Now that the dust has finally settled, which match was the best of the tournament?

Now that the dust has finally settled, which match was the best of the tournament?

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Argentina Chile obviously

None. This Sopa de Copa was shit and VAR SINSO was the best player. close this treda pls

Peru x Chile

Uruguay Japan
Btw, brazilioans, see you next year.

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>Sopa de Copa
>not Sopa America

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For me it was all the 0-0 matches


Chile - Colombia was kino

For me, it’s Peru vs Chile.

it has to be this


noooo pls


The WWC was better

Brasil-Venezuela just for the keks

The Final... I thought we could lose at any moment. But the second half was emotional and good. After our 3rd goal we all here were relaxed, happy and celebrating.

The worst match was definitely Brasil x Paraguai ... 0x0 plus penalties. This was the true final. So hard. Gatito is a very hard goalkeeper. We just won this match by luck.

Without her, this would never be possible.

Obrigado, Najila ...

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Rio Grande do Sul do Sul shut up. Urgay. You won't even classify for Copa America 2020

Hahaha. Faggot.


Najila is hot

She tanked her reputation for our sins....

Also Najila appreciation thread

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She will be crucified for our sins

Torcedor Psicopata

i liked this one more

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O DECA is coming dino

Sim, sim.

Opa, tamo aí na atividade


USA sucks

Cupa Americe