>no one cares about women's sports!! >foreigners post 50 threads a day about our team what did they mean by this?
Brody Ramirez
Soccer is kind of a rich white person sport in schools public and especially private and another loophole for rich kids to get free college out of
Brody Hill
>no midgets >no autists >no trannies
They are non-inclusive bigots
Justin Fisher
Not directed at OP, but why the fuck are there so many goddamn threads about the women's team? For a board that smugly announces to be indifferent to women's soccer, a lot of autists here have been hard at work seething at the women's team for almost 4 weeks at this point. It's especially strange when the threads is being made by some europoor or other foreign subhuman since they're especially vocal about not caring about women's soccer.
They say they don’t care but people hate the fact that Americans are winning the only sport these countries play. So now we are the best at everything. The women are also super arrogant so that annoyed Americans and non Americans.
Joshua Clark
This, and the fact the national team system is scouting these colleges and the elite high schools for team-oriented talents.
Also there’s the fact that elite female athletes in America are recruited for different kind of athletic scholarships now. Rowing is the biggest scam, but swimming and diving is big too
Ryan Mitchell
She should play for the men's team to promote trans rights
Cooper Smith
>Male soccer players make all of this money because of massive ticket sales and advertising. >Where are the promoters supposed to get the money to pay these women? If they gave out a $440 million prize to the women, they would not even be able to break even – they would lose hundreds of millions of dollars. Who would pay for this lost revenue? >Do they want some kind of a global tax to pay money to female soccer players who no one cares about? >Other than a global tax, what are even the possible options to come up with this incredible about of money?
Xavier Powell
Blake Nelson
because non white women are too busy having kids and raising families.
Ryan Wood
US National White Dykes team is utter trash. No one who actually cares about sports watches that trash.
Charles Richardson
>US women's soccer is almost entirely white women this is disturbing when you think about it. POC should be represented by their population percentage in women's soccer. why should women enjoy playing their sport in peace and safety while I have to risk my life to play basketball?
Thomas Fisher
Yeah soccer here is for the rich white kids that were too much of a little bitch to play American Football cause their moms didn't let them or didn't have the power to play in Baseball either
Leo Allen
success breeds jealousy, they hate us cuz they ain't us
Camden Allen
Title IX is basically womens sports holding America schools hostage for free gibs. The passage of it in 1972 (thanks Democrats) and Supreme Court decisions means if schools want to have a decent football program (WHICH EARNS THEM MONEY) they have to give a bunch of scholarships out to any stupid slit who can kick a ball and run at the same time. BELOW college though, soccer costs money. You have to have parents driving kids to games, you have to buy equipment, attend tournaments, pay club fees, etc. The only parents who can afford that are upper middle class whites. The nigs get scholarships for spelling their names right so they don't really care about getting free rides on soccer.
So to sum up, it's basically a free ride through college for women and middle class whites are the only ones really positioned to take advantage of it.
Nicholas Nguyen
free (you)'s that supplement the attention they don't receive at home.