Today, we are all benis.
Matches for today:
>Senegal - Benin (18:00 CET)
>Nigeria - South Africa (21:00 CET)
In case you forgot, I would like to remind you that >Morocco was memed the fuck out by based Benis.
Today, we are all benis.
Matches for today:
>Senegal - Benin (18:00 CET)
>Nigeria - South Africa (21:00 CET)
In case you forgot, I would like to remind you that >Morocco was memed the fuck out by based Benis.
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm sorry when is the host and the historically most successful nation of this cup, Egypt, playing?
who the fuck cares about Egypt lmfao
I do. When are they playing?
0-0 (1-0 ET)
Next AFCON only
i dont know
they dont seem to have any friendlies planned after getting fisted out by south africa
Based retards not understanding I was trying to banter the Egyptians
everybody understood it but it was obvious that you're just trying to change the attention from the eternal mocro getting shat on by a country named benis
for me it’s benis and south africa
based brainlet
>t. Mokthar Maghrebi
pre-match slag? pre-match slag
i would have sex with her if you know what i mean
What part of Amsterdam do you guys live?
please be clearer chief
the extreme extreme south (Rotterdam)
Bump for Benin :DDD
benin's journey ends tonight, mane will score 2
>he STILL doesnt believe in meme magic
The Virgin 4-3-3
The Chad 4-1-4-1
Just placed a large bet on Benis
For me its 3-4-1-2
>not making the title /afcon/
major yikes
why are the senegalese so black even by africa standards?
El mal wel benin zinat el 7ayat el donya
It's going to be hilarious to see how many people attend the later game.
Egyptians would have HAD to purchase the tickets in advance.
Do they go and enjoy the game or do they not go despite there being a 100% chance they wouldn't have been able to sell off their tickets to Nigerians/Saffers.
kys, generals killed Yea Forums
A lot of Egyptians will probably attend Algeria/Tunisia games
any thread that isn't a general is perro caca
generals help people find the correct thread in the catalogue
generals are our friends
fuck you nigger, generals completely killed OC and only introduced tripfaggotry and circlejerking
i mean take one look at a general like /arse/ or /f1/. literally a crypto subreddit
forgot we got VAR now
I am sure out friends at the impartial and uncorrupted CAF will have turned it on today.
>i didn't see shit just call a penalty bruh who gives a shit lmao
only thing I know about Benin is that it's basically a French speaking Nigeria
and if they spoke English they would literally be part of Nigeria
Are Benin /ourguys/?
I wonder if geography teacher would get fired for saying that Nigeria is easy to spot on map because it resembles a piece of fried chicken
Wtf I thought they had their own language and it was called Beninses or something
that's Niger
yes, and Madagascar
everyone else is our enemy
Serious question. How many of you are actual white Europeans? I am African immigrant from Sudan and I can't tell if you guys are west Africans or just football fanatics.
Only until the final against reverse-Ireland.
I'm brown
To me, most countries look like pieces of fried chicken. Besides, isn't the fried chicken stuff more of an African American stereotype?
Yes I am a white European indeed
I'm white with free time because uni is over
This is a M*roccan
based copt
I’m South American but all muh ancestors are European. I’ve got hair somewhere between blond and brown and I have blue eyes.
How dare you call me a c*pt
not moroccan to be quite frank (not frankish either ahaha)
>algerian referees
this kills the senegal
t. el venezuelANO
I'm just a football fanatic with literally nothing else to do/watch.
Wrong. Gotta go further south
its a compliment
Copts are dark as fuck because they wuz actual kangs and shit
el paraguayANO, seniores y senioritas
>tfw Copa America and Euros on at the same time next year
I'll probably die tbqh
at this point, benin seems like a bigger threat than senegal
aaaaaaaaaaaj jajajajaja mira el hombre uruguayANO
El chileno
Name one Beninese player
Based and you’re almost there. Pls no bully when you figure it out
i rather play benis we can handle meme teams Unlike Moroc*ons
el BOLUDO VILLERO, sabe que...
Bingo. Pls no bulli
El argentino
Tunis vs Benin would be a nice encounter because meme teams usually play well against each other
heh... I knew it from the very beginning
Yes and checked. Whenever I tell people I’m Argentine they say “oh, I thought you were white!” Doesn’t really make sense to me but whatever
friendly reminder that Yea Forums is a benis board
Isn't Argentina the whitest country in south America, why would they say that?
how does an argentinian end up in the us? usually argentinians don't emigrate, or that's what I believed at least
Fuck arabs and their variations. Yea Forums should support only based black bvlls
Sessi D'Almeida
complete mad cunt that used to play for us as some kind of combative CDM
Because most of the people who say it are Mexicans. And also America really doesn’t into geography
Most don’t. But there are Argentines scattered throughout the US. Most move here because of muh economy though. Others come here for school.
