holy moly BASED
Holy moly BASED
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this but unironically
Love it how Americans hate their own country. Can't wait for China to be the dominant world power.
Dont Americans mind that every topic gets derailed by politics or are they ok with it?
I'd get annoyed real fast if peoples entire personality became talking politics.
>Fuck Trump
>Yaaaaasss Based
>Oh no no no you can't say this!!!!!
Fuck women
Fuck gringos and fuck niggers.
Reminder France invented aids
yeah really based that dykeball fans are soiboy cukcs
Inb4 "I'm not american, I'm from kentucky"
Why is football associated with faggots and liberals in America?
In Europe you get football crowds throwing bananas at black players.
hating trump doesn't mean hating your country. that dude sucks
Meanwhile in Paris
how do i become a trump guys? Multi millioanire, billioanire, girls, money, skyscreapers, influence, power
Bitching about Trump shows your IQ, Senate/House run the country. Bitching about Trump is pointless zoomer logic.
It's a hipster sport there
you can disike both. wild to say you can't still not like someone because they don't make every decision
Couldn't care less about Paris
The MAN sucks. Politics aside. Trump is a fat dementia-riddled geezer who needs to shut the hell up.
I don't like faggots.
Can I say fuck faggots? Or is that not allowed in commiefornia?
i'd say have sex instead, just once
>Waaah Trump needs to shut up
lmao at this tranny
It's no longer a crime to intentionally infect people with HIV in California, because they were worried about discrimination or some shit. That place is beyond fucked up.
China's president just made himself the emperor band executes anyone who questions it
>Bitching about Trump shows your IQ
Unironically posting that show's how mad you are lmao
Where are the sports? I expected OP"s flag to be an American since we're so obsessed with politics for some reason
The age minimum and maximum need to be fixed to about 25/30-50, and this should be in every branch of politics, we have 80 year olds making life changing decisions when they don't even know how to connect to the internet without the help of their nephew
Trump gave NASA orders to land on the moon by 2024 and Mars by early 2030.
Trump's support for NASA is a great benefit for all the sciences and thus a great benefit for all of America. This is not debatable as the science that NASA does often times makes its way to the rest of society in technological improvements across the board.
Trump himself in his political legacy will have no long lasting social reform and changes, with most of that being undone by those who will follow him in office. A 4 year term won't be enough to leave lasting damage on the country. His populist election results will be his most remembered talking point in history as well as how polarizing he was to most of the nation.
With that said you have Trump, and Trump alone to thank for the next decades and advancement of our space industry. This technology will trickle down into the rest of society as research done on the moon and on the ISS continues to create technological advancements.
You can hate the orange Cheeto all you want. Think of him as a mentally retarded ignaramous. With that all said and done he will have accomplished more for the greater benefit of society than you will ever in your tiny life.
It's considered a girls sport here, and also the people who promote it always use the argument of "It's The World™'s most popular sport! Look how cool, cosmopolitan and refined I am for watching it in a country where it is not traditionally popular!"
>implying president x wouldn't have done that for NASA
approval ratings, what are they?
He doesn't give a fuck about science or anything, it's all about ratings.
What about the gigantic permanent tax cuts he gave the rich? And the fact that our tax cuts end in 2024.
> a 4 year term
that's the only thing I agree with, the c u ck has a year left and that's it
> With that all said and done he will have accomplished more for..
Shut the fuck up with your incel bullshit, just state your facts and post.
"lmao u mad bra?? u mad bra??"
the most "catch 22" phrase ever, you're still a retarded faggot
ur fired
>ignores that he equated IQ to criticizing a president
t. confirmed buttblasted nigger lmao
"people" meaning 20-something year-abroad American ex-pats exclusively.
You are clearly a terrible, terrible person.
>Can't wait for China to be the dominant world power.
You need to learn a little about China, kiddo.
source, pls
a bloo bloo, did I hurt your feelings cu ck?
>Trump's support for NASA is a great benefit for all the sciences
Yes, because NASA's work has resulted in amazing benefits for mankind...oh wait, that was the military, and not NASA.
>In Europe you get football crowds throwing bananas at black players.
pathetic tBqh
no wonder we regard it as a poverty sport
>let me poorly summarize a sentence to make it seem wrong
t. buttblasted enough to reply to my post lmao
Fans of women's soccer hate successful men, film at 11.
>he won't admit he's wrong
like a baby whining, learn to take the L nigger.
Criticizing Trump is low IQ and cringe worthy. It has got to the point where you can spot actual idiots from the way they insult Trump in order to appear smart and to fit in, when in reality these people never have even two cents to give to any of Trump's politics.
Usually if you question their hate against Trump, instead of giving valid points about his politics, people just back down to insult him even more, showing that they hate Trump but they don't really know why. This usually frustrates the haters, because they want to appear smart but then and there realize that they're something and they have no idea why they're actually doing it.
I've had great fun in my country defending Trump and will carry on doing so, until I meet an individual who actually thinks for themselves and comes up with valid critique about him instead of the crying "WÄÄ WÄÄ HE IS BAD MAN".
