How accurate is this ?
How accurate is this ?
They literally just run at eachother and push eachother away. No skill involved. Just a lot of physical fitness.
Something that is never discussed when this is posted.
Where is darts on this chart?
t. doesn't understand the dichotomy
so far off to the right you cant see it
Strategy is skill. That’s why chess is at the top, user.
the NFL is a literal mind game, and the strategies are a lot more complex than in soccer
Past chess.
It should really be a triangle with luck, skill, and strategy
>bigger troglodyte ram smaller troglodyte, pass egg, then dive on grass=win
>taller retard run faster than smaller retard, make ball go in ring=win
>strongest and boldest fat fuck hits ball to go away as far as possible=win
>run, get ball, push ball in net, dive on grass, don't let the other faggots do the same=win
yeah so much strategy, wake up tards strategy is only applied in war and chess.
>Premier League
Not the best league in the world. Why do yanks and bongs keep insisting on this?
How is basketball require more skill than football?
It doesn't say it requires more skill, the point of the chart is to show which sports are determined by things outside of player control, with the right side being fully determined by the players and the left side being not controlled by the players
Because it is.
it doesn't take away the strategy to know that most of the games, are the same chess players repeating and memorizing previous games.
well, I guess so, the ability to memorize
>Luckswing not the furthest to the left
No it's not, historically Serie A, in the last decades La Liga.
Europeans can't understand American football
t. Literally can't fathom American football because it's not 60 kilo manlets chasing a ball for 90 minutes to end 0-0
>talking about strategy
Top kek you cant even get your sewage right paco
Premier League is the best in the world by a mile top to bottom. Every other league drops off sharply after the top 2 or 3 clubs. Top La Liga teams regularly win 5-0
Literally the equivalent of me saying soccer is just people running around
and so they believe that messi free throws are goals because messi does not think so, because they believe that when you kick long distance is totally lucky that the ball goes in.
Surely when they throw the ball at the last second and score three points, the basketball players rely on luck.
Do the coaches and coordinators count as players? Because a lot of the strategy in football comes from playcalling.
depends how you quantify it, which is never mentioned because it's from a shitty vox farm article and responders here just want to rip on what they don't like
I don't understand what you're saying. Think of the chart as a display of an individuals ability to influence the game. For example when LeBron James left the Cavs in 2010 the Heat became much better and the Cavs were garbage. When Ronaldo joined Juventus this season? Not much changed
With hockey you need to know how to skate. So right off the start it takes more skill than other sports
>people get mad at this picture again
The thing is supposed to be based on how likely it is the better team wins
Hockey is flukey with a million shots and few goals so it is possible to win off a few lucky deflections, happens all the time
On the other hand, basketball is high scoring so it is impossible to win by “luck”
the point of the shitty graph is either how much an individual game or champion(not sure which because either is slightly flawed) in each of those leagues is determined.
otherwise yeah, hockey is be on skates by 5 and do it everyday and basketball is be born 6-6 and above and not be uncoordinated junk
Maybe because juventus didn't need ronaldo to win the series a?
let's use messi, when he's a substitute, the barcelona games are tight and hard to score until messi comes in and makes a difference.
the example you set is completely in football, which means that it changes?, with the particularity that in football there are many more players with quality that can improve teams.
this garbage image is just some old lefty journalist drivel. >haha i'm going to write an article where the blackest sport is the most skilled, i can hear the clicks now.
>muh competitivity
>muh Mandril and Farca always win
Italy molded football as we know it today
The greatest players in history have consolidated their careers in Spain (Messi, CR7, R9,Cruyff, Zidane, Maradona, Xavi, Iniesta etc)
All of their top teams have dominated the intercontinental scheme, PL don't even come close.
What has England done to modern football? Bring the Arab money and creating the archetype of the 'Ngubu' player, that's it.
No such thing as luck
evidence by a losing record 8 seed winning the Stanley cup in 2012 and an 8 seed sweeping one of the best regular seed teams ever this year.
I far prefer hockey over basketball but imagine the warriors getting swept by the pelicans and losing by double digits in three of them
You're example is flawed, because Barcelona won plenty of games comfortably without Messi too. They beat Madrid 5-1 and they beat Inter 2-0 without Messi. There are also games he was substituted in and didn't make a difference, like against Tottenham
I played basketball and soccer. Soccer is much harder.
Using your same argument base would answer the next.
>They beat Madrid 5
ronaldo goes to juventus and the other players ther performance goes down.
>Inter 2-0 without Messi
what a surprise, teams that don't have top players to compete in international tournaments.
they replied the same as the cavaliers, at this point I have no fucking idea who the cavaliers are, I've never seen a basketball game.