But Argentina is not a big migrant demographic here, most people here have never heard of the country
people from the last generation from all over the world were obsesed with migrating to the US and "making it", the current generation, not as much
This post is further evidence than Tunisians have the big gey
I usually choose who to root for based on who's the biggest shithole to be honest
Benin are poor as fuck so they have my support
Senegal isn't paradise but it's better than Benin
that's Uruguay
why is algeria so BIG and DEVELOPED bros..
Us still is getting alot of immigrants desu
Blacks are just based. Arabs and berbers aren't.
Algeria is a joke. Most booring country ever. Spent a week there and almost died of boredom
that will change after their inevitable upcoming civil war, don't worry
I spent a week in tunisia and died from terrorism
Spurdo Gondola
ew I just noticed how unnatural the sinai looks when attached to egypt
it looks like a fucking tumour
give it back to Israel already
unironically, oil and gas, either that or that map is bullshit
I know there is still a large migrant movement towards the US, but I feel like the mentality changed quite a lot, most of them now are looking for a way to leech the system in some form and get taken care off for being a minority, the previous ones however, it seemed had a more proactive/ambitious approach
what does Tunisia have that Algeria doesn't?
they can larp as carthaginians but we can't
Wish that actually happened
Yeah the american reputation has decreased. I agree with that
Hope Senegal wins this sheet
you're literally the only one macaco
Please win benin its the closest we'll ever get to winning
A literal meme civilization
On a more serious not they actually have nice places for tourists and you don't
you are not real
How come Benin aren't as black as Senegal?
right in da benis X--DD
(4 of their 5 matches were 0-0 at HT)
less sun, senegal is scorching desert and benis is rainforest, same reason somalis are really dark despite being half arab
Actually algerians unironically larp as pheonicans to claim that algeria was always arab and that the berbers are a myth.
Fun. Seriously tho We have an affordable and great tourism industry and they don't
where do north africans fit into the arab family tree?
british """""""""""""intellectuals"""""""""" every1
lying cunt, I thought my stream was late and kept waiting for the goal
Kek. Rekt
Based. Benis for the win
Disgusting mix of gulf arabs and local berbers
Idk but I want to penetrate the Syrian one with my dick
also the t*rks
t.Half turk
because ethnic groups aren't limited to simply "black"
Benin are about half "Fon" whilst Senegal are mostly Wolof.
Wolofs look midnight black whilst Fons are slightly lighter skinned.
Ethnicity is quite a big thing in sub-saharan Africa.
The Rwandan Genocide in the early 90s was a bunch of Hausas (short, stocky Nigerian looking types) killing Tutsis (look emaciated Somali looking types)
Tribalism (aka black on black racism) is quite a big issue in many African countries today.
Nigeria has just 3 afcon titles
please remove israel from this picture
there are A LOT of turks in Tunisia
Tunisia is about 25% Turk blooded
>In 1534, with about 10,000 Turkish soldiers, the Ottoman Empire took control and settled in the region when Tunisia's inhabitants called for help due to fears that the Spanish would invade the country.[6] Thus, during the Ottoman rule, the Janissary-Turks colonized and dominated the political life of the region for centuries; as a result, the ethnic mix of Tunisia changed with the migration of Janissaries from Europe and Turks from Anatolia and the evolvement of the "Kouloughlis" who are people of mixed Janissary and central Tunisian blood.
Nigeria are chokers algeria will destroy them
is this better?
based fellow mutt
better yeh
oy vey
Fuck the ottoman empire and because of the rise of islamist parties and erdogan, arabs now love the ottoman empire and unironically think it was good for ayyrabs
Nigeria are cuplets
better than euro colonialism
Debatable. They were both shit in the end desu
not really debatable la
Hutus aren't Hausa
we pulled it back, lads
benis be praised
>arabs now love the ottoman empire
Not true here, we hate roaches
God bless the eternally based Mohammed Ali the beautiful Albanian angel
fuck yeah that's what I meant
it's cause of the Hausas in Benin I was reading about whilst I was making that post I fucked it up
butthurt military supporter
based mursi was the savior of egypt
we didnt cut the balls of our servants
It actually is.
