Can I just say something real quick?
Can I just say something real quick?
Other urls found in this thread:
Brazil had the biggest audience for the final in the world. 20 million people. I suspect Megan would be cheered in Brazil.
the best women's team could not beat the worst men's team and there's nothing you can do about it.
she's still hideous, though. that ain't gonna change
Prove it.
for years all i have seen on this board is americans saying how much they dont care about soccer
How did she manage to trigger so many people? All of my spic coworkers hate her, even the women
Her brother's on heroine
She dared criticize the god emperor.
Was that a typo, or are you implying he shags her?
Neither. Brother is a drug addict
That doesn't make any sense to me. My spic coworkers hate Trump too and they despise her. Surely theres something else. I don't watch women's soccer
the absolute state of her face and hair
That would be a typo then, Jose
There's a segment of dumb people who hate Trump but are still tricked by the Republicans and their "She's disrespecting the flag!" nonsense. That's probably what's going on here.
Or they can't stand how she's bringing in politics into the game/insinuating that the womens game is equal to the mens
Absolutely nobody likes old busted feminist butch dykes.
The people complaining about bringing politics into the game while demanding that everyone stand at attention to listen to a political song at the start of every game. That's rich.
Stop playing the anthem at sports games and then you can tell us not to bring politics into sports.
Uh huh, because all of those demanding players stand up for the anthem are also those who don't want political matters brought into it.
Reminder her team lost to high school boys.
They went easy on them because it was a for fun game. Big mistake because the far right media will blow any mistake a woman makes out of proportion.
>They went easy on them because it was a for fun game.
Got a source for that? It seems like you're just assuming that's the case because you don't want to accept that maybe they did just lose.
My source is that article is from 2017 you daft fucking cunt, you're bringing it up like it just happened yesterday. You fucking stupid piece of shit. You dumb motherfucker.
>wants a source on an emotional state of being
and as if that wasnt stupid enough
>wasnt an official game
>were there to take it easy and hang out with some high school kids
>it would be rediculous to play seriously against a bunch if high school kids
That tournament was a fucking joke and she cheered like a chimp against a trash tier team even after 10 goals
Burgers are disgraceful subhumans
Look at that fucking lesbo posing for the media while her jewish overlords throw shekels at her while saying "Good girl, empowered as it should be!". Look at her and laugh.
I'd be this mad too if my country's name sounded like "Ur a gay".
What a baby.
Why though? Is insulting the reader, not the country, and you are in fact a faggot. Lose weight.
>the face of women's footie
yeah it's gonna be bigger than the men's game in 2023
There's no country except some in Africa where people would rather be american citizens, drop the act
Then why do people keep moving here?
It's just cope. Even if the men's team went easy on a u15 team, the u15 team wouldn't be able to win.
That's just the difference in skill and atheletism
I like how everyone is inviting her to Washington and basically just cockblocking Trump.
>How did she manage to trigger so many people?
By being a classless cunt.
>win the World Cup AGAIN
>maybe 5,000-10,000 people can name the starting XI, if even that
>maybe appear on morning news shows for about 5-10 minutes, and maybe some late night talk shows
>absolutely no one knows what club team you play for, or even knows that that club exists
Gotta suck to be honest
Are you from that country?
Honestly reminds me of a female trump
Presidential, I agree
She'd make a better president than Trump, that's for sure. Not a high bar, I know.
they might just hate the USWNT for BTFOing all other countries
You think trump is presidential? Don't know if I'd go that far 2bh. Americans are retarded but you don't deserve someone like that as pres
If I've learned anything these past three years, it's that we deserve even worse.
liberal cope
Dude stfu already nobody fucking cares!!!
Oh yeah, I am coping so hard with Trump's two years of no legislative accomplishments, followed by losing the House and ensuring the rest of his presidency is a lame duck presidency. But keep getting mad because a soccer player didn't stand for the anthem! Deranged fuck.
Making incels seethe.
This girl has fucked more girls than you, is more famous than you, has bigger balls than you and you're fucking angry.
Why would they give a fuck about womens soccer.
you're going to raging even more when he's re-elected
Oh look it's the angry black guy from the other thread
Why are americans always so stupid?
bad parents
who is this? did something of note happen recently?
what's your point? they have angry shitheads over there too? here you're just easier to shoot.
