Brazil hosting WC

>Brazil hosting WC
>everything works great
>Brazil hosting Olympics
>everything works great
>Brazil hosting Copa America
>everything works great

>Argentina hosting Libertadores final
>the final match had to move to Madrid because argentinians are monkeys

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Other urls found in this thread: ecologia/argentinos-mataron-a-un-delfin-bebe-para-tomarse-una-selfie_hqpme info/oficial-inflacion-argentina-durante-2018-fue-del-48_1k5kra noticias/violan-y-embarazan-a-discapacitada-en-silla-de-ruedas_j1ozl noticias/joven-mata-a-su-bebe-y-lo-envia-por-encomienda-a-su-novio_1c04jl

a fucking star..

>Brazil hosting WC
>Brazil hosting Olympics
>they let an american roam free without supervision and he ends up assaulting gas station workers
>Brazil hosting Copa America
>no one in the stadiums

copa oro made more money, the stadiums were full

Hueposting should be banned. Don’t you have a 13 year old to shoot in the favela for taking your janky ass football, João?


>Great hosting
Yeah so great that the Chilean team arrived late to the match against in Colombia because of traffic and that the hotel designated for them was on the other side of the city

>t. larping argentinicuck

get back on your side of the border nigger

But I agree with him Argentina is also cucked beyond belief because Boca and River fans.

>Brazil hosting Olympics
>everything works great

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everyone agreeds this country is retarded about futbol tho,we are famous for how much shit we give to messi lmao

Argentina >>>>> Brazil

tango >>>>>> pagode

Mario Kempes >>>>>> Ronaldo


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Based portuga

They were asked to.leave early. Not only didn't they do that but they also.left late. But you are not wrong


>everything works great
didn't they have to remove tons of human shit from your beaches and waterfront just for the rowing events? the subhuman huemonkeys shitted it all up again and they ended up having to move the events like a mile offshore

>they let an american roam free without supervision and he ends up assaulting gas station workers
never 4get, why are they so scummy?

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Tell me all about your Brazilian """"culture"""". Go on, I will wait.

>argentina culture
>discount spain


t. equal pay player

tell me ONE thing that brazilians have that is different in culture besides that little samba shaking your hips "dance" and don't say carnaval because every fucking country even bolivia has that shit


Brazilian Folklore
Bossa Nova

Need more?

not really, it's a weird mix of the worst traits of Spanish and Italian people, with a pinch of jewish psychoanalysis thrown in for good measure

rich post coming from an American

>Brazil hosting Olympics
>everything works great

schedule wise yes but god damn, the olympic stadium was almost always empty

>Brazil hosting Copa America
>everything works great
except VAR

>Brazil hosting Olympics
>everything works great
hahahah what??!

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it happened because no one cares about Athletics

thank dog there is no robberies or terrorist attempts in UK.

Sorry, but gringos often look too stupid when they come south, with hawaiian clothes, iWatches and safari hats, so even I feel inclined to mug them, despite not needing money, just to mock them

Just dress normally over here, don’t act stupidly like Ryan Lochte and you’ll be fine.

>no one cares about Athletics
that's pretty much the most popular aspect of the olympics


crime fell by 6% in London during the Olympics

holy fuck huemonkeys literally are monkeys
>steal photographer's vest
>go around wearing it that day like some new prize
jesus christ what a subhuman country

? we export our culture around the world. mcdolands is the most popular food joint around the world.

tickets were expensive as fuck though

not all argentinian, some of their football fans behave like monkeys

>it's a retard sun

>the shart in mart country calling other countries subhuman

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>go to Brasil for Olympics
>spend lots of time getting drunk
>spend lots of time fucking trannies like my idol, il fenomeno
>barely go to any of the events
>leave with no money

Had a great time honestly

Argentina is broken. We, white people, should help them.

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but not in Brazil. we want to see our people winning, not the others. that's how suff works here among macacos. that gold medal against Lavillenie(?) in pole vault was a lucky move.
don't forget: Brazil is a chad country, so most of people prefere to practice team sports than individual sports. being a Brazilian user is a real suffering.

