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They're actually making a fuss of this again?
It unironically activates my almonds that they're not going for the people who chanted BUILD THE WALL instead.
Homosexuals BTFO one more time
you fuckers do this at literally every game you play, even your shitty mexican league games
what are they saying
>being this triggered by a two-syllable word
Based mexibros.
Who has a bigger Mexican population? The Mexicans in the US or Mexicans living in faggots heads rent free?
>chant PUTO
The chants were unironically the best part of this shitty match
what was it?
USA getting interested in football was a mistake
It's fun man. It's not homphobic nor mean-spirited at all (well, generally). It's just bantz
How tf you get offended lmao
To be fair no one chants build the wall because the us soccer fanbase is a bunch of putos.
>miazga mocks a player for his physical appearance
>conCACAf rigs matches in favor of Mexico and USA
>Qatar was an option even though is an openly homophobic society
It didn’t Mar my Gold Cup Final experience.
I just don’t understand why the media fucking does this. The chant didn’t *actually* mar anything - they’re just basically lying saying it did because it hurts their own personal feelings. These fucking faggots try and make every little thing about “the greater good” and being politically correct, they can’t just shut the fuck up and let people do whatever.
How will they spin this one? Legal mexicans living in US under Trump learn racist words?
pride month was last month PUUUUUUUUUUTOOOOOOOOOOOOS
"IT's not mean spirited, we call eachother niggerfags all day!!"
See the incongruity?
I agree, btw, I think it's hilarious, but mexican fans can't be all high and mighty and pretend they can't see this coming
It's a homophobic chant. I still funny because i don't care about homosexuals and neither should you.
this people are fucking retarded, the more they tell us to not do it, the more loudly we'll scream it next time
Puto is not raciss though, is like when you call someone a faggot in the 4chinz, just a general use insult by now
chant all you want, but please fuck off with the laser pointers
It's only a matter of time before Mexico has their own SJW revolution. Please happen.
If I learned anything from hanging out with mexicans is never let them know they got under your skin because they keep doing that shit on purpose. Its funny when they do it to someone else but annoying when they do it to you lol.
>but please fuck off with the laser pointers
you didnt understand at all, now we're gonna use lasers MORE
Who cares lol. Mexicans dont care. Seriously. They dont fucking care, whatever fifa or concacaf do it wont matter. They will continue to do it until they get bored of it, meanwhile söiboys, sjws, leftist, and fags will keep seething.
>SJWs attack us over petty shit like this
Not gonna happen
>hanging out with mexicans
want to /pol/post but can't, unironically enjoy the company of these catholic pro-family people.
Literally lmao’ing at how accurate this is. A modern journalist will literally not even entertain the idea of their hyper progressive worldview ever being shaken
matter of time
californians already spread their disease on them
who do you think started this dumbass latinx bullshit
it's already happening, wait until abortion is discussed in the congress
i will just kickback and enjoy how catholics chimp out
stop with the cartel stuff and stop staying in your own country
fucking had one job, cleetus.
But I mean, there really isn't incongruity. Sure it's vulgar as all hell, but it's like how Australians call everyone cunt. The word started strong but the use wore it down. It might still be too much for some people, though, and that's why outside of matches you don't use it with strangers, just like you wouldn't use nigga with every black person you meet.
shutup bigots
>stop staying in your own country
With pleasure!
>Couldn't go to Pride this year
Feels bad
My friends and I called each-other faggot all through middle and high-school and now if I call a friend a fag I get kicked out of the bar.
Common use is no excuse nowadays, these sensitive types come for everything resembling thick-skinned humor.
Just counter them making coments about their sisters/mothers/cousins. Not the typical "mama jokes", but saying they are fuckable or know how to bang. That always messed us, and is a perfect way to made us back off.
I will not tolerate that heterophobic language on my board.
Why are first worlders such fags
fucking based, gonna try this out
It's already happening cause your fucking cancerous influence
It is happening.
Just recently the fag parade was massive.
They created the National Center of Gender Equality.
Mexico City now says that boys can wear skirts at school.
Senate now has a gender quota of 50% female.
The law against catcalling is in effect.
SEP is pushing for gender neutral language.
Fag propaganda more common on TV.
We are fucked.
You should probably stop going to gay bars then
>it's like how Australians call everyone cunt
we were gaslit by the media into doing this.
they're all gay bars now.
