Serious question. When is Mexican women going to raise up and stomp the absolute fuck out of U.S. dyke national team. I know they can do it.
Serious question. When is Mexican women going to raise up and stomp the absolute fuck out of U.S. dyke national team...
*muffled mariachi music in the distance*
By developing a facesitting defence
womens athletics is seen as being "marimacha" in mexico and its not popular
marimacha means dyke btw
This, mostly dykes play it here, also alot of mexican girls just wanna be stacys so playing football is out of their interests
Hey I got a question since you're Mexican. Over in the U.S. a lot of Mexican woman (I think even other Hispanic women) all try to find some sucker Mexican to work his ass off and break his back so she can stay home and take care of kids and shit. Is how it works over there too or do they actually work in Mexico?.
Also Are the dykes who play football over there actually cute? or are they like ugly dykes?.
It's almost like the middle classes and above stay in their country living comfortable lives, whereas the desperate and trashier ones emigrate out of necessity
yeah, I have noticed that. They're like the niggers of Hispanics that come here. But I mean nigger or not just wonder how they can really slave themselves for a girl. A lot of them actually make pretty good money working construction and "under the table" jobs but goddamn then they throw it away on the woman and kids. Is that really "making it". really must be no options if they risk their lives just to go through that.
>Hey I got a question since you're Mexican. Over in the U.S. a lot of Mexican woman (I think even other Hispanic women) all try to find some sucker Mexican to work his ass off and break his back so she can stay home and take care of kids and shit. Is how it works over there too or do they actually work in Mexico?.
Its mostly in traditional families or lower classes for younger people, nowadays i think its more modern and you can find both working.
>Also Are the dykes who play football over there actually cute? or are they like ugly dykes?.
Mostly ugy, there can be some cute but its not common.
Women are actually women in Mexico. They just want to look sexy and have a family, not play dyke sports. Then there is a 50% chance they get fat but US is pretty fat too unforunately.
t. I love on the mexican border and hispanic women like to dress up for school, for church, and even dive bars.
How to acquire a cute girly latin gf?
>Then there is a 50% chance they get fat but US is pretty fat too unforunately
just look at the mother user, always look at the mother
be loud exotrovert
. . . sorry finland
you just found one ;)
for me, it's Greta
That classical role of men and women is very common in poor to middle class families, only younger generations are starting to change that family model specially if the woman has a higher level of scholarship.
I don’t think the cartels allow women to play sports
They still need time, there are talented players but there is null organization and structure for MWNT.
i don't know about the dykes because i barely watch female league but there are some cute mexican girls playing, just like men you can find beauties of all kind and for all interests.
pic related is still an underage please be respectful.
How come?. Seriously how could that hurt them?. I mean more business they can somehow control/fuck with maybe gambling. If anything I can understand not wanting to get famous in Mexico. I imagine famous players get like death threats and shit over whether or not they win/lose.
How come they weren't in this game?. Is that girl really underage?. Does she play with other adults?. They have separate teams and shit or is she training so she's ready by the time she hits 18 or whatever she will join real national team?.
Are you anti-natalist or something?
what is that?
Marimacha means tomboy.
Pic related started playing at age 15, she must have 17 now, i never noticed it but looks like women clubs here have young players playing with adults (15 to 27 years old for example), the clubs in liga mx have their female versions for liga mx femenil, it's a must for every club to have one now.
If you ask why Mexico didn't participate in this women's world cup it's because they didn't qualify. They lost 6-0 against USA, 2-0 against Panama and won 4-1 against T&T. Female soccer is still amateur in Mexico, almost no one watches their league.
Yeah, I've been interested in these games. Are they on tv or all these qualification games not shown on tv? what about online?. Or those games just happen and nobody pay attention.
Real talk, why so mexican women prefer to be single moms instead of having a family? Ex was a mexican chick who I got pregnant. I told her if stay with her but she preferred to be a single mom
She lied to you. She wants you to pay money every month so she can also get money from her new dude.
Child support muh negro
I'm not paying shit though. And she knows I'm willing to raise the kid.
How hard is it to get a decent looking latina gf lads? Moving to LA next year
Then she just wants to find someone else and doesn't like you. Maybe she still gets money somehow from food stamps and shit.
That's fucking weird tbqh. Most women would prefer to stay with their kids father. And most would accept the help
>Most women would prefer to stay with their kids father
well, that's one of those things that that are night/day difference from woman to woman. Your girl may just have wanted a kid and money for it without the husband. Maybe there's something you're not telling us?. There usually is. Did you beat her?. curse at her?. Ever threw furniture at her?.
>Maybe there's something you're not telling us?. There usually is. Did you beat her?. curse at her?. Ever threw furniture at her?.
Not even close to any domestic violence. I started dating her because of the whole mexican women like to stay home and take care of their family deal
Maybe less than 10 years we already created a women league like 3 years ago.
Really?. You guys just got the women team?. How long has the women's FIFA thing been around though?.
> REEEEE how can women be women? There must be some abusive conspiracy
The fact that this is so hard for the gringo to believe makes me sad more than anything.
Mexico nt been around long ago but filled with semi professional players and most come from the USA, but now that we have a league we could be more competitive. We already exported some to Europe.
Man, I don't doubt it's possible but even the user posting that doesn't believe it. Just trying to help him figure it out.
So how does the league thing work?. If you have no league basically you have no teams at all?. Or like there are little teams here and there but not accepted by FIFA?. Does fifa mandate leagues in order to participate in World Cup?.
The mexican families had a weird dynamic. The fathers could be super antagonist with the childrens, but if they fall in a problem they will go any lengths to help them. Probably she had all support she wants in her family, making you redundant.