He's not an American.
how many times have you posted "nobody cares about womens soccer" in the past month?
i'm not an american you want breathing
How many of these threads have you made tonight? Be honest
You're an idiot. You think the national anthem is political, you're not an American. And the inverse is true faggot, it is you that is filled with hatred and eagerly wants the vast majority of Americans dead. I'm a man of means. I'll help you crowdfund the cost to renounce your citizenship, as well as a plane ticket back to the land of your ancestry. I bet you won't take this up, because you're desperate to live around and demand gibs from the white people you're obsessed with a filled with hatred for.
Imagine being a subhuman tranny. Imagine, just for a second, being a genetic failure due to the universe fucking you over and jewish marxist programming seeping degenerate nonsense into your head. Imagine being such a deluded NPC bot that is taught to regurgitate r*ddit, twitter and huffPo tier programmed responses like "Have sex incel" (despite you never having sex due to being a disgusting abomination) or "Orange man bad" at any perceived anti-leftist threat. Imagine being such an autist that you latch onto dykegrass athletes and follow the leftist media virtue signaling to try to shill these she-cunts into national political heroes. Imagine finding your way into a Mongolian horse herding forum and decide one day to shill these carpetmunching Jaime Lee Curtis sins-against-natures and spamming the same NPC-tier responses at said forum users who couldn't give a single fuck unless it's Hope Solo vagina posting. Imagine spamming these dyke images to try to get the board to talk about these miserable useless cunts who can't even beat a u15 boys team but demand pay equal to what Messi or Ronaldo made "BECAUSE I HAVE A GAY VAGINA AND ORANGE MAN IS CANCELLED FOLKS!".
Don't imagine because the aforementioned paragraph above is you. That is your sad life as a butch dykeloving NPC shillbot. This is what you do everyday nonstop despite absolutely no one caring for your LGBTQ+ABC123 "female athletes" or them beating a literal Thai village team by 13 goals. You know what, I shouldn't be mad at those dykemutt soccer players; do you want to know why? They are actual biological females and have a real vagina and uterus unlike you. Now go dilate with glock and end yourself, tranny.
>this thread
Are we being invaded by resetera or something? Who the fuck gives a shit about lesbodive?
Simply based
based and pic related about her father
ronaldo would have banged >her for sure
>this based and truthful rant
holy shit user I'm stealing your pasta
why the fuck did you even reply me?
You get a b&r from me mein neger
Just letting you know that I'm from reddit. And there's nothing you can do about it. I'll be posting stuff.. and you won't always know. You might even agree with some things I say. Replying with buzzwords like 'based'.. yep. You would be replying to a redditor.
I'll stick around, in your 'secret club' shitting up your threads. Cause you don't deserve a safe space. We'll be out here. See you around!
Holy based and redpilled
wasnt a sekrit club since occupy wallstreet you newfag
She's the opposite of Trump - she's a winner and the best at her job.
Funny how in your country the national anthem has such a political significance
Spics hate fags
Impeccable post my burger friend. Have a (you)
Americans ruin everything, please stay away from the men's football.
Flags have made me realize that while many countries have rightfully realized that liberalism is the superior ideology, there's still a remarkable amount of stupid far-right people even in liberal countries like the Netherlands.
nice try shill
I thought she lost to those 15 year old boys?
>back up the brinks trucks
Can i just say something? WHO CARES? WHO THE FUCK CARES?
>Team USA wins
>All these tears from /pol/ and reddit happening still days later
Did I not tell you fags this was the best outcome?
I stand for the anthem because if I don't someone will assume I'm trying to make a political statement, which I am not. Such is the state of things....
No. We're going to win 2026
you faggots who keep making these threads, the media who keeps pushing it, the retards on the web...
Two things.
1) I sincerely doubt the people sitting on their asses at home watching the football game with a bowl of chips in their hand stand up for the anthem. I've been to many such parties and nobody has done that.
2) Kneeling has always been considered respectful. Colin Kaepernick actually had the idea to kneel suggested to him by a veteran who said it would be a good way to make his point while still showing respect to the country. Naturally, the far right twisted this into "He hates America and our troops!" because God forbid they ever discuss an issue in good faith instead of trying to distract and obscure it with this fucking nonsense.