No wonder why our country is going to shit full speed now, like it has always been like this but it was in a more slowly less embarrassing way but now holy fuck we are truly fucked
I'd be more concerned about AMLO giving money to literal NEETs, but then again I'm bisexual, so I'm biased.
It's just typical anglo autism. You can't understand context at all, your language just can't into double meanings
You don't understand Mexican culture. You're trying to apply American SJW values to Mexican people. It doesn't work like that. Plus, even actual faggots call each other a faggot.
Not according to the BBC. Apparently all the women got together and started chanting for equal pay in "Megan Rapinoe's tournament".
>I'm bisexual
Fucking bigot there's more than 2 genders I'm literally shaking as I type this you horrible person
Its okay though. Since your country is populated by low IQs theyll just laugh at the faggots even though laws are in effect.
I'm an American who was in Mexico City in May and I saw Club America vs Cruz Azul at Azteca. Yelling "ayyyyy putoo" was my favorite part of the match
>English can't into double meanings
They weren't in mexico
I'm not the one who's going to be doing it, first the US media and then your own media. Again, I'm not promoting this idea, it's just the truth. Progressivism is coming to Mexico faster than you can possibly prepare for.
It's already happening all the young generation are already sjw, I blame the internet, they all want to be snowflake Tumblr kids because they think it's modern and want to rebel against Mexico trad culture
based American tourist
>Progressivism is coming to Mexico faster than you can possibly prepare for.
We'll see, Larry.
If you hanged out around the stadium for a while you probably could have seen a drunk taxi driver fistfight
no u
I think the real issue is just assuming 'faggot' is a fully accurate translation of 'puto'.
Sure, it's the most approximate equivalent, but both words have completely different "weights" to them, as well as different history.
You say this unironically but so many of the fucking cunts who identify as "pansexual" like to pull off that shit. Portraying us as evil bastards only in it for the sex and casually implying trans people are completely different genders.
sounds like a fun evening
>I blame the internet,
I blame American SJWs and the web, particularly Twitter.
I'm never using that latinx word
This. Puto could also mean pussy, for example,
The easy way to start is using words like "cuñado" if you are refering to the sister, "primo" if is the cousin. Sentences like "¿cuando me vas a presentar a tu hermana, cuñado?" (roughly: When are you going to introduce me to your sister, "cuñado"?) is almost the most easy way to start messing up.
I wanted to get out before I got shanked
I blame your ((((media outlets))))
what are you, fucking gay?
>Mexico City now says that boys can wear skirts at school.
You are literally retarded if you undertand that law like this.
based Mexico.
gayer than u mohammad
In the 1950's Australia was more concerned with manners and propriety than Victorian England.
who the fuck let the tranny americans in here?
it's a chant, faggot.
Why is Mexico such a shitty country?
At least we're a country.
To liberal Americans, faggots are more oppressed than Mexicans. It's a hierarchy and whoever is most oppressed gets all the attention
so its:
muslims > fags > mexicans
no the people enabling faggot degeneracy are the shitty ones.
>celebrating degeneracy and mental illness
>USA fag pride parades
who is the problem here?
thanks bro this is awesome
"Puto" means a man who lacks "balls" to act like how a man is supossed to act. Because the homosexuality is associated with flamboyant, unmasculine, unbrave and thus with the idea of being fucked in the ass. It is enrooted in the same prejudices that the word "chingar". Of course had an homofobic component, everybody that denies it is a brainlet. But who cares, i will still using it because i find it funny and i don't mind if someone call me a homophobe.
>richest most powerful country
>borderline failed state that can't improve for century
>It unironically activates my almonds that they're not going for the people who chanted BUILD THE WALL instead.
I thought Mexicans didn't care?
Also stop flooding our country withlow wage immigrants please
Trannies > Muslims >women> blacks > fags > mexicans >whites >asians >bisexuals>dirt>furries>children
tell me why people can criticize Trump but "ehhhhhh puto" is wrong?
Are you really this angry over some people in a stadium bantering?
At least we're actually a country, wew
AJAJAJAJAJAJAJA Pinches gringos putos.
>faggots are more oppressed than Mexicans.
Trannies are more oppressed than Mexicans. Regular gay/bi white men are bottom of the whole pyramid scheme. If you know what in saying.
top kek.
This is pretty based
When will you learn? We are not cuckable.
>Beat the gringos
>They have to endure the lesbians saying they're better than the """men""" team
>STILL upset lefties with a chant
LMAO can we BE anymore CHAD?