If you've never even seen a basketball game then I don't know why you think you're qualified to discuss the matter
skill here just means its more predictable
because the argument that you use doesn't mean anything about skill between football and basket
if you're say 5-10 playing in the nba requires more skill than any league in the world, if you're 6-10 and completely reverses to the easiest. and neither are probably close
i'm curious to see the stats on that. soccer seems to me to be pretty predictable.
No, it does. Let me make it simple:
There are 5 players in Basketball, 10 outfield in Football, therefore 1 player has 20% impact versus 10% in Football
How is basketball that high in skill? All you have to do is be taller than 6.5 feet. It's literally the least skillful sport of all the ones shown.
Steph Curry
Where does Rugby stands?
Chess has elements of luck too though. Sometimes your opponent makes mistakes that any reasonable person should not have made and a valuable piece is saved by luck/their shortsightedness.
There is no luck element
The team that plays better wins 100% of the time
7 game series, each team has an extremely large amount of opportunities to score, etc...
What I don’t understand is soccer being more skill based than football... in soccer you can go for a cross and accidentally score and end up winning the game 1-0
Nigga, every game has elements of luck, you probably can’t name a single one that doesn’t. That scale doesn’t place chess as an absolutely 100% skill-based game, but at the very edge of what skill-based means.
That's not really luck though, the opposition was in complete control of that. If I take 100 blooters in a game of football one might go in and there's really no way of knowing whether or not they will until they either do or don't, in theory you could calculate the force you apply on the ball and the weather elements etc to figure out exactly if it will go in or not but there's no way of really knowing which is why it's luck
Rugby kneels faggot
Football is literally a sport full of skilled positions
>average player is a fatass
>physical fitness
>chess, skill, they literally just sit and stare at each other
Are you retarded you second-hand kraut
>le run fast nigger
>le big fat blocking nigger
>le catch the egg nigger
>le egg tosser whitey
>le kick the egg far away whitey
you guatemalans are so full of yourselves
They should play life-sized chess but make the pieces really, really heavy. Like solid stone or iron so it takes some massive hulk to actually move the pieces. As they become exhausted the moves will likely become less well thought out and that's where the game gets interesting.
Also this will change the game strategy a bit. "longer" moves will be less favored and the player will keep in mind if he is feeling ready to lug that rook halfway across the board or not.
probably at a similar position to burgerball
Or every piece is a player, and has to actually learn the skill they represent, like, poor people would get to go first to the battle, and so on
There is literally millions of fast, big and strong people that will never make it because they don’t have the skill
Where is cycling
>They literally just run at eachother and push eachother away. No skill involved. Just a lot of physical fitness.
American football takes more skill than baseball and basketball. It's pretty equal with soccer, actually.
I'd argue that NFL is luckier than NHL...
Games are entirely decided solely on pass interference flags
I would actually suggest that some of our more critical yuro and sudaca friends really try and watch a few NFL games with commentary this season. All jokes aside, it really is hard to think of a sport that is more about mindgames, meticulously planned strategy, and perfectly executed plays. Its easy to say "hurr big man push other big man" but the sport is so popular to us because on many levels it mimics war-gaming, with all of the planning, strategy, and tactics that come with it.
what the fuck did you just try to say?
I like it more than other yank sports, but the refs are fucking shit.
Same chilean spic in every thread
>handegg is literally a sport full of skilled position
>taller retard run faster than smaller retard
That's the exact opposite of what happens most of the time
>hates handegg
You should try out
Just because you are brainwashed by the commercials doesn't make football a mindgame
>NBA needs more skill than football
Negro please, I played Basketball and Soccer on University Pro-teams. Soccer requires more skill,stamina (Bigger space to dominate) and to make a point there's always a faggot there waiting for you to cuck your goal.
>football meaning soccer
one player can dominate completely in basketball. untrue in all other sports
Luck IS a skill retard
I think basketball is more skilled just because of how playoffs are, it's less flukey than most other sports because of the 7 game series'
I don't understand this
The need for more matches just indicate there is more luck. In MLB even the worst team can win at least 1/3 of the matches, while in NBA it's more like 1/5.
>No luck
Based retarded yanks shilling our shit league
>much more luck than skill
Drinking games, carnival games, lawn games, games the dealer can win
>a little more luck than skill
Hold 'em with the lads, chinese checkers, other oddball shit like animal racing
>roughly equal skill/luck relationship
MMA, bowling, penalty shots
>more skill than luck
Vehicle racing, track/field events affected by wind, more individualized team sports like baseball or cricket, fishing
>much more skill than luck
Golf, less individualized team sports like football and soccer, hunting
Chess, unnamed olympiad events like sprinting and high jump, swimming, tennis, powerlifting, distance running, etc
quiet accurate
if you are a manlet it is near impossible to play in the nba if you are a lanklet it is the easiest