Other urls found in this thread:
with olympics added or sth?
>england still has one star
How would that work for former countries like Soviet Union and Yugoslavia? Would countries like Moldova, Kyrgyzstan and Kosovo also play with a star (or two) on their shirts, or only the countries whose players actually played in those Olympic games?
>lelgland just one
I absolutely knew this exact post would come from this exact flag. Every fucking time.
I don't see the problem with that.
rather than "have sex" i think I'll just tell you to "win cups" lmfao
>win cups
You don't even understand what this thread is about.
> England has as many World Cups as Poland and Czheh Respublic
Well we're not on four so follow the same logic.
absolute GOAT country perfectly centered in this image
well done
>tfw >we have 1 star
I unironically wasn't aware that >we won that shit.
Still, the biggest victory was beating the Wessis in Wessiland 1974 during "their" World Cup
This thread is about olympic golds and how Uruguay includes them on the badge, unlike everyone else - you dumb fucks.
>invent game
>suck at it
We're basically on four though, almost all of the players for the 'British' wins were English.
This thread is all wrong. Shouldn't England have four stars total then, since they won three Olympic Golds?
>pic related
I unironically don't give a shit about your inbred island. For me, it's
British = English = Scottish = Welsh = 2 Irelands = shitty football
...well okay exclude the exterminators of Estland (×2) and bullies of Belarus (×2), those are frightening...
Not even "almost," those were English trophies that the moochers get to claim credit for despite doing nothing to contribute to them, for some stupid reason
So then by your own retarded kraut logic, we're on four.
Dumb Mehmet.
Where's USA? They may be annoying but they do have 4 world cups.
so what
>east germoney doesn’t count for germoney
>Soviet not for Russia
Fucking macaco lrn2successor nation
>admitting your an Osscheiss
wish I was alive back then
>100% win record against Germany during World Cups
>Germany is East Germany's successor nation
based retard
the DDR got annexed in 1990
2 world wars and 1 euro qualifiers
West Germany = Turkey 2
East Germany = What's left of Germany
>imagine being a Wessi
this ;_; based
ok ronny
England has like over 50 British championships
>West Germany = Turkey 2
let's not be rude to the Syrians and North Africans also living there or soon to be living there
damn is south-east germany the most german place today?
What do you mean by South-East Germany, Southern Bavaria (literally the south-east of Germany) or Saxony (the southern part of East Germany)?
In any case, it's Saxony.
This is objectively the truth
East Germany (Sachsen > MeckPomm > Thuringia > Brandenburg = Sachsen-Anhalt) > Austria >>>> Deutschschweiz >>>>>>>>> Bavaria > rural West Germany > North Sea coast excluding the big cities >>>> Hessen = Rhineland-Palatine = rural NRW > Saarland = BaWü >>>>>>>>>> a pile of shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hamburg > Bremen = Berlin = Ruhr area
Absurd. What is this shit thread about?
2036 ??? Year
Pretty much spot on, really.
Even though I'd rank Hamburg slightly higher, but that's just personal bias.
Read the filename,
That wasn’t how that treaty worked.
it's what happened
but that's what happened
Germany now is successor to both.
That's wrong, the FRG diplomatically absorbed the GDR.
Right, which means you get their medals.
USSR on the other hand by agreement is only succeeded by Russia.
It’s why Ossis are now German nationals.
>BR Deutschland
i knew about the 7-1 but did they annex too?
I know your media pushes this narrative so that Greek et al can’t claim reparations but it’s a complex set of facts for you.
>All these retarded eurotrash in here struggling with the concept of sovereign succession
>Right, which means you get their medals.
that's not how that works, bootleg Thailand
>he thinks dyke cups count
Correct. The Easterners are memeing, don't let that fool you. East Germany is now part of the Federal Republic of Germany and therefore all medals belong together.
und darauf ein herzliches Heil Merkel!
or, soon, Heil Habeck!
Rio Grande do Sul do Sul
Tudo Viado Doido
The thing is, the Great Britain team that won the 3 Olympic gold medals was the English national team of the late 19th and early 20th century. So England really has 4 stars.
Oh, wow. Even we has at least one star.