Because unlike you, we lack a coherent culture and a homogenous background. We still live under the rules of the caste system of the spanish colonization, people want to move upper in the social hierarchy at every cost and didn't mind to fuck others in the process. And of course that includes fucking with the ones you perceive below you. Basically we are fuckers that lacks a sense of belonging and duty with a society.
>The capital
>"It's already happening"
The capital is literally a left-wing circle jerk that is unique in how fucking exceptional it is. No one else is going what they are doing.
And also most of the people outside CDMX tends to laugh and mock said new rules anyway.
… And the country is mostly catholic anyway.
Most of that shit won't last. Mark my words. Unlike amerishits and twitterfags, most Mexicans don't give a shit about such things.
Hey chairo, go back to the CDMX with that faggotry.
>we are fuckers that lacks a sense
Go pay for a decent English course, mate lmao you're not gonna make it otherwise
all you need to know is whatever side liberals are taking is wrong. it's the most foolproof way to have a 100% correct worldview
Most people in the capital don't give a shit about the sjw bs. They vote(d) Morena (PRD) for gibs me dats. And a lot of SJW's here come from other states looking for a safe space. So no, it's not even a thing here.
t. Chilango
I don't see the problem, they aren't looking at the context.
It isn't that the keeper is a faggot, it's a chant to irritate him and the fans enjoy it. It's not like, racist slurs or anything bad.
Fag is a cigarette in England. Not an insult.
More like CHINA lmoa
Puto is kinda like the word fuck, it has many uses and meanings (even as a verb).
As in homo/faggotry
>Oye, ese wey es puto?
>Hey, is that lad a faggot?
As in receiving a really good hit, can be a punch or just getting hit by something
>Cuidado no te vaya a dar un putazo
>Careful don't let it hit/smash you
To refer to someone in a rude but casual way
>No, ese no es el puto que busco
>Nope, that's not the dude I'm looking for
Referring to sluts
>Tu novia es una puta, hermano
>Your girlfriend is a whore, brother
To refer to someone in a rude way
>Casi me tumbas puto!
>You almost trip me asshole!
As in quantity (Like really huge)
>Pues falta un putazo de tiempo para que empieze el juego
>Well it's going to take a fuckload of time before the game starts
As in emotions (Anger)
>No le hables porque anda emputado
>Don't talk to him because he is fucking angry
To refer to someone as a coward
>Andale wey vamos no seas puto
>Come on man let's go don't be a pussy
As in a real good beat down
>No vayas ahi que tal si te ponen una putiza?
>Don't go there what if they beat the shit out?
Pretending to be retarded
>No te hagas puto, donde la escondiste?
>Don't kid yourself, where did you hide it?
To describe exclusively gay sex aka acts of sodomy (Impossible to use on a hetero context)
>Ves? Eso que te paso es por andar puteando
>See? What happened to you it's because you keep fucking fags
And so many more.
>Liberals throwing spics under the bus
american leftist could be given 100lbs of gold and all they would do is complain about how heavy it is
Wait, since when is “Puto” homophobic? I thought it simply meant male whore.
>Most of that shit won't last. Mark my words. Unlike amerishits and twitterfags, most Mexicans don't give a shit about such things.
Can't wait until countries start to shame Mexico for being such bigots and other shit, lmao. You know you can't escape being Americanized, that includes the culture.
Underrated post
Estas completamente equivocado amigo. Yo onions consciente de como funcionan las cosas y se que si quiero mantener el mismo nivel social que mi padre me ha heredado, debo tomar acciones que indudablemente van a joder a otras personas. No es agradable, pero no puedes competir contra otros si ellos nunca van a seguir las reglas.
Gracias, mex-user. Lo tendré en cuenta.
altishit and bradlel marred my experience tbphwy
Therein lies the importance of context. It roughly means male prostitute but it’s kind of implied that it’s a gay male prostitute. Words like mayate, joto, and maricon are far worse though.
pls fuck off to twitter and keep your mental illness there
From less offensive to more offensive, "Puto" can be used as "motherfucker", "man whore", "pussy" or "faggot".
In the football context I think it means "pussy".
>We still live under the rules of the caste system of the spanish colonization, people want to move upper in the social hierarchy at every cost and didn't mind to fuck others in the process.
Those two statements are not even fucking compatible. If we truly still sticked to old colonial rules, then why do people have the chance to climb up the ladder at the expense of others? The caste system was based on who are your parents and where they live. Sure, there's still some racism today but not enough to warrant you saying we're still caste slaves.