>women still payed less
>women's football still irrelevant
>women's stadiums still empty
she didn't lol who cares
Imagine the smell
You'd be surprised to know how much people here loves Trump
unironically bags of sand
Thanks for dominating the world and making everyone seethe Megan. The tears have been delicious
Amusing image, because the screaming guy instantly dies and Levi is a very intelligent person with good survival instincts who is still alive to this day. Just like in real life, we will thrive while you will bring ruin upon yourselves, by your own hand.
OP needs to worry more about Epstein
Epstein clearly just revealed a bunch of dirt. A TON of elites are going down, on the left and the right. I have no problem with this, because I'm not a hypocrite who treats this like team sports. If they did something wrong, they need to go.
>knowing this
sex, have it
What's you opinion of trump?
I know everything. I even know your secrets.
Have you considered that maybe, just maybe, people just don't enjoy retards who use sports as a platform for politics? Especially ones that are representing the US abroad?
>But Donald Trump!
That's my opinion of Trump.
The concept of representative athletes and the world cup have been completely lost on you.
What they don't understand, also, is that sitting or kneeling during the song isn't "disrespecting the country" but in fact just a different way of honoring the country and its founding values. It's just as patriotic, if not more.
I, too, don't enjoy hearing the national anthem at the start of a sporting event.
Oh wait, that's not what you're complaining about? Hypocrite.
It's incredible how disingenuous you're being. If there was even a once of truth to what you're saying, the discussion would have began with "why did you kneel" and ended with "That's how I felt like showing respect", not "Because da executive branch racis".
How do you do my fellow anarcholibertarian.
The thing is, the discussion didn't begin with "Why did you kneel?", it began with "STOP KNEELING YOU UNPATRIOTIC BASTARD, WE'RE GOING TO KILL YOU, FIRE THIS SON OF A BITCH" because they're deathly afraid of what would happen if he actually received a platform to answer the question.
>I am completely deaf to context
The anthem is not intended to be divisive or stir controversy.
Megan has Yea Forums in shambles. Absolutely based
Again, Snake oil.
Colin has been very vocal and transparent about his reasons. He's always had platforms for his views.
>If you don't conform to the state worship performance and pledge your allegiance to a bit of cloth and the soldiers of Zion then the media and leader will ostracise and attack you
>not divisive
lol youre a faggot
I hate her face and her purple hair
I remember when the England women won the rugby world cup in France, they were classy.
could she beat Trump in a bareknuckle fight?
she came from poverty, and is now a world champion
Based UKbro telling it like it is.
Aww, looks like I triggered the little snowflake.
Anyone could beat Trump in a fight. I've been saying this for a while but if Bernie or somebody challenged Trump to a footrace, Trump would get clobbered and the strongman illusion would shatter. Which is why Trump would never accept such a challenge because even an idiot like him knows he wouldn't win.
Have you actually listened to or read anything said or written by the players involved with this? Clearly you haven't.
He literally cheats at golf because he's obsessed with looking good and powerful even though he sucks. It's actually kind of sad.
There's nothing you can do about the U.S. Women being World Cup champions.
Are you retarded?
They very explicitly complain about what I said. Colin has been very vocal about it.
You seriously have no idea what you're talking about
You should probably be more specific, this is the exact kind of thing that gives them ammo.
Well actually we all won
We are changing the game and the culture around soccer. It should be a family activity for casual people just like people watch olympics.
Indulge me.
$3 says he just googled what the executive branch actually does.
>We are changing the game and the culture around soccer.
Into a political shillfest? I agree. Glad people in soccer are trying to nuke it.
Everything has always been political. It just took until recently for you to stop being oblivious enough to willfully ignore it.
Kaepernick kneeled when Obama was President.
He was a mediocre football player who saw an out with social justice shit, was annoying to the niner's organization, blah blah and he's making tons of cash grifting rich white people. He's smart. If he didnt, he would have just been a benchwarmer for a new QB.
Pretty interesting then that Trump is such a thin-skinned moron that he couldn't help but comment on it repeatedly and cause him to be awarded a better job.
Oh fuck right off. Just try and say with a straight face that the political environments and party divides have not grown drastically apart. The issue is that all common ground is disintegrating. No one thinks you're clever by pointing out that "everything is political".