Cringe. Also check any arab islamist community and you will realize that they worship ottomans and erdogan. Just look at syria the freee syrian army now is basically fully under control of turkey because of the islamist syrian opposition choices
كسمه علي كسمك علي كسم الاخوان كلهم علي زبي
Lmao. Mursi is overrated af. He didn't do shit in his presidency. Sisi is a joke tho
>Egyptians love Mohammed Ali
>They also loved Nasser who ended his dynasty
>They overthrew Mubarak 8 years ago because he was a dictator
>They just gave Sisi dictator power
Egyptians are like 13 year old girls on their period.
They have no idea what they want.
how do you miss that, onions powered finish
i hate africans so much
that's why dictatorship is good for them
cringy Bourguibist
Both Sisi and Mursi were/are married to their cousins. That's probably a bigger issue than their policy differences.
based self-hating american
surprisingly comfy game to watch
all pakis do that
Lmao bourgiba is overrated af too. I just don't like dictators or islamists you see
Kek maybe
>senegal refballed by based algerian referees
absolutely Based
have married missionary sex for the sole purpose of procreation
Sorry but I already had haram sex with a prostitute in tunis
How much did you pay? prostitutes here are overpriced af
Anglo or franco Camerounian?
was she moroccan?
Didn't they cut the internet for the Anglos?
t.tariq nasheed
That was like 2 years ago bro
I'd say both. I don't like to differentiate
why is t*nis so degenerate ?
Benis are choking
50 tunisian dinar for everything and I thik I overpaid her. At that time it was 20 usd and I actually did it in the only legal bordel in the capital with a libayn friend who knew a kinda attractive prostitute there ( 95% are middle aged ugly women)
Nah tunisian
Sfax also has one. Sousse used to but I think they closed it.
First country flag I've collected in ages, cheers ngubu
Port city
Wtf that's cheap, I payed $60. There was a Moroccan one who cost $120 for some reason
Why is Senegal struggling?
Aren't they supposed to have the strongest NT in Africa?
I was thinking the same thing
Gomis tried to memegoal Benin into the semis, lol
Benin to score at 85th min
fugggg DDDD: benis nooo
based kangz
They have the best team in Africa by far but they really struggle to play as a unit.
benis is not through yet
thank god , busparking meme countries have made this tournment boring af
das it mane
>66% possession
It's Senegal doing the bus parking not Benis
our refs are really looking to cuck senegal lmao
Pray for Benis
>senegalese finishing
stop benins sucking
come on benis
get up ;_;
True, everyone knows the favorite food in Africa is malaria mosquitoes hamburgers.
I wish I were joking.
your country is worse than most of africa, dont act uppity
At least africa is safer than your shithole.
The most popular dish in Africa is jolof rice
90% of african cusine is some kind of maize porridge or yams, and a stew
benIN?! more like benOUT lmao
Mega kek
Eastern African countries
Not only the whitest country in South America, but the entire americas, the USA and Canada are brown shitholes
Which Africa is best Africa?
North Africa, East Africa, West Africa, Central Africa or South(ern) Africa?
lmao nice one
>Cameroon laughing off HonduASS
He will unironically never recover from this
repeating digits and benis scores late
Ive been to kenya and it was alright
west africa looks like a propper shithole on google street view
>Senegal’s black coach has outsmarted Benin’s white coach
Pretty based
The only people moving to the USA now are nigger tier shit holes like my country Honduras and actual nigger countries like the entirity of subsaharian africa
can anyone stop the madman that is Aioli Cissé?
Nasser was the king of anterior motives, so much so that Eisenhower came to regret pressuring the Israelis to leave the peninsula. The result of him burning those bridges by playing nice with the Soviets in the late 1950s is the unfortunate axis the US has aligned itself with today.
It doesn't seem like tensions are much better than they were two years ago. That University football team getting kidnapped was serious business.
Most redpilled and based
West Africa
Least redpilled and based
North Africa
That's not really true. Check us immigration stats. Even germans are still goung to the us. Indian and Chinese immigrantion is also big. It's just that you latinos outnumber everyone else
American forgien policy in africa was a fucking disaster.
