What's their problem?
What's their problem?
Other urls found in this thread:
nobody likes them
Weight of the world sagging off their moobs
Lose islam
Win too much
We're the big target because of our power worldwide so people take their anger about their shitty lives out on us
You're getting responses when you act hostile any time we show up
They won’t lose weight
we didn't listen to McCarthy
Third wave feminism
penis too big
Mexico is fatter than the US
No, sweetie, wrong >falling for murilard propaganda
How embarrassing
They got atropelated yet again
They can't win against talking trees and never won anything since.
Except WWC. Fair play to the lasses.
Smaller countries cope by riding our dicks because they are landlets so we like to cock up every thread
Cardiac arrest
If 40% of afult Americans are obese, what percentage is considered as standard overweight and underweight? Factoring those numbers in what is the true percentage of healthy adult Americans?
>49 star flag
more like whats ur problem
they suck, time will tell, their league is getting stronger
Why do you eat this whole taco nachos shit. It's gross as hell
Unironically European countries and Mexico. We enabled their superiority complex and their ego just got bigger until it became unbearable.
Imagine how much better the world would have been now had the frenchies not supported their independence.
they have opinions on things they don't know, and the little information they got is from a sitcom. they are the definitive NPC country. I can already see the replies
that doesn't contradict that all content made in america is souless garbage.
His problem is with Hawaii, evidently.
propaganda and big money
aids, poverty, obesity, homosexuality, manlets, small dicks, porn addiction and delusion
they can't understand when a joke stops being funny.
They invented internet. Have some respect with americans.
Not enough spics in their squad
The Japanese tax fat people and openly bully them in the street. Based
The Spanish shows and movies on Netflix are 30 years behind the US. Try again please. At least your not Mexico who's entertainment is 80 or 90 years behind us so don't feel too bad.
who cares what latin americans make?
We're a country of morons and fat fucks
are you implying that american shows are better? Game of Shit, Lost, Headmai's Tale, and other shit that is berely worth remembering. despite having tons of funds they still make shit stories.
>inb4 breaking bad was good
it was meh
>superiority complex and their ego
Euros still have both of these and you arent even #1 anymore making it even worse. At least Sharts with their arrogance actually literally run the fucking world
Never knew Sumo Wrestlers had their own special tax bracket.
Literally giving an opinion you don't know about.
I hope one day the US becomes a soccer power and takes the one thing the rest of the world has left away from them. I really do.
Honestly the one thing I dislike about United stations is that they turn everything into a political issue. No matter what it is, it will always derail to politics. The women win and all everybody talks about is that dumb cunt who said something about Trump.
No soul.
Cultural imperialism. People are fed up with their shit.
Where did everything went so wrong, please comeback
Bruh. Just like the gold cup, we haven't won that title back from you yet.