TL;DR: Trump haters are low IQ lemmings who hate him to fit in and don't actually have anything relevant to say to anything really.
Would you recommend that book? Looks interesting
>poorly summarize
What he said was pretty much spot on.
Seethe harder drumpfnigger
Unless he's reelected the timeline won't be followed.
2024 is completely arbitrary and was only selected because it's the last year of his presidency if he's reelected.
And even if he's reelected, NASA will have to be really lucky to meet the deadline (there's a bunch of equipment that has to be built yet, and the timeline doesn't give much margin in case there's technical delays, which happen for every large scale engineering program these days).
And there won't be much scientific discoveries from going to the moon again.
I don't get it, I clicked on Yea Forums but I've somehow ended up on /pol/. This always seems to happen it's so strange.
>senate/house run the country
Kind of, it's really the donor class that runs the country. Congress merely ensures that nothing ever passes to benefit U.S workers and the borders stay open, they also approve judges.
Any important decisions are either executive ordered or legislated from the bench at this point, We're like a hybrid oligarchy/kritocracy at this point. Anyone bitching about Trump constantly demonstrates they're herd mentality and surface level understanding of power dynamics in the U.S.
They weren't worried about discrimination, they want the bath house culture of the 80s back and to bring back promiscuous anal sex.
NASA doesn't have the innovation or expertise to make it to the moon by 2024, they've basically turned into a government funded diversity research grant for climate science at this point. You couldn't pay me enough to strap myself into a rocket designed by the current generation of chuckelfucks running that place.
Who would you replace him with oh wise one?
t. burger who thinks science = "muh murican flag on thu moon, gahd bless"
t. billy huang
A new app-based public decision-making system.
Forgive me for thinking our space program's primary focus should be exploring space.
First step to exploring is to go to a place where we haven't been before and do things that haven't been done before.
Defending Trump has got to the point where you can spot actual idiots from the way they love Trump in order to appear smart and to fit in, when in reality these people never have even two cents to give to any of Trump's politics.
Usually if you question their praise for Trump, instead of giving valid points about his politics, people just back down to praise him even more, showing that they love Trump but they don't really know why. This usually frustrates the fans, because they want to appear smart but then and there realize that they're something and they have no idea why they're actually doing it.
I've had great fun in my country attacking Trump and will carry on doing so, until I meet an individual who actually thinks for themselves and comes up with valid critique about him instead of the crying "WÄÄ WÄÄ ORANGE MAN GUD".
TL;DR: Trump fans are low IQ lemmings who love him to fit in and don't actually have anything relevant to say to anything really.
> not enough Mexican immigration for my liking
shut up, nazi faggot
honestly this. it was fun during the election but defending Trump for sucking off Israel everytime he cans is retarded.
fuck off. you faggots ruined /pol/ when you couldn't drop the joke after it stopped being fun.
>Trump himself in his political legacy will have no long lasting social reform and changes
You're from Finland, you guys don't socialize and are all autistic. Trump needs to stop with these bullshit tariffs that keep fucking with the market. Everything goes good until the tariffs kick in and everyone starts losing money. Stock market bounced back, but there are a ton of farming and recycling/raw material exporters still suffering
trump will win in 2020
end yourself already
>2024 is completely arbitrary and was only selected because it's the last year of his presidency if he's reelected
2024 is a completely reasonable deadline for a moon mission. NASA has the timeline set up with several missions laid out to make the trip back to the moon.
Those who say the dates are empty promises don't realize the amount of research and work already put into place to build the new Orion lander.
The moon is the first step for Mars. If anything the Mars mission date will be pushed back, which is understandable when we're talking about the undertaking in human history. We're talking about a situation where if a toilet breaks the spacecrafts oxygen and water supplies are tied to it. Year long journey where everything has to go right.
The first step to Mars is going back to the moon. We'll see a moon landing in the 2020s. The first woman on the moon. By the end of 2040 we'll have our first man on Mars. Going on schedule by 2032.
It doesn't matter whose president when the moon landing occurs it's who set the goal to be met that does matter. Nobody thanks LBJ for the moon landing. It was JFK's mission.
Most of ya can’t wait either. China is BASED.
You're a literal african and dislike him. That is reason enough for me, as an actual homo sapiens sapiens (with some neanderthalensis admixture which you, as a sub-saharan monkey, lack) to like him. Also I'm a big fan of peace, so the guy who made Clinton lose the election is alright in my book.
Americans hate Trump BECAUSE they love their country.
>hating your president means hating your country
How can you not hate Trump? Hes litterally the worst president we've had since Bush.
I like Trump because he makes our Atlanticist elites choke on Uncle Sam's cock
I got to say that's pretty based my guy.
> How can you not hate Trump?
he's hated by shitskins so how could he be bad?
praise allah
Cringy mutts
Funny how the news went from you know, unbiasedly reporting news to becoming a opinion factory.. and no one seems to notice this or care