Yeah I'm thinking they deserve equal pay
Yeah I'm thinking they deserve equal pay
Equal pay is what your mom gets for giving me head on a balance beam
Not until they play FC Dallas U-15 again.
And I'm proud to be an American
Where at least I know I'm free
And I won't forget the men who died
Who gave that right to me
And I'd gladly stand up next to you
And defend Her still today
'Cause there ain't no doubt
I love this land
God Bless the U.S.A.
the uswnt will now fuck the usmnt with strap-ons as punishment
all women need to be murdered
Memes aside why are people actually against the women getting equal pay? They actually win shit and aren't an embarrassment like our mens team
For what? Wining when they play against more shitty teams than they are? Give me a break, U17 need to be payed more thant them.
Edgy faggot
Because they want equal pay but bring in a lot less money. Women tournaments are kid-tier.
Cringe, have sex
This. Men's soccer is an embarrassment to this country. PAY OUR WOMEN
Because it dont work like that, nobody watch women's football.
The level is very very very low and its not because usa males are shit that the rest of the world is.
Somehow I doubt the men bring in more money by losing the Gold Cup and failing to qualify for the world cup.
>*loses to 12 year olds*
I think you mean more money than the US Men's Choking Team
That might be true at the club level but at the national level I think more people tune in to watch the women's team.
They actually do look it up
Literally shut down the men’s team and pay the women what they got
Equal pay for beating a bunch of school teachers.
Holy based
All women's teams are embarrassments by default
who the fuck watches women’s sports? i dont know anyone and i live in the shittiest lefty city on earth
No they dont
did you see the stadium today
women cant even fill 10% of that
NT pay is nothing compared to club, besides that there's the sponsors and all, this world cup showed us that they all still dont have the level to entertain us. Wich means low interest and low income.
The US invests a lot of money in women’s soccer. Other countries don’t. There’s a reason the women’s World Cup is nothing but amateurs and school teachers.
I want to think that the posts here are trolls, but lets be honest that american soccer fans are the biggest libtard c*cks in the US next to those who unironically use "sportsball"
>Illegal immigration at highest levels since Dubya
>No repeal and replace Obamacare
>Trump couldn't stop the caravan
>Trump couldn't end DACA
>Trump couldn't pass the RAISE act
>Trump couldn't end Birthright Citizenship
>Trump couldn't make E-Verify a law
>Trump couldn't defund Planned Parenthood
>Trump couldn't invest $1 trillion to improve national infrastucture
>Trump couldn't pass the travel ban
>Trump couldn't close the Wall Street special interest loopholes
>Trump couldn't put price controls on prescription drugs
>Trump couldn't stop foreign lobbyists from raising money for American election
>Trump couldn't resist bombing Syria
>Trump couldn't pull the U.S out of NATO
>Anti bds law
>Gave israel 38 billion
>Increased the National debt by $2trillion
>Gave the 1% a tax cut
>Farmers bill
>Omnibus bill
>Amnesty bill
>Crime 'reform' bill
>No unclassified FISA
>No Awan indictment
>No Uranium One investigation
>No voter fraud investigation
>No Feinstein Chinese spy investigation
>Pedogate has vanished
>55k sealed indictments went nowhere
>Hired a bunch of neocons
>Continued middle eastern wars
>Ramping up for even more wars
>Global LGBT crusade
>Wants equal pay for beating crappy teams around the world.
there's a reason why you've never had sex
>They actually win shit and aren't an embarrassment like our mens team
To the rest of the world women’s soccer is an embrassment. That’s the only way a backwards nation like the US can win in this sport.
When they can bring in a crowd of consistent fans then maybe
He has a point and you juste told him he is a virgin? So by your standards we should let women do everything they want so we will have sex with them?
Thats just retarded, swallow the pill womens are still inferior in sports and thats not a big deal.
those are a big ass 15 year old kids.
>literal kids
now imagine men.
For mexicans maybe
the average woman here is the size of the average man in mexico
yikes please have intercourse
I’m not even gonna cap right now, stop with that basedboy male feminist “I called him an incel online May I PLEASE have just a taste of coochie” bullshit. They don’t get paid enough because they don’t bring in tickets and crowds like the men’s team does, and that’s that. Why the fuck would you pay someone more if they’re making less, it makes no goddamn sense.
t. virgin
agreed bro. What an incel
I did more than you, womens want real mens wo dare say no and put them into their place not some sissy faggot like you.
Lets be real, most of the people in the stadium were there to watch Mexico not USA.
You're talking about just in America. If USA (men) are playing a friendly against Colombia, most of Colombia will tune in and a portion of USA will tune in. If it's the same teams with women, a portion of the US will tune in and nobody in Colombia will give a fuck. The US team just steamrolled the Women's world cup and never looked like giving up a lead because there's no competition. Nobody else invests in women's football.
I'm in favor of them getting merit pay. Take their ratings, their jersey sales, porportion it that way.