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based ameribro

Lmao Venezuela

Oh god that whole booing drama was so fucking gay, why are euros so fragile?

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no it's because teamsports are cheaper to practice

and that's why you're best guay

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Venezuela: "lol, is the rest of the world even trying?"

>unemployment % is weighted the same as inflation %
these indexes are so stupid

I’ll go to Japan and personally boo the french faggots during Athletic events just to keep them in check

>Mcdonald's is the pinnacle of american culture
can't make this shit up

Extremely based

Cultureless swine.

>jewish psychoanalysis

>no one in the stadiums
tha'ts because the other matches were shit like "qtar x bolivia" that no one wanted to see
pic related is from argentina x chile, the Maracana had even more people in the final

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user from Parintins reporting in.


>Mario Kempes >>>>>> Ronaldo

go back home anglonigger

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I can't believe that I have just read the most accurate definition of Argentina in a North Korean kite-making forum. Congratulations amigo


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it is the pinnacle of the world culture, yes.
>McDonald's operates more than 36,000 restaurants in more than 100 countries around the world.
embarrassed? that's ok.

Largest Jewish population in Latin America, 3rd in the world
#1 most psychologists per capita, and twice as much as the second place

Argentina is like New York but everywhere, I think Woody Allen is more popular here than anywhere else


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>not wanting to be more efficient

Not him but that image pretty much means Brazilians don't have access to cars or electronics

I guess Uganada consumes less energy than Japan

sounds like a real shithole, thanks for the heads up

>conveniently ignores 99% of the finals played in Argentina
>literally one year before and Argie team lost a final here and nothing happened
pic related

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Also, forgets that hundreds if not thousands of niggers had to be killed to "pacify" Rio before the Olympic Games.
8k soldiers mobilized with heavy weapons and vehicles to hold the crime.

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This was based though, we are also using snipers to shoot at favelados now.

Australians btfo

mfw "the worst traits of Spanish and Italian people, with a pinch of jewish psychoanalysis" is still superior to almost every other country in this continent and way less violent that "pure and ancient" Mexican and Central American "culture".

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How bad is unemployment in Argentina?

Around 10%, we got into double digits about 2 months ago

Of course, don't get me wrong, I like dead negroes.
But none of that has to happen here for us to host a final.

I eat stuff everyday that you probably never even heard of, hell, most brazilians in this board also didn't.

I've found more accurate definitions on here than almost every other place combined tbqh senpai

did it make girls corrupted?

>be argentinian
>make everything worse

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>pure and ancient

Hey, i saw that pic in Taringa 2 years ago on an Argentinawinsgrasshockeylol post.
It was hilarious.

Sao Paulo stadium looks comfier after they took away those shitty temporary seats from 2014.

>Implying Argentina is less violent than mexico.
>Implying that Argentinian culture never fell so low
>Implying Argentina is superior to any other country in America. ecologia/argentinos-mataron-a-un-delfin-bebe-para-tomarse-una-selfie_hqpme info/oficial-inflacion-argentina-durante-2018-fue-del-48_1k5kra noticias/violan-y-embarazan-a-discapacitada-en-silla-de-ruedas_j1ozl noticias/joven-mata-a-su-bebe-y-lo-envia-por-encomienda-a-su-novio_1c04jl

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That and having one of the most fragile economies in the world. How long until you suck FMI cock again?

Nbd we only invented the internet, automobiles, etc. You watch our movies and listen to our music. I've been all over Spain. The only good things are tapas and cat houses.

ah yes henry ford, inventor of the automobile. there's a lot to be proud of being an american, it's just a little bit typical you're too retarded to know what those things are.

Doesn't realize that the automobile transmission was invented by General Motors and introduced by Oldsmobile & Cadillac.

>mejinarcos y su problema de inferioridad

lmao every time

>Argenculos y su problema de soberbia pendeja
lmao every time

ohhhh, okay that makes sense, sorry! I thought you meant you actually believed what you initially wrote before I made you google something to damage control with.