Oh no! Why did this happen?

Oh no! Why did this happen?

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Si era penalty panchito

Attached: 1560536313193.gif (300x577, 279K)

Welcome back faggot, try not to slip (like you do in finals) and get banned for racism and ban evading again KKKKKKKKKKKKK

Utterly delusional monkey. There is one thing in that comment that's semi correct and that's that we choke in finals. The rest is pure mental illness.

You call someone a nerd, I report you and these kind of posts disappear for 2 days, and then "someone else" from holland starts posting about 7-1 and outright admits its posting from his boss' computer, and somehow you expect me to believe I didn't get your ass banned? Lmao you're fucking pathetic

"if it was a penalty"
kys van Faggot

Ok, how on earth did autocorrect change nword to nerd? Lol

What are you talking about retard. I made yesterday a thread mocking how pathetic monkeys are to lose on home soil with 7-1 in a tournament where the goverment paid millions of dollars despite having a population that earns 2000 annually.

New filter?

Based Nederlad

>announcing report

Goodbye stupid monkey

Kek what a retarded nigger

Buddy, stop already with this narrative that there's more than one autistic faggot spamming 7-1 COVENIENTLY at the same time your started your autistic crusade

You're mentally ill. Seek professional help.

At this point I dont even care i know what i did, i just need a break from this place

You CANNOT be this retarded to lack so much self awareness

>w-we don’t care about 7-1 I swear kkkkk
>s-stop posting about it!! Obsessed!!



Unironically good for you
This has to be the worst board on the site, I just come here for how much of an insane mess it is

I literally welcome him back you illiterate mixraced monkey

So what's it like losing 1-7 at home hosting a worldcup anyway?

Yeah, I'll have to agree with you on that

This monkey that saw his NT losing with 7-1 on home soil unironically believes that I got banned.

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Keep up the good work Jan. We're winning this monkey war

Attached: 312312312312.jpg (225x225, 10K)

>a monkey using an phone
truly a sight to behold

so was he even Brazilian to begin with? or was it a proxy from the start? Why does he hate brazil so much?

Cope and seethe

Because they're the worst posters on this board. Even worse than leafs. They have no self awareness.

Based landgenoot. Fuck these kanker apen.
