Jeepers creepers looks like someone had one too many fish and chips!
Jeepers creepers looks like someone had one too many fish and chips!
Jeepers creepers looks like someone had one too many fish and chips!
i hate how footballers have kids
Who is this old man?
formerly chuck
>Juventus really thought Chelsea would buy him
LOL enjoy trying to sell this has been. Wish him the best though on a personal level though
A dude I play five a side with from time to time
that guy looks like me except i dont play football
mirin the bloatgains
He looks better now than he did last season.
It'd look better if he shaved the sides
gonzalo higuain
cute tbqh
looking fit
It's sad how hair is pretty much everything for a man. If he had a full head of hair and a decent hairstyle he wouldn't look bad at all.
t. receding hairline
Lmao he 10/10 looks like me
The problem is he has a narrow jaw, looks like it on the pic anyway. That kills the bald look instantly
For a second i thought that was benzema.
I think there's something wrong with my brain
I hope your're 40 or at the very least in your late 30s then
>men age like wine
Have sex
he became a father too early and additionally didn't follow a strict diet
young parents (both fathers and mothers) age faster, that's a proven scientific fact
if you look at men like George Clooney (58), Leonardo DiCaprio (44), Keanue Reeves (54), John Stamos (55), all men who are still making young women in their 20s wet at their age, they all either don't have kids at all or became fathers in their 50s for the first time
of course genetics also play a role
Even back then his hairline wasnt good.
I'm 27 but not fat, same nose, same hair, same exact beard
>The final destination of your semen affects how you age
>Keanue Reeves (54)
Keanu is 54 years old???
Holy shit I thought he's like 40 or in his early 40s
My sister (she's 19) is literally in love with this guy despite him unironcially being only 3 years younger than our father....
I never really thought about it but this shit is quite creepy desu
On the other hand also very reassuring I guess. I hope I will still be making college-aged girls fall in love with me in my 50s
Sadly true
Holy shit he aged so bad
pretty sure it's unrelated. fathers don't groom themselves as much because they are settled
Feel sorry for Pipita tbqh, both his looks and career have been JUSTed
>Men don’t hit the wall at 30
enjoy yer hair while it last zoomers
t. 30 y.o. boomer
of course it has nothing to do with them being rich, a stress free leisurely life, living near the beach and low level cosmetic surgeries
I'm 23 and have a couple of months before it becomes completely obvious.
Have no idea what to do after as i have a neanderthal like forehead and will look like a completw mong after i shave it all off.
You need hit the weights asap. Being bald /shaving your head is ok as long as you have a 8/10 body at the very least.
t. 26 y/o boomer losing hair by the minute
Bald oldfag here. Women don't care about it nearly as much as you think.
My condolences
Hey Vsauce! Michael here
>caring about w*omen
yikes desu not gonna lie
> Being bald /shaving your head is ok as long as
no, being bald/shaving is ok no matter what user
young women do
They really don't. Sure, some do. But as far as being attracted to a guy goes, baldness is not a very big deal. Personality counts way, way more than hairline for women. They aren't as shallow as men are about physical appearance.
Would you respect him if he got his hair back by hair implant like Conte?
I wouldnt. I also can't respect male celebrities that it's obvious have gotten plastic surgery on their face.
I guarantee you more women think a bald dome is sexy than think it's unattractive. Guarantee.
Who /hightest/ here?
Protip: Women do not find baldness attractive, but they can still find bald men attractive despite their baldness if other attributes are convincing.
Basically, baldness is definitely seen as a negative feature of a man, but for most women it is not a deal breaker.
Try growing a manly beard for example, it can oftentimes neutralize the perceived oldness that baldness gives you.
For men hitting the wall is entirely about weight gain and hair loss.
For women, their bodies just start falling apart. They get varicose veins, their legs start to look like cottage cheese, their necks turn into scrotums, their pussies stop getting wet, it’s fucked up.
Friendly reminder that your "respect" matters to them about as much as literal dog shit.
>Keanu Reeves
His kid literally died though and then his marriage ended as result, finally the woman died a couple of years later. The man had it rough, he just happens to have 10/10 genetics.
>this damage control
I know that. But how could you respect a man who ever felt insecure about his nose, for example?
t. too poor to fix your stereotypical Argentine huge nose
Poor guy, gonna be a shame when she becomes a slut