So they're perfectly fine with being single moms? That's fucked up tbqh
The league works the same as the men's league (Liga mx) they just have their women version, and play on a different day.
>letting her be a single mom after locking her up
kys senpai, that's embarrassing
I mean, what the fuck can I do?
probably stopping roleplaying on the internet and actually having sex
Well, the role of a paternal figure for a child could be replaced by a grandfather, uncle or even a cousin. Also probably they will said to the kid that his father is death or abandon him. kek
Kek they're gonna tell your kid you abandoned him
Don't move there for the love of god
Outside of 1st world countries feminist influence isn't very big.
Like if you go to Africa/Latin America/Caribbean. Women wanna be women not uh ... IDK soccer players.
yumi yumi
Which is fucked up that mexican women prefer that over traditional families. Basically I was lied to
our new wave of negritas will stomp in the next Women's Gold Cup
yea, when?
just googled her and saw that a couple of the youth players are verified on twitter lmao
they're getting exposure and investment. Unfortunately it's still in its infancy so there won't be any results for a while. IIRC the average salary is around 3-4k USD. The positives are that the top teams are expected to finance the women's team, there's active recruiting in US colleges for Mexican American girls who want to try to play pro in Mexico. They're playing the important matches in the men's stadiums. I know the girls freaked out when they got to play the final at Azteca two tournaments ago. People actually go watch them too, not like the men but people go watch them and even the men's teams are acknowledging them. Give it like 10 years and check back, Mexico should have a decent team in the WC by then unless it all goes to shit.
Dude that's a meme. Get a dumb girl from a village, put her in a US city and she'll turn into a brain dead thot over a couple of years. Plenty of divorced and single Mexican moms in the US because the male was too busy working while she was squandering money and fucking behind their back.
>not knowing that Latin and Mediterranean women actually prefer autistic blond men
They're literally the only women I can attract
can't confirm this because i'm a kissless virgin who barely has contact with society
You have to go back
So many LARPers here it's amazing
Mexican women are fat and literal midgets, they have no change against 6' and taller women teams.
Latinas are so fucking hot. Getting sick of white women desu.
You and other guys are right, I met several women that when single constantly think into leaving their work and staying at home if its possible, I think it also comes down to the fact that Mexican women are very effective of their parents and actually enjoy being with them for a long time.
Le creatura de la montroso
imagine those lips kissing and sucking your cock
R8 my mexican GF
Not gonna make it lads most Mexican bitches in my age range(18-21) now are either hoes or single mothers.
Its not any different in the US. Did you see the feminist bulldyke with the short pink hair?
We just pretend they're straight and normal and just like every other girl while somehow not just like every other girl. Its just the same old tired narrative.
This needs to happen. I want to see them crushed by a team of beautiful aztecas. Then take the big bull dyke to be sacrificed atop the tallest pyramid still standing. I would cut her heart out myself, but the mexicans are naturally much better at this kind of thing.
I'd marry a mexican girl if she was actually loyal an family oriented
if they were loyal and family oriented, why would they marry a fucking gringo?
Because its literally a step up for mexican women. Thats why mexican men often beat their wives so they dont cheat on their 5'7", 300 lb ass who works as a merchandiser
>even white grils dont want anything to do with white boys any more
There was a time when I first arrived from Mexico that my goal was to marry a white girl. After bagging a few I realized they dont really have any soul and are horrible in bed.
The best lays I've had to date have been hispanic women. I can understand why you'd look outside your race, but stick to azn girls, putx.
>Being white
>going for hispanic women
Top kekerino, If you're white you go for asian bitches. Latina bitches ain't loyal
T. Mexican who thinks light skin mexicans are "white"
This is not a blog you faggot
>maybe after 5 beers/10
I she's world but thats a real meh.
Baby boy gets it.
>light skin
Talking gringas here, amigo. You know, middle-american type blonde-hair-blue-eyes that move to LA and get ran through their first night away from maw and paw.
You might consider it bragging but thats really just a slow saturday night in the big city for most dudes.
You fucked that one up bruh
Seriously, I got so confused, like, really bitch, I'm actually willing to stay for you and the kid.
>Talking gringas here, amigo. You know, middle-american type blonde-hair-blue-eyes that move to LA and get ran through their first night away from maw and paw.
>You might consider it bragging but thats really just a slow saturday night in the big city for most dudes.
So mexicans I know just say they date "white women" when it's just light skin mexicans that I just call them out on it. Still don't get what fuss is about when white women now tan to get darker skin
Chicanas aren't built for sport. They're either built for chopping down trees or takinh BBC.
Maybe she's just testing your commitment, you know even the best woman is still crazy. Hope you are a father figure either way dude. Good luck.
You'll be fine bro, I bet this girl will change her mind once she's actually holding the baby in her arm. Just be there for the child if anything, there are already too many kids with shitty parents on this planet, don't add to that.
that's what first generation immigrants do everywhere, even here besides eastern europeans and balkans which often were middle class escaping from war and economic collapse
Wake up Megan, it's all over
>"light skin"
Are you black. I've never met a white person or hispanic who uses this term.
Offer them a green card or your country‘s equivalent
>I've never met a white person or hispanic who uses this term
No, I'm white. There are no "white hispanics"
Mexicans are shit at male football and they invest all their talent pool in that sport
Why would you expect their women to be good at it?
IDK, the USMNT sucks but the women's is tops
Post hot mexis
lmao at this wh*Toid assblasted some guy fucked le pure wheat field girl
Pretty sure the guy who normally does that got banned
Reeee Latina Stacey thinks she better than cuz I'm a gringo. She would rather date manlet taco server reeeeeee