I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn’t believe

I miss this lil nigga like you wouldn’t believe

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he's comin back as a Bill




>No more GRONK spams in the gamethreads

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He misses eating solid food.

Is he eating Tide Pods now to survive?

rob gronkowski, polish-american soccer player

i still miss that aaron hernandez fella


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Don’t care

Kek what a bitch

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yeah, whatever happened to him?

Literally who

Gronk "Suck my cock while I drink beer" Gronkowski

hes coming back for the playoffs. dont worry. its all part of the plan

>makes the Dolphins suffer in the Draft

4D chess by Gronk.


Literally who?

The man personally responsible for making millions of darkies seethe yearly

>4 men at the line
>not putting in your special teams
and they still won the owl. fucking nfl