As for the other thing, isn't every single country like this? You're going to find greedy, soulless fucks in every country. Taiwan very much included. They're still not a good representation of Mexican culture and society, though. They're not a good representation of ANY society, period, not even the US. Our culture and society are based on tight family bonds and hospitality, YOU MORE THAN ANY OTHER FLAG IN THIS THREAD should know this.
To think all of this came from some butthurt asshats getting mad at people chanting banter in a match, Jesus Christ.
It means faggot in that context and you know it. Just embrace it or openly say you're against it, faggot.
in love with her since
idk where is an original
good example out of my ass is say a leftist gets in office and suddenly the narrative flips that yes Mexico actually depends on our economy much more than vice versa right now i.e. they do jobs Americans don't want to do.
public opinion will get scrubbed of this narrative and view mexico as dependent on us. this will lead to said leftist making passive agressive threats to withhold whatever economically until "Mexico enters the current year socially" or some shit like that. then when money is on the line Mexico leaders will start bending the knee to push progressive social issues. dude is painfully naive of how this works. it might be slow but it will probably happen
No it doesn't, you're supposed to yell puto when the keeper punts the ball in a goal kick, meaning he's a pussy for not playing it to a defender, if he plays it short you remain silent. I don't expect Chicanos and chilangos to know this though.
good post here
kek you're so full of shit, then why do people yell it when formations are announced? They are calling the whole opposite team «dick sucking faggots» in a derogatory manner. Fuck you and your shoehorse faggotry trying to appeal to both SJW's and muh Mexican traditional spice ay arriba arriba
yeah I hate homosexuals
seemed like they yelled it when the keeper was stalling too long on the goal kick
This is NOT okay!
do russians have measurable brain damage due to shitty vodka and drugs?
Wait, "puto" means "faggot"?
Ain't just the opposite of "puta" (whore) ?
>immigrants they are trying to save (pretty sure 90% of the people in the stadium are illegal): PUUUUUUTOOOOOOOO
makes you think.
Based beyond belief
>le VoDkA anD CroCoDiLe xD
It is the opposite of "puta", so you could literally translate "puto" as "manwhore" or, more accurately , "male prostitute", but it's mostly used as "faggot" instead (the more precise word for fag is "joto")
Nice falseflag but no one uses puto to mean faggot literally especially in "eh puto"
CDMX elected (((shenbaun))) she is pushing a lot of this crap. Most people are against this shit but they are too lazy to do something.
Also El Peje don't cares about that as long as he still popular.
what about "maricón"?
The closest translation would be sissy.
> stop flooding our country withlow wage im-
Fag, fruit boy, queer, sissy, homo, etc. take your pick.
Maricon is also used call out cowards so it works the same as calling people pussies.
Lmao, someone is so salty that we lost that they wrote this garbage? Truly fucking pathetic.
Based & carne asada pilled
basado anime poster puto
yep, that's going to be a based from me
But that is the real world not your incel anonymous forum
I'm starting to think Mexicans are more likeable than Americans even when considering all the cartel shit.
What does cartel has to do with the general populace?
we had a protest in San Francisco *against* the gay pride parade by faggots who thought the parade was being co-opted by corporations and non-gays
Not much but they couldn't exist if members of the general populace weren't willing to work for them or cooperate.
Fuck up cunt
And here we have the endangered Aussie larrikin
Whoever reads this is a puto el que lo lea.
FIFA will never stop this from being chanted and everyone better get used to it.
Do Mexicans even give a shit about the Wall? I always thought that only bothered Shitcanos and illegals. I know Tejanos don't give a shit since they always harp on how their ancestors fought on the US side in the Mexican-American war so they don't see themselves as Mexican.
more like bigotes
>Can't wait until countries start to shame Mexico for being such bigots and other shit, lmao.
Good, this will only make us double down on our anti-PC culture until the world becomes sane again.
Why Taiwan is not a independent country and he is still being the slave of China?
>Do Mexicans even give a shit about the Wall?
Not really, our version of SJW are the only ones getting worked by Trump and the central american migrants in concentration camps. Most mexicans see Trump as a joke.
What does "Empute" mean? I know some Mexican who uses it whenever he gets upset. I know it has something to do with puto. Is he calling himself a faggot?
"Emputar" means "to get angry".
>me emputé = I got angry
>se emputó = he got angry
Puto is the most generic insult ever, it's on par with "fucking" in English. And its original meaning is not homophobic either, so that. Offended SJWs who don't even know our slang can suck it.
