I wish to fuck Vonnie.
Other urls found in this thread:
I love Vonnie and this is me
>monday /nrl/
For me it's Dr Rachel Carling-Jenkins.
For me it's Dr Katrina Warren
based narly, screencaping all this useless shit
Pity post because ninja warrior is back today
>will someone make it to the top?
>already said there will be a winner in the ads
>tfw too heterosexual to grab the balls
hate myself lads
What are you a garbage man?
I matched with her on Bumble, not even joking.
>looks like a virgin
>"kids party host"
>that froggy steroid tranny voice
what the fuck is nrl
also smells like homeless abos in here
The only possible way they could have picked worse hosts is if Erin was there as well
What the fuck is that outfit with the garters or whatever
>3 years in a row at obstacle 2
She does have a nice bum though
I thought he was taller than that
Just saw based matt in the front row of the crowd lads
one of the worst threads of the year
one of the worst posts of all time
I unironically want to fuck Virginia Trioli
sorting out my /nrl/ folder lads
dump folder
I've had the funniest home videos theme song stuck in my head for hours for some reason lads
fugly wog slut
last for Manly-Warringah
post more of MY OC friend
Based Vonnie lover