Does your country have a cursed team? Post em'
ITT: Cursed football clubs
Hey fuck you
I live in America.
The entire country is a cursed footy team.
It’s the most wealthy country in the world in terms of wealth and accessibility, and they still can’t kill their way out of 16s.
Maior vice do Brasil
Leeds lol
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Valencia and Pateti
Does only in domestic leagues count?
Pic related once denied a pay raise to the Jew that won them two European Cups
Never won an European competitivo ever since
>Equipo Grande!
>Less estrellas than cross town little brother
What did Rayados mean by this?
I know that his isn't a club but whatever
The football team of the capital.
Used to be the best team in late 80s but since then has declined to this day. Lots of years in the 2nd division. Even a year in the 3rd division. Looks to keep yo-yoing forever.
>founded 119 years ago
>zero (0) (cero) titles to this day
vai se fude
>haven't won a league title since the greek civil war
>just 1 (one) cup
feel bad for them tbqh
came here for this
>even other small clubs win the state championship from times to times
>ponte preta got nothing
The team I support played a friendly game against them a couple of days ago. A lot of Greeks were present, one had a "Club from germany" shirt on, so there were a lot of immigrants among them. The seethed at the ref a lot when he called a penalty in the last few minutes. Aris was a lot weaker than my team, and it was a pretty easy win and game for Gent.
Ah, Cruz Azul, the team that makes you go JUST.
Atlas hasn't won a league title since the 1950s. Let that sink in.
Mexico's most JUST teams.
but muh micky mouse cups
Is was that Magyar jew right?
Atlético. Nothing comes close.
cual atlético?