You now remember Robert Lewandowski

You now remember Robert Lewandowski

Attached: 20170316-The18-Image-Robert-Lewandowski.jpg (1200x756, 129K)

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lmao who TF is this ugly nigger?

Le never shows up outside of the bundesliga lad

>the grim reaper of gibraltar

Attached: 1447348474860.jpg (960x720, 65K)

I remember when he scored all dem goals real fast

>the flayer of freiburg

Why is he one of the last pure #9s left lads?

Attached: Robert-Lewandowski-Ania-Stachurska-e1416535885810.jpg (465x623, 53K)

>the witcher of wolfsburg

For me, it's his cousin Cory in America.

Attached: lewa.png (768x613, 709K)

wait, are they really related?

Name 1 (one) team that would be worse with Lewandowski as CF than it is now.

wow, this game from 6 years ago totally BTFO'd me!


Poland Men's National Team



Attached: 31CDBBA900000578-3477764-image-a-87_1457155263644.jpg (634x448, 45K)

ironically, she looks quite brownish herself


big brain
we should play him as number 10 behind Friday
>le permanently injured mouth breather man
he's going the way of Bale

you're like those Messi beaners who post tap-ins from 2010 to prove he's the goat in 2019

unironically Germanys fault. all the aryan looking children god taken and brought to germany to be raised as germans in ww2 leaving Poland only with the armeno-jewish-lipka mongrels of today

i've been to poland and also see polish people over here, like half of them are still very much blonde

just this particular nationalist girl you chose to show is not, relax

the walloper of wolfsburg

>all the aryan looking children
you mean the German children

seethe, satan

>scores as penalty
>red nation army starts playing

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Current best player in bundesliga and one of the best players in the world

This isn’t a thread about Reus

Shut up frenchnigga. I always back your site in all shitfights on Yea Forums so stay humble

This isnt a thread about Thiago