>copa america in 2016 in the US
>the atmosphere of the start/end of being live watching mexico get rekt by chile
>the amount of banter and alcohol and screaming is something I don’t think i can experience again
Honestly being live at a game were everyone is drunk and coming together to scream puto is just the best desu lads
Based. Maybe the chicanos can save the burgers from the LGBT menace.
ITT: Caca perro
what's the big deal? Americans are faggots.
Based mejibro
Based hermano meji kkjjjj tremendos ridiculos estos yankis obesos de mierda jijo
Even so the collaborators are generally dirt poor rural types working farms or growing the base product and only make up a fraction of the general populace who want nothing to do with that shit.
Soccer is gay
When did you realize Mexicans were the answer to the us?
As confirmed yesterday the American male is a pussy dominated by women
was it anything like this?
Reminder Spanish is a two-gender language and is unironically based and rojo pilled
>SJW values
I hear you fuckers chant this at MLS games clearly the wall is needed
>Woemn's team does stupid shit.
>Spic team calls Amerifats PUTO
>Still asshurt.
>spic team
It was the fans in the crowd chanting it, mostly US citizens who support Mexico.
did bags of piss get thrown?
Nah that's only for games in Mexico. Mexican-Americans aren't as hardcore as their cousins south of the border.
>w-what about orange man?!
Kys cuck, your daddy trumpito isn't relevant
>shitty people sing a chant for attention
>media gives them attention
>"How do we stop this sort of thiiiing???"
>be american
>dad #1 and dad #2 take me to oakland poofers vs queensland queers game
>we visit mcdonald and kfc before the match start, even though dad #1 struggles to get through the door, we finally manage to slip him in by greasing him with our dirty hair
>in the stadium now
>cheerleaders show before the match start, all of them are obviously transgenders and gays because it's no longer 20th century where the women were discriminated against and objectified
>at the end of the show they all make out in front of us
>teams come out
>literally and metaphorically
>national anthem before we start
>instead of the USA flag there's the rainbow faggots flag flying high
>after national anthem, there's the faggots anthem called 'You'll Never Walk Alone'
>match finally starts
>cannot see shit because people in front of me are waving rainbow, LBGT and antifa flags
>chanting starts, everybody sings 'GAY PRIDE WORLD WIDE', 'BEING GAY IS OKAY'
>half time, burger kind commercials and Poof Daddy singing for 15 minutes
>second half starts
>the whole game finishes 0:0 because it's boring sawker, four players have been sent off for sucking each other off on the pitch
>leave the stadium
>get shot
based mexico
outrage culture is fucking retarded
because the wall is a good thing
Based Mexicanos.
I’m gay and ur a fuckin faggot
Get fucked lower case china!
Based. Makes me want to learn Spanish.
mexican spanish has the worst banter
>literally and metaphorically
every time.
I do like Iberian accents and dialects more.
>stop staying in your own country
This is why they immigrate you retard
So what usage are the mexican fans using? And is it directed at the players? The country? The other fans? Just yelling puto for the sake of yelling puto?
It used to be exclusively to the opposing goalkeeper, but because the media gets so pissed about the chant, it’s kind of a giant fuck you to America in general now.
why do monkeys do what they do? because they're animals that haven't evolved to human levels. the same applies to mexicans and central americans
Please, burritos, whatever plan you have for the US enact it sooner rather than later. Behead those putos.
I constantly see this shit about Mexicans chanting whatever fucking word that is, and have been for years. how much of a pussy are Americans?? also good for Mexicans for not giving a shit
ironic that all these US media outlets so perturbed by Trump's wall to stop Mexicans illegally jumping the border, are demanding cultural domination over a foreign country.
the US is free to not engage in homophobic banter, but if it's a part of a foreign culture, they have no right to enforce their views on that foreign culture.
gayer than u fuckboy I'll suck ur dick
>Acronym of "President Übermensch Trump Omnipresent"
>another episode of americans being clueless about football
Kek. Imagine if they saw the jew chants at Ajax-Feyenoord or banana throwing at Serie A.
Quit pozzing up this board, fag
Puto is the euivalent to fuck in English. It's a vulgar word that has as many meanings as the speaker wants.
So no, we are not going to stop using it any time soon.
So long as people follow clickbait links and buy tabloids, it's only going to keep getting worse.
>I shit on your mother
Okay, you might have a point
Fucking based jap I never thought of that.