>this incel rage
You're pretty much done growing at 15
I dont get it. I thought players didnt get paid for playing in their NT
If you're a girl
buy sex
"The men still pull the World Cup money wagon. The men's World Cup in Russia generated over $6 billion in revenue, with the participating teams sharing $400 million, less than 7% of revenue. Meanwhile, the Women's World Cup is expected to earn $131 million for the full four-year cycle 2019-22 and dole out $30 million to the participating teams."
The female football team is actually being paid more than the men.
>Already making more money than the men's
LMAOing at you right now
What? Of course they get payed, from the nearly 4 billion Fifa got in Russia, 13% or 9% percent go to the teams.
I agree. But knowing women, though, they'll probably still find something to complain and feel oppressed and victimized about. I say just go ahead and give them what they want so that they can become part of the drama crapshoot of every other US sport and their fans can finally shut up.
>I know I'm free
>inb4 fReDuM iNdEx of sjw lefty countriesm with no free speech and free will expressing in media and lawm at the top, which are mirror of Russia basically where Putin swept with libdem non-whites in power
*Knock knock*
Have sex
>no free speech and free will expressing in media and law, at the top
How much of that goes to players tho?
I did some calculations and assuming the players get everything of that money, that would be 700k dollars. Literally peanuts to almost every player participating in the WC.
Mainly because people are being disingenuous in an effort to virtue signal on Twitter.
Women's team get a salary and win less bonuses on their wins because of the nature of the events that they participate in. Men's team don't get a salary but for their wins, they get paid more on a percentage through bonuses. They made nothing last world cup because they weren't even there.
Even more, based on the bonuses the women's team takes more of a revenue share from their world cup on wins than the men's team because the women's are ranked higher in their event.
I mean some people get their late bursts of a couple inches. I know the occasional freaks who explode, but really that's just late puberty
They already get equal pay you moron
The only reason the "women get paid less than men" meme exists is because women have to take 6 fucking months off work to have a baby with maternity leave
Gender pay gap also takes into account part time work and women by far work part time hours more than men. You can't be a manager if you work 14 hours a week.
Dare to shine?
how about....
Dare to ZLATAN!
They unironically do. The USMNT is garbage
>thinking based zla wants any of that estrogen enlarged labia trash when he slays leo's based boipusy every night
That's not the over arching issue here. When will they get back to the kitchen? They need to be feeding people and cleaning stuff.
My local pub team would shit all over these holes.
you just know
>Memes aside why are people actually against the women getting equal pay?
They don't generate the money to warrant it, that's all.
If they did, why not?
But you can't pay people equally simply because they're playing the same sport.
If so, then why not equal pay for the paralympic soccer teams?
Both the male and female paralympic teams.
And why not equal pay for the U-15's, who can easily defeat the USWNT, after all.
The national team (read: men's team) is part of the biggest sporting even in the world, and that's that.
On what basis, tho? How would you justify that?
they do
14 year old kids beat these dykes on the regular in friendly matches with double digits.
>their league brings in less money
>they get paid a bigger share of it
so you're saying we should pay them less?
Don't the male and female teams have mostly independent money pots with their own revenues and payments? Or are they taking money from one to put it in the other?
I agree with giving equal salaries/bonusses. It is ridiculous to earn 150.000 usd a week just to kick a ball.
Memes aside how do you not understand basic supply and demand in 2019
They are actually paid better than men. They get bigger percent of their cup revenue than men get. Men's tournament is just much bigger event with much more money involved. People are willing to pay men's tournament tickets and tv-rights than for women's tournament. Women's tournament isn't even broadcast in many countries. The massive popularity of US women's national team is a strange thing, but to put things into a perspective, 2015 women's world cup final had 40 million in tv audience, 25 million of 'em in US.
More like pay the mens team what the women make
Can't see much wrong with equal pay for international football, depending on how good your country is I suppose. The England men just donate their match fees to charity anyway.
Men are superior to Women. Men will always deserve better payment.
Then they'll fall to the ground and cry for real.
Bolsonaro disagrees.
Teams also contain coaching staff, medical personnel and other support staff.
Honestly they should be paid more than that gong show that is the men's team.
Lmao, incel over 9000
>campaign for equal pay
>USMNT now gets paid the same as the USWNT
What would the reaction be?
The Mens' World Cup generates $6B in revenue.
The Womens' World Cup generates $400M in revenue.
The men receive 9% of that in pay.
The women receive 13% of that in pay.
Male team would disband in protest
>Rapinoe talks smack
>Trump says she should back it up before talking big
>she does
oof that's gotta hurt
They don't
But if there's one country cucked enough to pay their women big bucks for beating amateurs, it's the US
Why does everyone bring up skill level in these discussions? The only thing that matters is how much money is generated, whether you beat great teams or terrible teams. I don't see how women losing to teenage boys makes any difference. If they made more money than the men then I would advocate they receive more money than the men.
Skill is important, because it gives value to players and teams, nobody wants to watch shitty players and shitty teams, and for what i saw women's wc was cringey as fuck it looked like legit 9 yo kids playing
Also the more value a player have the more juicy sponsor contracts it will have, even NT have sponsors so do the math.
T.projecting incel
>Pedogate has vanished
Aaanddd you lost me. Including Pedogate on that list is like scoring a 1600 on the math and English SAT only to admit believing in Bigfoot in the essay.