You thought after we left they would be eating out of your hand instead they all went to the USSR and China
How many Egyptian girls are getting BLACKED by all these bull players who are in the country? Just imagine the hotel room smells
The only muslim girl irl i've found attractive was a pashtun paki
Only Germans who are going to the US these days are wannabe actors, IT workers or bankers who dream of making it in Hollywood/Silicon Valley/Wall Street desu
the dream is over
benis noooo DDD-X
>two yellow cards in a row for jumping
Ah yes there it is, the inevitable American cuck post.
Lifelong/ here, fuck bandwagoners
no benis no party
We are a country of only 10 million people, Mexicans stopped migrating in mass because Mexico is actually becoming developed, only the north central America triangle, the Caribbean countries and now Venezuela are migrating to the USA, literally no one else see value in that country now since they are pretty much as fucked up as the other latinamerican countries
"Blocks your path"
Imagine being from the most dangerous country in the world and talk shit about Africa
I actually like the idea of niggers seeing my country as a worst shithole than theirs, that will make them never put a foot in our country
Imagine thinking the self reported crime rates of Africa are real kek
You’re country is so shitty that fucking Africans would improve your living standards by migrating to Honrudas
Faggots like you are the reason I never post all the responses are about my flag
so who do >we root for in the next match ?
Just like they improved the USA, Europe, Haiti, Jamaica, and their homeland, right? Niggers are useless, literally you not liking us is a blessing because you invade everywhere you like and transform it into a shithole
Post more bro. Ignore the flagfags
SA so we can meet them in the next round and avenge Egypt but also rooting for injuries/redcards on both sides
seething kek
Okay lads, I want to put cheeky 100€ on the Africa Cup winner.
Who's going to win this shit?
Bookies seem to favor Senegal and Algeria, but Nigeria, Tunisia and Ivory Coast have very attractive odds.
Who should I pick? (pls be serious)
Kek, get a load of this nigger.
Why dont u go back to africa and improve their living standards tyrone?
Maybe try with nigeria
Your country is literally a shithole, LMFAO
You are stupid on so many levels.
Who do you prefer drug dealers or drug addicts?
can't you somehow distribute the bet? larger bets on favourites and smaller bets on nigeria and tunisia, I wouldn't play Ivory coast desu
And we are also extremely dangerous.
at least we can all focus on Madagascar now
Eren in attack of titan dies in the manga
that's your country's fault though
I mean I can, but it would eat away my potential profits
Are you Algerians confident to win this?
Or are you known as chokers who oftentimes lose big games despite having the better team because of the pressure?
The murder rates for Honduras are probably comparable to African countries with a similar human development index.
This is why I want there to be an option for a United Nations Flag, and maybe something like NATO or African Union that could prevent blatant false flagging but still allow anons like you to be free from a de-facto tripcode.
false memory
Lmao stay in denial er*n fag
nobody cares about your chinese cartoons here, this is Yea Forums son
eren already touched zeke
eren turns on zeke
el gablino inherets eren's powers
historia's baby is eren's
on paper, we are the best team in the tourny so far and the favourites to win it, clean sheet, most goals, stacked on field and on bench. Also, we usually perform better on big games and choke on unimportant or easy games, in 2010 we won against drogba's, gervinho's and toure's ivory coast in knockouts, and we had literally no team back then, and against germany in 2014 we didn't do as bad as brazil or the others, so make of that what you will
however, it still isn't over yet, nigeria is pretty strong right now as well so who knows, if I were you I would atleast wait until the next round to make my bet
Conclusion eren is dead
he lives on tho, just like the king
Yeah, I will probably do that and wait first if you can eliminate Ivory Coast, would be one favorite less in the tournament
Odds for Algeria will probably not change that much anyway
Thanks for the insight, you certainly sound like a good team to bet on for a Final match
if we play like we did against ghana the penguins won't be able to do much
Nah, South Africa will win, Nigeria chokes a lot.
for me its obviously naija
zuid afrika desu
>dead thread
grow up m8
I'm here
I've just been busy watching these botched wrestling moves on yt (I don't actually watch wrestling)
some of these are fucking hilarious
>I don't actually watch wrestling
I do. Mostly out of habit it isnt like the good old days *sips*
based fellow boomer , sad we will never get hogan vs cena , i so wanted /our/ guy to kick that zoomer ass , it would have been the biggest match ever
Is thurman the only white person to play in this tournament?
Based Benin. Played well but didnt disrespect the status quo.
is that Kurt Angle?
that looks recent too, hasn't that man gone through enough pain?
We have a half Irish player that I would consider white
>half irish half paki
100% black m8
Wow this match is entertaining to watch.