>Everything has always been political.
This is such a dumb hack thing to say. No everything doesnt have dumb partisan politics injected into it every day.
This entire soccer thing is all politics. People know about Rapinoe because of what she said about Trump. It's not like they know the position she plays or the club she plays in. That's the sad part. The WNBA had to do some abortion promotion some years back just to get some attention because nobody cares otherwise. More people today think politics is important in their lives more than ever before and its because of outrage culture.
Based, I'm voting for Trump!
>national anthem
>political song
Jfc kill yourself please
>social justice
So issues with the police? As in, the executive branch?
I guess? Trump just uses identity politics in the other direction. I guess it works.
Everyday police is from local governments. I dont get what you're aiming at. Kaepernick played the game wonderfully. The media took the bait so hard and he didnt have to go out as some nobody.
This is the new propaganda to further fuel the fire of division
next time i need to get rid of a boner quickly, i'm going to think of this picture
I played some mario maker today. Explain to me how that is political. I didnt hear anything about climate change or abortion or taxes from my switch.
for me it's mallory pugh
Toadette and the unions for one?
>playing anything outside of course world.
I know you're trolling but "everything is political" faggots try to back up their dumb shit by trying to find anything they can in innocuous subjects and put it in terms of modern partisan politics. It's why it's such a lazy argument to defend hacks.
i miss the days of come at me bro. how did that me die?
>everything is political
It is actually smart marketing. You will get the news cycle and media coverage. No one would care otherwise. Trump mastered this and they are following his example.
Trip on Brady'sknee
I guess. The media here is outrage culture now. Has been for the past 13 or so years. It's just accelerating because Trump uses it a lot. All this women's soccer shit will be replaced with something new to be mad about next week. I dont think it's a healthy way to cover news and bring attention to things. Rapinoe told people to buy season tickets (ie go to club games), show up, buy merch, etc if they want to help women's soccer. But everyone knows that wont happen. People just like to talk about how she says fuck Trump and how they need to be paid more despite not knowing how the payments work between the two leagues (the women's national team and the regular national team). People are in a race for twitter likes and upvotes over substantial shit I feel.
lost 5-2 to 13 year old boys lmao
how fucking fine is Alex Morgan at the espys , my god
i'd rather see mallory pugh and linsey horan doing some team bonding if you catch my drift
I couldn't possibly care less about this shit and I advocate desegregation of soccer leagues. The thing that is so intolerable about this is the breathless media salivating over the women BECAUSE THEY'RE WOMEN. It's not even about football anymore.
umm no sweetie, I think it's because they're world champions?
That's a dude.
>can only perceive his own reality
This narcissism is why you will lose again
I agree with this, honestly. I think there's a lot of young people posting if they really believe politics haven't been involved with nearly everything over the past 20 years. I think it's social media making it more apparent, for the people who never bothered watching the news or reading a news paper.
>I dont think it's a healthy way to cover news and bring attention to things.
The media is in a battle competing for the attention of people who now prefer to get their news from Twitter and amateur bloggers. I don't think the media is doing themselves any favors, but ultimately it's the short attention span of their audience that they're responding to.
How do we pressure FIFA into making the Equalitybowl happen as an exhibition match or a new cup?
France Mens v USA Womens right fucking now
what if the women won. play a 4-5-1. park the bus and knick 2 goals on the break. men as a species would never recover.
>even the women
Every time a dyke like OP's pic installs spite in females, the females that call out the bullshit reinstalls faith.
Fuck Americans.
There is literally absolutely zero percent chance that the women could beat any professional men’s team. They get bodied by boys teams. They are just cannot handle the athleticism of male athletes.
You're all in a psyop thread lads, you need to stop falling for them
>It's not even about football anymore.
it never was, they just used the opportunity to get famous
Oh, the irony. I must say it's rather depressing that even Switzerland has retards who have fallen for Trump's bullshit, but then again you're probably just some idiot on a proxy.
it is not the social media making it more apparent, or rather another way of putting it, it is just a lot more people get sucked into politics by being addicted to to the social media. i, for one, do not use social media but i use this board where most threads discuss events posted on the social media, so i guess Yea Forums is social media too. and you know what. fuck this shit.