>Baltika Kaliningrad vs Luch Vladivostok
How does the Russian second division not go bankrupt? serious question.
Baltika Kaliningrad vs Luch Vladivostok
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I think Luch played in Moscow
Teams sustained by regional governments a.k.a. local oligarchs
Air travel is cheap inside Russia.
They ship over the team in a freight container
Pretty much these, in 2nd division in most countries, teams get support from their local government to travel to different regions, Russia is no different
it's königsberg
Yakovlev deathraps are pretty cheap to maintain
No actually its królewiec
give back kattowitz
I would pay you huge ammounts of money just to take shitfest like silesia. Literally worst part of europe
wrong, its kongsberg
SKA Khabarovsk and Luch Vladivostok should just join the J-league desu
What's the ideal size for a football country?
Not small so there's little competition. But not big like Russia or China where teams need to take 4 flights for every other match.
Theoretically, Bangladesh
it's actually karaliaučius
They just fly over the north pole, takes about half an hour
warning: comfy alert (Vladivostok still plays in the KHL)
is this true?
Danzig ist Polnisch
Ideal size? More like ideal money, the USA is as big as China and still mannages to have a league, same with Canada starting their own league, you just have to be a rich country with lots of resources and people wanting to give you money so you can keep maintaining it
if you fought harder it would be
Sport = politics in Russia like in any authoritarian country.
They need to assert their unity from Kaliningrad to Sakhalin and from Komi to Crimea in every sphere of life.
Reasonable nation would solve this shit easily:
Make two leagues - one for European part, second for Asian one. Final play-offs are played in Moscow or I dunno Novosibirsk. Voilà
Russia should accept their vital need of being a real federation
That's probably the reason there are so many crashes
How the places in european games ( CL + EL) would be given if russia would have two leagues? They have currently guaranteed 3 places in champions league so you either need to give one of the place to both leagues and the last one would be a match between two leagues? It's problematic enough in slavic country with only one proffesional league ( the dissolving of one and creating two or three country leagues on same level would result in more shit teams and less good ones i think) to make it as you wrote
For me, it's SKA
Not anymore adolf
Play-offs mate
Like in Belgium I think.
In May first 8 clubs, 4 from one conference 4 from another (for instance) gather in Moscow and play with each other like a knockout tournament
Something like that, and then a winner gives direct group CL place, finalist goes to play-off etc
In my opinion tho Russians shouldn't take part in European competitions until they solve this problem
what's the ethnic composition like in Vladivostok? I'd assume most people are European Russians, right?
If China and Russia were not dictatorships, they could play in the Chinese League
no, earf is flat and oztralia doesnt exist
>But not big like Russia or China where teams need to take 4 flights for every other match
do they, aren't their top teams all relatively close?
Most Slavic colonists.
is such a drive even possible? i'm sure it can be done by motorbike, suv, or other all-terrain transport, but can a family make the trip 100% of the time without getting stuck in mud?
Needs a Pyongyang team
i believe every US state should have its own league of 20 teams and there should be an annual 50-state 50-team national tournament featuring the champion of each state. i made something like this in excel just to see what it would be like, was comfy i wont lie
>Rhode island 20 teams
>Wyoming 20 teams
You couldn't do it with any of those, either. Traversing Russia is only really possible by train.
The roads are open and you are certainly allowed to drive on them, but huge segments of that route (some up to a thousand miles) are uninhabited. Not "rural", but no one there. At all. If you break down it might be three weeks until someone else comes past.
Look at this duud
On the way you would pass through
>Oymyakon, the coldest inhabited place on earth. It is below minus 50 for four months of the year, and below minus 60 for every day of January. The diesel in your truck would freeze.
>Dzerzhinsk, the most polluted place on earth.
>10,000km of tundra
>You could avoid the pollution and the cold, but you would instead cross through several war zones, north western China and parts of Northern Kazakhstan. All of which have problems of their own
>There are certain towns and cities, some with hundreds of thousands of people, that are not on maps. These are closed off to non-registered Russians, and the Russian government will have a complete sense of humour failure if you as a foreigner go near
It's nearly as bad as having Leeds away.
i dunno man its gets pretty rainy in england
like old brasil
> i made something like this in excel just to see what it would be like, was comfy i wont lie
mind sharing?
>These are closed off to non-registered Russians, and the Russian government will have a complete sense of humour failure if you as a foreigner go near
>below minus 60 every day in January
Sounds comfy. Also, this means no blacks
germany france england italy
fuck off turkish rapebaby
There's closed cities we know about
Post spreadsheet
>not posting his autism
Cmon son