Which Era was the best

Which Era was the best

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2000 obviously

Galacticos were notorious underperformers

Not Galacticos

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1990 was the most based era

for me, it's steve

2010 objectively

For me, it's Era penalty


Ronaldo, Ramos, Navas and Marcelo are the greatest 4 players to have graced the shirt of real madrid desu just because of how those 4 singlehandely gave Real Madrid 4 CL titles in 5 years, they just shat all over Barcelona and their muh la liga stat pad so hard Barca will never recover, it has already titled Pissi.

But it doesnt matter because the fact of the matter is whichever era Cristano Ronaldo is in, wins.

2000 > 1960 > 2010 > 1990 > 1970 > 1980


Era penal

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Going by results 1960's.

I'm a 90s kid too but honestly 80s looks stronger
That said there's no Seedorf or Suker and Raul and Carlos played a lot of the 90s too.


2000 squad is spooky as fuck

For me it's ButtRageNo

no era

how good was Redondo? I’ve heard of him before but I never saw him play

the 90s squad brought the team back into relevancy. so id pick them over any of those squads

youtube is free

2010 for the mere reason all eras from 2000 backwards were literally women/3rd division tier


yeah I can watch highlights but that doesn’t really tell me everything about him, Muhammad

Obviously the 60s with the GOAT Di Stefano


>casillas over figo

Casillas is Real Madrid's best goal keeper in history, Figo doesn't even make it to the top 10 in his position

For me it's 2020s

Why are spaniards so damn ugly?

all spanics are some form of mongrels.

Top10? He does

Reminder football only became professional in the 70s

>hugo sanchez
just how good was he, lads?
living in LA, i always hear these spics talking about him. putting aside those crazy over head kicks, was he elite?

Briefly one of the greatest in his position in his era