I was saying boo urns boo urns
Homophobic chants are the best part of football
"Puto" in Portugal is just slang for bro or a kid, although Puta means whore.
t. seething homosexual
you seem to be proud of your subhuman culture? nice. literal savages. soccer should be a family sport like here. not a bunch of antisemitic homophobic degenerates.
Good point. So it is a gender aware, SJW friendly language. Sad
Holy kek.
Someone's Social Credit Score just got a big bump.
it's not about being homophobic or not. the thing is thats actually cringie as fuck
>tfw went to the mexico matches here in houston with my mexican bros and we shouted the ayyyyyyy puto
Great times
Grow a pair, protestant faggot
muy basado
>Do Mexicans even give a shit about the Wall?
Not really, its the general disrespect of trump towards México and Mexicans that pisses most people of, the wall? We Will Just build tunnels lol
I thought liberals hated cultural imperialism?
>Your girlfriend is a whore, brother
lmao too soon
Spanish really is complex
KeK based polish user
>el var sinso es joto
ay varamba dijo el var sinso aaaajjjjj kkkkkkkkkkkkk
If i'm not mistaken puto chant was dedicated to Osvaldo Sánchez, goalkeeper of ChivASS and Mexican NT during early 2000s. In this case he was a puto, because he cried in a match, he was a coward, a pussy, a crybaby.
Americans can't pretend they don't understand puto, they used it here:
South American banter is even better imo
rage more maricon
>after national anthem, there's the faggots anthem called 'You'll Never Walk Alone'
>thousands of people chanting something makes them scared of fags
I'm not homophobic i just don't like em
Chingar is also very versatile.
That evolutionary reasoning makes no sense, monkeys and humans share a commom ancestor, we are not sure If that no ancestor was a 'monkey'.
>mars the game
Are they going to have to put an asterisk on the trophy so we know the crowd was racist and ruined the game?
>thousands of people somehow scared of fags
Funny how most times you have thousands of scared people in an enclosed space it doesn't turn out so well, people getting trampled and shit, etc.
Based mexicans. May they conquer the USA!
It is, but not in Méjico
I'm all for it less brown shit heads
Based catholic Mexico. Fuck USA and the west.
>i-it's Spanish fault that we are stupid as fuck and cant developed a proper weltanschauung.
good goy
American values in America? Shocker. Don't expect to go to another country (sometimes illegally) and have them understand your culture.
I hope you understand what tribe is behind it all.
Hmmmmmm i'd like to guess the Jews
>The capital is literally a left-wing circle jerk
This is how it is in every big city in every country. It does fucking matter since that's where all of the power and influence are, and if you don't vigorously oppose them at every turn, they'll always win. The lunatic activists have nothing better to do and all sorts of time and money to wear down normal people who just don't have the energy to keep telling them no. That's how fag rights and marriage got through in this country despite the overwhelming majority of people being against them every step of the way - eventually, the normies will succumb to the propaganda and give in.
You need to round these types up and shoot them, not laugh them off. They never stop.
We're in the world cup?
>IT's not mean spirited, we call eachother niggerfags all day!!"
we do call each other niggers tho when did burgers got so thin skinned?
That's a good thing. You burgers should exploit this to send back all the spics from your country.
Typical Amerimutt thinks he is the centre of the universe.
even though it is homophobic its not too bad
The real problem is drug sales and illegal activity over the open border, care about that libtards because it fucks up mexico and usa
based beaners
how ironic that (((liberals))) import them by the millions so they vote democrat but they end up shooting down gay legislation because they're all catholic lmao
even playing PUBG, the fucking Mexicans saying this shit at the start of every game.
really makes you think wonder they're so incredibly obsessed with man-on-man sex.
true enough, but it does shit up the atmosphere of games
>foreigners violating our safe space again
It's not fair, Ameribros. We need to build the wall.
Nah, you're just a little faggot pussy soiboy lmao
everyone, to all of them, yes
im not joking, is such generic thing to do in the mexican mindset
I didn't know they played soccer on Mars
>>literally and metaphorically
welp, that's it. revoke the cup and give it to the United States. A real stain on the beautiful game
based mexicans
Based retard
Muy importante jajajajajaja arribaa!!
>kween slay
You're little too comfortable with this term, putx.
all the ones that post after me are putos.
stop necro bumping this shit you retards
I remember a time when onions boys were contained to reddot.
go back to mexico, friend.
>getting triggered by a seanigger delicacy
we really are the most powerful race in the world
that nigga got big fucking hands