someone until they crack
>only record the part where they've cracked
>SEE, they're crazy!

she will OD when people stop caring about her.

Lesbian womans are the best. Once I dated one. She tossed my salad at regular bases and almost broke my cock.

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sorry you had to go through this

what, see that you had made a shitty reply to my post? yeah, me too

Great time to look for illegals.

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Kek based

which one of you did this?

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Jaelene Hinkle more or less withdrew from the team over being asked to wear a pride-rainbow jersey a year or so ago. She's the conservative hero you're looking for.

>tfw no 1974 leones negros kit

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woop wrong thread lol

>the replies to this tweet
What the fuck is wrong with people? Holy fucking shit the world is turning into one big shitty high school.
>hehehe did you see that midget get fucked up by a guy twice his height?
>lmao that was so funny hehehehe
This world is beyond fucked

So I'm just as likely to get shot and deal with a bunch of heehaw Trumplets who are just as bad as the libs in spite of all the whataboutism?

Might as well get the rope

I thought the manlet rage was hilarious and deserved to be socked at first until I realized it was just another excuse for normalfags to showcase it as another "BELIEVE WAMEN" farce. You just know every (((Late Night Comedy))) is going to spend 5 minutes on this crap as another FUCK MISOGYNIST stunt.