South africa's defence is soli-
Wait , Nigeria just scored lol
This as part of his 'retirement tour' of matches. He's done now thankfully
good, I hope rehab does him some good and he doesn't have some brand new controversy in his life that leads him to go off the rails again
dude was taking xans, morphine and alcohol in one go he's basically a fucking grizzly bear
Yellow cards are given out like candy.
But players also make no drama about it.
Nigerians are so fast.
>That South African player with his shirt tucked in.
Just what is this team?
Give us a hot tip for the bookies lads. I'm eyeing a new PC but I need money
Sell roasted salted peanuts in cones made of old newspapers.
tucked in oversized shirts were so fucking kino, now we got this tight nightclub dresses on every player, I hate modern football
I'd sooner eat the nuts myself (if you know what I mean ;))
based opinion
>quarter finals
>stadium is empty
Kek the state of soccer. And europoors pretend this sport is relevant outside of yurope or south america lmao
>actually good match for once
>thread dead
it's cause Egypt was supposed to be here and their fans bought all the tickets but they got shocked by South Africa
in my town center theres some arab looking guy who has a stand where he sells caramel peanuts is that you
Butt-hurt Egyptians
that's because /Our Guys/ lost today and now this match is played by 2 bad guys the matches of tomorrow is what everyone is waiting for desu
why is nigeria a bad guy they seem to be the only ones actually playing positive football and not just sitting back and passing sideways
this tbqh
I'm still mourning
If it ain't memeable it ain't worth it
>the only ones actually playing positive football
algeria is more fun to watch than them
Algeria played like an EPL team
Egypt (the host) is out. That explains why the stadiums are kinda empty. They halved the ticket's prices after Egypt got outed by South Africa (The Egyptian Scandal) (They have seven titles(stars))
This sport is most relevant in Africa, Western and Southern Europe and Poland and Latin America + Mexico and Africa.
Football is the most popular sport in the world.
After the national team qualified, the ministery of sports and youth started an "air bridge" to transport thousands of additional supporters.
The game is back now.
and that's a good thing
Senegal-Benin highlights are up lads
What part of nigeria you lads from?
croydon here
peckham init bruv
Boko Haram
What are the non meme teams execept Ivory Coast?
wow it's just like your olympic venues when brazil wasn't playing
senegal are very good on paper and are favourites but have been playing shit
senegal, algeria, nigeria
The only decent game in this shitty cup was Cameroon vs Nigeria
International tournaments are shit, can't wait for club football season to start
>Not caring about other teams = being butthurt
Are you retarded?
>the call that saved nigeria
>2 miles off
>better use at least 2 minutes to check this
el VAR SINSON en un viaje de África
it got put in by a nigeria player
based VAR
based var sinso
>refballed by a morroc*n
the VAR ref is french
based maghrebian ref going for ET so he can tire both teams out so for us in the semi final
but Nigeria will win
Fucking Moroccans
Yeah don't know why they waited 2 minutes to show that angle
You should be laying the draw because I'm on it and cannot win a bet today
this is going to benulties
Down an absolute shit ton this tournament, thank god the womeme and Copa America was easy money
In that regard,
Based, how much did you lose?
>losing money on the AFCON
oh nonono
do you guys support eachother or root against eachother like scotland does to england?
Haven't seen the German with a spreadsheet post yet itt.
based boer peter crouch
Down an utter cunt load on Egypt. Algeria saved me.
Same, ass is still chapped from the Egypt loss
Gambling is a sin.
one of the south african players is white
looks like the ngas are gonna win
Sorry cunt
Imagine being that guy in the locker room
Imagine keeping your valuables safe
Imagine the smell
two are
see back to -11€ for the knockouts now desu
>that gk whiff
oh no no no no
He posted earlier
Hope you listened
glad there will be no penalties.
do they compare eachothers cocks to find out if the BBC meme is true or not?
Some token whites get treated quite well
bad guys win
Matches that end without penalties are a mercy.
this if we win tomorrow we will avenge benis
I never remember qpr playing in red
reminder that there would be a rich boer nation of 200cm+ tall giants in southern africa without the (((eternal anglo))) and its genocidal concentration camps
New thread
unless magic happens, the knockouts won't be a crushing victory moneywise
but unless disaster strikes, they won't drop me below 100€, taking the group stage into account
South africa would be half white by now if they voted in Smuts instead of their dumb afrikanner party who stopped white immigration
you are the bad guys tomorrow
in public we have to support eachother but in private we root against eachother